Назначение вероятностей на перекрестках - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 27 февраля 2019

Здравствуйте, я новичок в netlogo, ваша помощь будет оценена по достоинству.Я моделирую автомобили на перекрестке / перекрестке. Автомобили этой модели используют левую сторону дороги для движения.У меня 2 вопроса.

  1. Назначение вероятностей для автомобилей, прибывающих из другого перекрестка, для поворота влево или вправо или без поворота.

    • например, когда заголовок 90 автомобиля X достигает патча pxcor = 137 и pycor = 155, чтобы иметь 0,3 вероятности сделать левый поворот или 0,7 вероятности движения прямо.Как только Car X достигнет pxcor = 138 и pycor = 155, вероятность поворота направо составит 0,4, а вероятность выпрямления - 0,6.

    • та же логика будет применяться к автомобилю Y, курс 270 - у этого автомобиля 0,6 вероятности сделать первый левый поворот или 0,4 вероятности продолжения движения при достижении заплатами pxcor = 138 и pycor = 154,Как только автомобиль Y достигает pxcor = 137 и Pycor = 155, вероятность поворота вправо составляет 0,2, а вероятность не повернуть (0,8) - 0,8

  2. Как мнесделать так, чтобы автомобили не использовались в мире, как только они покинут дорожную развязку.Что происходит в моей модели, так это то, что когда автомобиль x поворачивает налево, он снова появляется как Автомобиль XY на дороге pxcor = 137 и (pycor> 21 и pycor <154) и означает! = "Перекресток" </p>

Можете сослаться на мой код и прикрепленное изображение Спасибо.

breed[cars car]
breed[lightsR lightR]
breed[lightsL lightL]
breed[lightsU lightU]
breed[lightsD lightD]
breed[crossings crossing]

to setup
  set speedLimit speed-limit
to go
to control-traffic-lights
  if ticks mod (50 * lights-interval * greenH + 65 * lights-interval * redH ) = 0 [change-color lightsR "H" change-color lightsL "H"]
  if ticks mod (50 * lights-interval * greenV + 65 * lights-interval * redV ) = 0 [change-color lightsU "V" change-color lightsD "V"]
to change-color [lights D]
  ask lights [
    ifelse color = red [
      ifelse D = "H" [
        set greenH greenH + 1
        set greenV greenV + 1]
      ifelse D = "H" [
        set redH redH + 1][
        set redV redV + 1]
  ask lights [
    ifelse color = red [set color green] [set color red]

to draw-roads

  ;create crossroads
  ask patches with [(pxcor = 137 and pycor = 154 ) or (pxcor = 137 and pycor = 155 ) or ( pxcor = 138 and pycor = 155 )
                    or ( pxcor = 138 and pycor = 154 ) ] [
  set pcolor white
  set meaning "crossroad"
  ask patches with [pxcor = 137 and (pycor > 155 and pycor < 320) and meaning != "crossroad"] [
    set pcolor grey
    sprout 1 [
     set shape "road2"
     set color grey
   set meaning "A-47-2-In"]

   ask patches with [pxcor = 137 and (pycor > 21 and pycor < 154)  and meaning != "crossroad"] [
    set pcolor grey
    sprout 1 [
     set shape "road2"
     set color grey
     set heading 270
    set meaning "A-15-Exit"]

  ask patches with [pxcor = 138 and (pycor > 155 and pycor < 320) and meaning != "crossroad" ] [
    set pcolor grey
    sprout 1 [
      set shape "road2"
      set color grey
      set heading 90
      stamp die
    set meaning "A-47-2-Exit"]

   ask patches with [ pxcor = 138 and (pycor > 21 and pycor < 154) and meaning != "crossroad"] [
    set pcolor grey
    sprout 1 [
     set shape "road2"
     set color grey
     set heading 90
     stamp die
    set meaning "A-15-In"]

  ask patches with [ ( pycor =  155 and ( pycor > min-pycor and pycor < 157) ) and meaning != "crossroad" ] [
    set pcolor grey
    sprout 1[
    set shape "road2"
    set heading 360
    set color grey
    stamp die
   set meaning "M1-Left"
  ask patches with [ (pycor = 154) and ( pycor > min-pycor and pycor < 157 ) and meaning != "crossroad" ] [
    set pcolor grey
    sprout 1[
    set shape "road2"
    set color grey
    set meaning "M1-Right"]


