В переменных есть одна часть, которая не читается:
decimal convertedDistance = Convert.ToDecimal(tbOutput.Text);
Теперь я полагаю, что я понимаю, что причиной вывода текстового поля является число, вставленное пользователем, а не результат, которыйдолжен быть предоставлен.
Я пробовал несколько способов исправить это, но не получаю, есть ли кто-нибудь, кто может помочь мне с моей формой кодирования?
/*Distance Converter.
* In the English measurement system, 1 yard equals 3 feet and 1 foot equals 12 inches.
* Use this information to create an application that let's the user convert distances to and from inches, feet, and yards.
* The user enters the distance to be converted into a TextBox.
* A Listbox allows the user to select the units being converted from,
* and another ListBox allows the user to select the units being converted to.
* Note: Be sure to handle the situation where the user picks the asme units from both list boxes.
* The converted calue will be the same as the value entered. */
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace _26DistanceConverter
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void btExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//1ft = 12" - ft to inch 1" 1/12ft - inch to ft
//1 yard - 3 feet - yard to ft 1ft 1/3 yards - ft to yard
//1 yard = 3 (ft) x 12" - yard to inch 1" = 1/ (3x12) - inch to yard
const decimal inchToFoot = 1m / 12m;
const decimal inchToYard = 1m / (3m * 12m);
const decimal footToInch = 12m;
const decimal footToYard = 1m/ 3m;
const decimal yardToInch = 3m * 12m;
const decimal yardToFoot = 3m;
//tb Distance Covered equals txtInput
decimal distanceToConvert = Convert.ToDecimal(tbDistanceCovered.Text);
//tb Output = txtOutput
***decimal convertedDistance = Convert.ToDecimal(tbOutput.Text);***
string from = LstFrom.SelectedItem.ToString().ToUpper();
string to = LstTo.SelectedItem.ToString().ToUpper();
tbDistanceCovered.Text = Convert.ToString("n2" + tbOutput.Text);
if (from == "Inches" && to == "Feet")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert * inchToFoot;
else if (from == "Inches" && to == "Yards")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert * inchToYard;
else if (from == "Feet" && to == "Inches")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert * footToInch;
else if (from == "Feet" && to == "Yards")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert * footToYard;
else if (from == "Yards" && to == "Inches")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert * yardToInch;
else if (from == "Yards" && to == "Feet")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert * yardToFoot;
else if (from == "Yards" && to == "Yards")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert;
else if (from == "Inches" && to == "Inches")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert;
else if (from == "Feet" && to == "Feet")
convertedDistance = distanceToConvert; //when using same units
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid number", "Invalid Input");
private void btClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)