Вот рабочее решение для Corel Draw 12. Это для экспорта SVG - его можно расширить для экспорта .CDR и .PDF одновременно, используя объект экспорта, предоставляемый Corel для среды приложений Visual Basic. Для этих двух двоичных форматов может потребоваться base64 для их кодирования перед отправкой.
Четыре части решения, представленного ниже:
- Инструкции по установке кода приложения Corel Draw Visual Basic (часть 2 ниже)
- Код приложения Corel Draw Visual Basic
- серверный CGI-скрипт Perl для приема файла, отправляемого в виде стандартного HTTP-сообщения POST CGI
- тестирование веб-страницы в формате html только для тестирование серверного сценария Perl cgi
1) Инструкции
- Corel Draw: Инструменты-> Visual Basic-> Редактор Visual Basic
- Вернуться к Microsoft Visual Basic: View-> Project Explorer
- Открыть FileConverter-> Модули-> Записанные макросы
- Вставить в код. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Может потребоваться добавить объекты, необходимые для сценария, например WinHttpRequest, через Обозреватель объектов: Вид-> Обозреватель объектов
- Закрыть, вернуться к ...
- Вернуться к Corel Draw: Инструменты-> Настройка
- Во всплывающем диалоговом окне «Параметры»: «Параметры-> Настройка-> Панели команд»
- Нажмите Новый
- Экспорт на сервер для имени панели инструментов
- нажмите ОК
- Перетащите вновь созданную панель инструментов на верхнюю панель, она должна быть «поглощена» ею.
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по нему
- Настройка-> Экспорт на панель инструментов сервера-> Добавить новую команду
- В раскрывающемся меню «Параметры» выберите «Макросы»
- Найти FileConverter.RecordedMacros.DrawingExportToServer
- Перетащите его на только что созданную пустую панель инструментов «Экспорт на сервер», чтобы создать кнопку
- Чтобы экспортировать чертеж на сервер: создайте чертеж как обычно и нажмите кнопку
2) Код приложения Corel Draw Visual Basic
Type URL
Scheme As String
Host As String
Port As Long
URI As String
Query As String
End Type
Sub DrawingExportToServer()
Dim expflt As ExportFilter
Dim expopt As StructExportOptions
Dim responseText As String
Set expopt = New StructExportOptions
expopt.UseColorProfile = False
' moved from BuildFileUploadRequest to here
' want to re-use this for generating a temporary file name that has minimal risk of clashing/overwriting an other temporary files
Dim strBoundary As String
strBoundary = RandomAlphaNumString(32)
Dim tempExportFile As String
tempExportFile = "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\tempExportFileCorelDraw_" & strBoundary & ".svg"
Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(tempExportFile, cdrSVG, cdrAllPages, expopt)
Dim realFilenameOfDrawing As String
realFilenameOfDrawing = ActiveDocument.FileName
realFilenameOfDrawing = realFilenameOfDrawing & ".svg"
Dim strFile As String
strFile = GetFileContents(tempExportFile)
Dim strHttp As String
sUrl = "http://myserver.com/cgi-bin/server_side_perl_script.cgi"
Dim DestUrl As URL
DestUrl = ExtractUrl(sUrl)
strHttp = BuildFileUploadRequest(strFile, DestUrl, "file", realFilenameOfDrawing, "text/xml", strBoundary, sUrl)
KillProperly (tempExportFile)
End Sub
' credit http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=337424
' extended this function to actually do the sending
' originally the function used Winsock - but this is unavailable in the Visual Basic Application environment of Corel Draw 12/XIV
' So I replaced this with a WinHttpRequest
' credit: http://bytes.com/topic/asp-classic/answers/659406-winhttprequest-posting-byte-string-multipart-message-howto#post2618801
' - for adding the req.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & boundary
' line which is required in WinHttpRequest so that the server-side code on receiving the post can retrieve the actual file data and other params
Private Function BuildFileUploadRequest(ByRef strData As String, _
ByRef DestUrl As URL, _
ByVal UploadName As String, _
