где причина этой ошибки сегментации, где 1 вводится в переменную item_choice_i / item_choice_k? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 25 декабря 2018

Я получаю ошибку сегментации всякий раз, когда вводится 1 в приглашении для:

print*,"where would you like to buy/sell from/into (enter first number between 1 and ", &
    size(energy(:,1)),"and second number between 1 and",size(energy(1,:)),")"

Итак, я пытаюсь создать простую программу, представляющую рынок, и кажется, что все остальное работаетпока, кроме случаев, когда 1 передается в подпрограмму buy_sell через item_choice_i или item_choice_k.Я немного новичок в программировании и не знаю, как исправить ошибку, подобную этой.

!subroutine section:

subroutine buy_sell(buyer,buyer_size,buyer_number,energy,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount) !the market form has k then i
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,buyer_size,buyer_number
integer,dimension(buyer_size) :: buyer !the amount the buyer has in savings
integer,intent(inout),dimension(10,10) :: energy

energy(item_choice_k,item_choice_i)=energy(item_choice_k,item_choice_i)-exchange_ammount !purchasing is thus positive exchange amount and selling is negative

end subroutine buy_sell

subroutine print_market(energy,k_size,i_size,buyer,buyer_size)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: k_size,i_size,buyer_size
integer,dimension(buyer_size) :: buyer
integer,dimension(k_size,i_size),intent(in) :: energy
integer :: k,i,l

do k=1,k_size
    do i=1,i_size
        print*,"the value of energy(",k,i,") is", energy(k,i)

print*," "

print*,"Buyer",l,"has",buyer(l),"energy units (user)"

do l=2,buyer_size
    print*,"Buyer",l,"has",buyer(l),"energy units"

end subroutine print_market

subroutine user_buyer_interface(energy,k_size,i_size,buyer,buyer_size) !the user buyer is always the first element in the buyer list
integer,intent(in) :: k_size,i_size,buyer_size
integer,dimension(buyer_size) :: buyer
integer,dimension(k_size,i_size),intent(inout) :: energy
integer :: period,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error,buyer1
character(len=3) :: choice_buy_sell


print*,"do you want to buy/sell this round?"
read (*,*) choice_buy_sell
if (choice_buy_sell/='yes' .or. choice_buy_sell/='no') then !stupid users, choose yes or no
    do while (choice_buy_sell/='yes' .and. choice_buy_sell/='no') !beat them into submission        
        print*,"incorrect choice, try again."
        read (*,*) choice_buy_sell
if (choice_buy_sell=="yes") then !start buy/sell procedure
    print*,"where would you like to buy/sell from/into (enter first number between 1 and ", &
    size(energy(:,1)),"and second number between 1 and",size(energy(1,:)),")"
    read (*,*) item_choice_k,item_choice_i !finds the required item in the list and records it
    do while ((1>item_choice_k .or. item_choice_k>k_size) .or. (1>item_choice_i .or. item_choice_i>i_size)) !must enter available item
        print*,"incorrect choice, try again."
        read (*,*) item_choice_k,item_choice_i
    print*,"how much do you want to buy/sell (positive for buy and negative for sell)?"
    read (*,'(i10)',iostat=exchange_error) exchange_ammount !puts error associated with non integr in exchange_error, where 0 is non-error
    do while (exchange_error/=0)
        print*,"incorrect choice, try again."
        read (*,'(i10)',iostat=exchange_error) exchange_ammount
    call buy_sell(buyer,buyer_size,1,energy,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount)
    print*,"now let the other buyers have their turn"
else if (choice_buy_sell=="no") then
    print*,"now let the other buyers have their turn"
call print_market(energy,k_size,i_size,buyer,buyer_size)

end subroutine user_buyer_interface

subroutine automated_buyers(energy,k_size,i_size,buyer,buyer_size)
integer,intent(in) :: k_size,i_size,buyer_size
integer,dimension(k_size,i_size) :: energy
integer,dimension(buyer_size) :: buyer
real :: k_real,i_real,buy_real !real variables to put in random generator
integer :: h,ran_k,ran_i,ran_buy !integers taken from real random values previous

do h=2,buyer_size
    call random_number(k_real)
    call random_number(i_real)
    call random_number(buy_real)
    call buy_sell(buyer,buyer_size,h,energy,ran_k,ran_i,ran_buy)

end subroutine automated_buyers

!end subroutines

program market
implicit none

integer,dimension(10,10) :: energy
integer,dimension(10) :: buyer
integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
integer :: k_size=size(energy(:,1)),i_size=size(energy(1,:)),buyer_size=size(buyer) !setup the size variables in the definition

do k=1,k_size
    do i=1,i_size
        energy(k,i)= 1 !setting up an array representing a market, putting in initial values 

do l=1,buyer_size

do period=1,10
    call print_market(energy,k_size,i_size,buyer,buyer_size)
    call user_buyer_interface(energy,k_size,i_size,buyer,buyer_size)
    call automated_buyers(energy,k_size,i_size,buyer,buyer_size)

end program market

Программа, запустив, должна спросить, хотел ли кто-то купить / продать, где он хотел купить/ продать от и сколько, и должен перейти к показу деталей раунда покупки.Но когда программа запускается, где вводится 1 при выборе любого из измерений энергетического массива, возникает ошибка сегментации.Любая помощь будет оценена.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 25 декабря 2018