to draw-crossings

  ask patches with [(meaning = "A-47-2-Exit" or meaning = "A-47-2-In" or meaning =  "A-15-In" or meaning =  "A-15-Exit"  )
    and (pxcor = 137 or pxcor = 138 ) and ( pycor = 162 or pycor = 163 or pycor = 146 or pycor = 147) ][
    sprout-crossings 1 [
      set shape "crossing"
      set color white
      set heading 0
      set size 1

  ask patches with [(meaning = "M1-Left" or meaning = "M1-Right") and (pxcor = 121 or pxcor = 122 or pxcor = 214 or pxcor = 215) and
    (pycor = 154 or pycor = 155  )][
    sprout-crossings 1 [
      set shape "crossing"
      set heading 90
      set color white
      set size 1
ask crossings [
    set will-cross? false
    set meaning "crossing"

  ask patches with [meaning = "crossing"] [
    ask neighbors4 [

to place-cars

  ask n-of (num-of-cars / 2) patches with [pxcor = 138 and (pycor > 155 and pycor < 320) and count turtles-on neighbors = 0]
      sprout-cars 1 [
        set size 2
        set shape "car top"
        set heading 180
        let s random 10
        if s < 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit - 15 + random 16]
        if s = 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit - 20 + random 6]
        if s > 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit + random 16]
        set speed maxSpeed - random 20
 ask n-of (num-of-cars / 3 ) patches with [ (pycor =  155) and pxcor < 156  ] [
        sprout-cars 1 [
          set size 2
          set shape "car top"
          set heading 90
          let s random 10
          if s < 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit - 15 + random 16]
          if s = 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit - 20 + random 6]
          if s > 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit + random 16]
          set speed maxSpeed - random 20

ask n-of (num-of-cars / 5) patches with [pycor = 154 and (pxcor > 243 )] [
      sprout-cars 1 [
        set size 2
        set shape "car top"
        set heading 270
        let s random 10
        if s < 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit - 15 + random 16]
        if s = 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit - 20 + random 6]
        if s > 7 [set maxSpeed speed-limit + random 16]
        set speed maxSpeed - random 20

to place-lights

  ask patches with [ pxcor = 138 and pycor = 156 ] [
    sprout-lightsD 1 [
      set color green
      set shape "lights"

  ask patches with [pxcor = 136 and pycor = 155 ] [
    sprout-lightsD 1 [
      set color red
      set shape "lights"

   ask patches with [pxcor = 139 and pycor = 154] [
    sprout-lightsD 1 [
      set color red
      set shape "lights"

  ask patches with [pxcor = 137 and pycor = 153] [
    sprout-lightsD 1 [
      set color green
      set shape "lights"

  set greenH 0
  set redH 1
  set redV 0
  set greenV 1

; Car procedures

to control-speed
  let car-ahead one-of cars-on patch-ahead 1.5
  ifelse car-ahead = nobody  [
    ifelse speed < maxSpeed [set speed speed + acceleration] [set speed speed - deceleration]
    ifelse [speed] of car-ahead = 0 [set speed 0] [
      ifelse [speed] of car-ahead >= maxSpeed [
        set speed maxSpeed
        set speed speed - deceleration
      ] [

          set speed [speed] of car-ahead
          set speed speed - deceleration]

to move-cars
  ask cars [
    ;whether traffic lights show red or green
    ifelse not any? (lightsR-on patch-ahead 1.5) with [color = red] and not any? (lightsL-on patch-ahead 1.5) with [color = red]
    and not any? (lightsD-on patch-ahead 1.5) with [color = red] and not any? (lightsU-on patch-ahead 1.5) with [color = red] [fd speed / 200 ] [set speed 0]


;Probabilitities of cars making a left or right turn or going straight
to check-crossing

  ask cars with [(pxcor = 138 and pycor = 154) and meaning = "crossroad" and heading = 180 ] [
    if random 100 < 50  [ set heading 270  move-to patch-ahead 0 ]


   ask cars with [(pxcor = 137 and pycor = 155) and meaning = "crossroad" and heading = 90 ] [
    if random 100 < 60  [ set heading 0 move-to patch-ahead 0 ]

Junction Picture