ByVal FileName As String, _
ByVal MimeType As String, _
ByVal aStrBoundary As String, _
ByVal aUrlString As String) As String
Dim strHttp As String ' holds the entire HTTP request
Dim strBoundary As String 'the boundary between each entity
Dim strBody As String ' holds the body of the HTTP request
Dim lngLength As Long ' the length of the HTTP request
' create a boundary consisting of a random string
'strBoundary = RandomAlphaNumString(32)
strBoundary = aStrBoundary
' create the body of the http request in the form
' --boundary
' Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UploadName"; filename="FileName"
' Content-Type: MimeType
' file data here
strBody = "--" & strBoundary & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" & UploadName & """; filename=""" & _
FileName & """" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Content-Type: " & MimeType & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & strData
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & "--" & strBoundary & "--"
' find the length of the request body - this is required for the
' Content-Length header
lngLength = Len(strBody)
' construct the HTTP request in the form:
' POST /path/to/reosurce HTTP/1.0
' Host: host
' Content-Type: multipart-form-data, boundary=boundary
' Content-Length: len(strbody)
' HTTP request body
strHttp = "POST " & DestUrl.URI & "?" & DestUrl.Query & " HTTP/1.0" & vbCrLf
strHttp = strHttp & "Host: " & DestUrl.Host & vbCrLf
strHttp = strHttp & "Content-Type: multipart/form-data, boundary=" & strBoundary & vbCrLf
strHttp = strHttp & "Content-Length: " & lngLength & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strHttp = strHttp & strBody
Dim ContentType As String
Dim xhr As New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Dim anUploadName As String
anUploadName = "file"
Dim aFileName As String
aFileName = "file"
Dim aContentType As String
aMimeType = "text/xml"
ContentType = "multipart/form-data, boundary=" & strBoundary & vbCrLf
xhr.Open "POST", aUrlString, False
xhr.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", ContentType
xhr.Send strHttp
BuildFileUploadRequest = strHttp
End Function
' this function retireves the contents of a file and returns it as a string
' this is also ture for binary files
Private Function GetFileContents(ByVal strPath As String) As String
Dim StrReturn As String
Dim lngLength As Long
lngLength = FileLen(strPath)
StrReturn = String(lngLength, Chr(0))
Open strPath For Binary As #1
Get #1, , StrReturn
GetFileContents = StrReturn
Close #1
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR"
End Function
' generates a random alphanumeirc string of a given length
Private Function RandomAlphaNumString(ByVal intLen As Integer)
Dim StrReturn As String
Dim X As Integer
Dim c As Byte
For X = 1 To intLen
c = Int(Rnd() * 127)
If (c >= Asc("0") And c <= Asc("9")) Or _
(c >= Asc("A") And c <= Asc("Z")) Or _
(c >= Asc("a") And c <= Asc("z")) Then
StrReturn = StrReturn & Chr(c)
X = X - 1
End If
Next X
RandomAlphaNumString = StrReturn
End Function
' returns as type URL from a string
Function ExtractUrl(ByVal strUrl As String) As URL
Dim intPos1 As Integer
Dim intPos2 As Integer
Dim retURL As URL
'1 look for a scheme it ends with ://
intPos1 = InStr(strUrl, "://")
If intPos1 > 0 Then
retURL.Scheme = Mid(strUrl, 1, intPos1 - 1)
strUrl = Mid(strUrl, intPos1 + 3)
End If
'2 look for a port
intPos1 = InStr(strUrl, ":")
intPos2 = InStr(strUrl, "/")
If intPos1 > 0 And intPos1 < intPos2 Then
' a port is specified
retURL.Host = Mid(strUrl, 1, intPos1 - 1)
If (IsNumeric(Mid(strUrl, intPos1 + 1, intPos2 - intPos1 - 1))) Then
retURL.Port = CInt(Mid(strUrl, intPos1 + 1, intPos2 - intPos1 - 1))
End If
ElseIf intPos2 > 0 Then
retURL.Host = Mid(strUrl, 1, intPos2 - 1)
retURL.Host = strUrl
retURL.URI = "/"
ExtractUrl = retURL
Exit Function
End If
strUrl = Mid(strUrl, intPos2)
' find a question mark ?
intPos1 = InStr(strUrl, "?")