Вы получаете доступ к массиву за пределами.Это одна из наиболее распространенных причин этой ошибки, и у всех компиляторов есть флаги, которые автоматически обнаруживают проблему и указывают, где она возникает.Я настоятельно рекомендую вам научиться делать это с вашим собственным компилятором, если вы начнете программировать, это может сэкономить вам месяцы жизни, а при тестировании вашей программы это поможет найти ошибки, которые в противном случае могли бы остаться незамеченными.Вот как вы делаете это с gfortran - магический флаг -fcheck = all:

ian@eris:~/work/stackoverflow$ gfortran -O -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=all -std=f2003 -g m.f90

 integer :: period,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error,buyer1
Warning: Unused variable ‘period’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]

 integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
Warning: Unused variable ‘exchange_ammount’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]

 integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
Warning: Unused variable ‘exchange_error’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]

 integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
Warning: Unused variable ‘item_choice_i’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]

 integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
Warning: Unused variable ‘item_choice_k’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]
ian@eris:~/work/stackoverflow$ gfortran -O -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=all -std=f2003 -g m.f90

 integer :: period,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error,buyer1
Warning: Unused variable ‘period’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]

 integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
Warning: Unused variable ‘exchange_ammount’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]

 integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
Warning: Unused variable ‘exchange_error’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]

 integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
Warning: Unused variable ‘item_choice_i’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]

 integer :: period,k,i,l,item_choice_k,item_choice_i,exchange_ammount,exchange_error
Warning: Unused variable ‘item_choice_k’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]
ian@eris:~/work/stackoverflow$ ./a.out
 the value of energy(           1           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10          10 ) is           1

 Buyer           1 has           0 energy units (user)
 Buyer           2 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           3 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           4 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           5 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           6 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           7 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           8 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           9 has           0 energy units
 Buyer          10 has           0 energy units
 do you want to buy/sell this round?
 where would you like to buy/sell from/into (enter first number between 1 and           10 and second number between 1 and          10 )
 how much do you want to buy/sell (positive for buy and negative for sell)?
 now let the other buyers have their turn
 the value of energy(           1           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           1          10 ) is           0
 the value of energy(           2           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           2          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           3          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           4          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           5          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           6          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           7          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           8          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(           9          10 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           1 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           2 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           3 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           4 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           5 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           6 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           7 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           8 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10           9 ) is           1
 the value of energy(          10          10 ) is           1

 Buyer           1 has           1 energy units (user)
 Buyer           2 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           3 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           4 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           5 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           6 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           7 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           8 has           0 energy units
 Buyer           9 has           0 energy units
 Buyer          10 has           0 energy units
At line 9 of file m.f90
Fortran runtime error: Index '0' of dimension 1 of array 'energy' below lower bound of 1

Error termination. Backtrace:
#0  0x7f0741dac2da in ???
#1  0x7f0741dacec5 in ???
#2  0x7f0741dad297 in ???
#3  0x559df7cde202 in buy_sell_
    at /home/ian/work/stackoverflow/m.f90:9
#4  0x559df7cde36b in automated_buyers_
    at /home/ian/work/stackoverflow/m.f90:92
#5  0x559df7cdec9d in market
    at /home/ian/work/stackoverflow/m.f90:124
#6  0x559df7cdecde in main
    at /home/ian/work/stackoverflow/m.f90:127

Глядя на трассировку в конце

At line 9 of file m.f90
Fortran runtime error: Index '0' of dimension 1 of array 'energy' below lower bound of 1

Error termination. Backtrace:
#0  0x7f0741dac2da in ???
#1  0x7f0741dacec5 in ???
#2  0x7f0741dad297 in ???
#3  0x559df7cde202 in buy_sell_
    at /home/ian/work/stackoverflow/m.f90:9
#4  0x559df7cde36b in automated_buyers_
    at /home/ian/work/stackoverflow/m.f90:92
#5  0x559df7cdec9d in market
    at /home/ian/work/stackoverflow/m.f90:124
#6  0x559df7cdecde in main
    at /home/ian/work/stackoverflow/m.f90:127

Вы видите, что проблема в том,Вызов buy_sell из Automatic_buyers:

subroutine automated_buyers(energy,k_size,i_size,buyer,buyer_size)
integer,intent(in) :: k_size,i_size,buyer_size
integer,dimension(k_size,i_size) :: energy
integer,dimension(buyer_size) :: buyer
real :: k_real,i_real,buy_real !real variables to put in random generator
integer :: h,ran_k,ran_i,ran_buy !integers taken from real random values previous

do h=2,buyer_size
    call random_number(k_real)
    call random_number(i_real)
    call random_number(buy_real)
    call buy_sell(buyer,buyer_size,h,energy,ran_k,ran_i,ran_buy)

end subroutine automated_buyers

. Это показывает, в чем проблема, ran_k может принимать значение 0, если случайное число в k_real меньше 1/11.Вероятно, вам понадобится

ran_k = Int( k_real * 10 ) + 1

Пожалуйста, узнайте о проверках во время выполнения, они значительно облегчат вашу жизнь, равно как и об использовании отладчика.Но учтите, что они замедлят вашу программу, поэтому, хотя вы должны использовать их при разработке и отладке кода, как только вы уверены, что ошибок больше нет (ха!), Вам придется пересобирать без них, так как ваша программа будет работать быстрее.
