The official documenation suggests that all I need to add to my project is a reference to the Microsoft.Extensions.Http NuGet package. I've done this.
Это правда, но чтобы упростить задачу, вы должны добавить Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
как пакет NuGet, фактически вы можете делегировать все созданиеЭкземпляр httpClient для HttpClientBuilderExtensions
, который добавляет множество методов расширений для создания named or typed
HTTPClient здесь. Я написал для вас пример
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace TypedHttpClientConsoleApplication
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args) => Run().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
public static async Task Run()
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
var services = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
Console.WriteLine("Creating a client...");
var github = services.GetRequiredService<GitHubClient>();
Console.WriteLine("Sending a request...");
var response = await github.GetJson();
var data = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Response data:");
Console.WriteLine("Press the ANY key to exit...");
public static void Configure(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddHttpClient("github", c =>
c.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
c.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json"); // GitHub API versioning
c.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "HttpClientFactory-Sample"); // GitHub requires a user-agent
private class GitHubClient
public GitHubClient(HttpClient httpClient)
HttpClient = httpClient;
public HttpClient HttpClient { get; }
// Gets the list of services on github.
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetJson()
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "/");
var response = await HttpClient.SendAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false);
return response;
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