If intPos1 > 0 Then
retURL.URI = Mid(strUrl, 1, intPos1 - 1)
retURL.Query = Mid(strUrl, intPos1 + 1)
retURL.URI = strUrl
End If
ExtractUrl = retURL
End Function
' url encodes a string
Function URLEncode(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim intLen As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim curChar As Long
Dim newStr As String
intLen = Len(str)
newStr = ""
' encode anything which is not a letter or number
For X = 1 To intLen
curChar = Asc(Mid$(str, X, 1))
If curChar = 32 Then
' we can use a + sign for a space
newStr = newStr & "+"
ElseIf (curChar < 48 Or curChar > 57) And _
(curChar < 65 Or curChar > 90) And _
(curChar < 97 Or curChar > 122) Then
newStr = newStr & "%" & Hex(curChar)
newStr = newStr & Chr(curChar)
End If
Next X
URLEncode = newStr
End Function
' decodes a url encoded string
Function UrlDecode(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim intLen As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim curChar As String * 1
Dim strCode As String * 2
Dim newStr As String
intLen = Len(str)
newStr = ""
For X = 1 To intLen
curChar = Mid$(str, X, 1)
If curChar = "%" Then
strCode = "&h" & Mid$(str, X + 1, 2)
If IsNumeric(strCode) Then
curChar = Chr(Int(strCode))
curChar = ""
End If
X = X + 2
End If
newStr = newStr & curChar
Next X
UrlDecode = newStr
End Function
' credit: http://word.mvps.org/faqs/macrosvba/DeleteFiles.htm
Public Sub KillProperly(Killfile As String)
If Len(Dir$(Killfile)) > 0 Then
SetAttr Killfile, vbNormal
Kill Killfile
End If
End Sub
3) серверный CGI-скрипт Perl для приема файла, отправляемого в виде стандартного сообщения HTTP POST CGI
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw ( fatalsToBrowser );
use File::Basename;
sub main
my $rc = 0;
my $errorMsg = "";
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 5000;
my $safe_filename_characters = "a-zA-Z0-9_.-";
# NOTE: make sure that appropriate chmod permissions are set so that the script can create and write files to this directory
my $upload_top_level = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/drawings";
# NOTE: make sure that appropriate chmod permissions are set in this file's parent holding directory and the file itself if already exists
# so that the script can create and write the file
my $upload_log = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/uploadlog.txt";
my $query = new CGI;
my $filename = $query->param("file");
my $machineid = $query->param("machineid");
my %allParams = $query->Vars;
my $allParamsAsString = "";
my $paramName = "";
foreach $paramName ( keys ( %allParams ) )
$allParamsAsString .= "$paramName=".$allParams{$paramName};
if ( !$filename )
$rc = 1;
$errorMsg = "Filename not specified.";
if ( $rc == 0 )
my ( $name, $path, $extension ) = fileparse ( $filename, '\..*' );
$filename = $name . $extension;
$filename =~ tr/ /_/;
$filename =~ s/[^$safe_filename_characters]//g;
if ( $filename =~ /^([$safe_filename_characters]+)$/ )
$filename = $1;
$rc = 1;
$errorMsg = "Filename contains invalid characters.";
if ( $rc == 0)
my $upload_filehandle = $query->upload("file"); # file is the file field in the form
my $upload_path = "";
# if a machine id is provided
# then we make a subdirectory off of the main top level uploads directory
if ( $machineid )
$upload_path = $upload_top_level."/".$machineid."/";
if (!( -e $upload_path ))
mkdir $upload_path;
$upload_path = $upload_top_level."/";
unless( open ( UPLOADFILE, ">$upload_path/$filename" ) )
$rc = 1;
$errorMsg = "Cannot open $upload_path/$filename";
if ( $rc == 0 )
while ( <$upload_filehandle> )
print STDOUT $query->header();
$errorMsg = "Success.";
print STDOUT responseToClient( "Success." );
print STDOUT $query->header();
print STDOUT responseToClient( $errorMsg );
# needs (f)locking
open ( LOG, ">>$upload_log" );
print LOG $filename.", ".$machineid.", ".$errorMsg.", ".$query->all_parameters.", ".$allParamsAsString."\n";
close ( LOG );
sub responseToClient
my ( $message ) = @_;
my $response =
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n"
."<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">\n"
."<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n"
return $response;
main ();
4) проверить веб-страницу формы html просто для test серверный скрипт Perl cgi
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>File Upload</title>
<form action="/cgi-bin/nsr_store_label.cgi" method="post"
<p>File to Upload: <input type="file" name="file" /></p>
<p>Machine id: <input type="text" name="machineid" /></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit Form" /></p>