Оказывается, мои операции по изменению формы не манипулировали моими массивами так, как я думал.Следующие функции преобразуют мой исходный массив X в сплющенную форму (с двумя осями), а затем обратно в неоплощенную форму (с тремя осями) должным образом.Я добавил комментарии и тесты, чтобы убедиться, что все было так, как и ожидалось:
from math import floor
def flatten(df, run_tests=True):
df is a numpy array with the following three axes:
df.shape[0] = the index of a vertex
df.shape[1] = the index of a time stamp
df.shape[2] = the index of a dimension (x, y, z)
So df[1][0][2] is the value for the 1st vertex (0-based) at time 0 in dimension 2 (z).
To flatten this dataframe will mean to push the data into shape:
flattened.shape[0] = time index
flattened.shape[1] = [vertex_index*3] + dimension_vertex
So flattened[1][3] will be the 3rd dimension of the 1st index (0-based) at time 1.
if run_tests:
assert df.shape == X.shape and np.all(df == X)
# reshape X such that flattened.shape = time, [x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, ... xn-1, yn-1, zn-1]
flattened = X.swapaxes(0, 1).reshape( (df.shape[1], df.shape[0] * df.shape[2]), order='C' )
if run_tests: # switch to false to skip tests
for idx, i in enumerate(df):
for jdx, j in enumerate(df[idx]):
for kdx, k in enumerate(df[idx][jdx]):
assert flattened[jdx][ (idx*df.shape[2]) + kdx ] == df[idx][jdx][kdx]
return flattened
И чтобы развернуть сглаженные данные:
def unflatten(df, run_tests=True):
df is a numpy array with the following two axes:
df.shape[0] = time index
df.shape[1] = [vertex_index*3] + dimension_vertex
To unflatten this dataframe will mean to push the data into shape:
unflattened.shape[0] = the index of a vertex
unflattened.shape[1] = the index of a time stamp
unflattened.shape[2] = the index of a dimension (x, y, z)
So df[2][4] == unflattened[1][2][0]
if run_tests:
assert (len(df.shape) == 2) and (df.shape[1] == X.shape[0] * X.shape[2])
unflattened = np.zeros(( X.shape[0], df.shape[0], X.shape[2] ))
for idx, i in enumerate(df):
for jdx, j in enumerate(df[idx]):
kdx = floor(jdx / 3)
ldx = jdx % 3
unflattened[kdx][idx][ldx] = df[idx][jdx]
if run_tests: # set to false to skip tests
for idx, i in enumerate(unflattened):
for jdx, j in enumerate(unflattened[idx]):
for kdx, k in enumerate(unflattened[idx][jdx]):
assert( unflattened[idx][jdx][kdx] == X[idx][jdx][kdx] )
return unflattened
Затем визуализировать:
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import juggle_axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import HTML
from matplotlib import animation
import matplotlib
# ask matplotlib to plot up to 2^128 frames in animations
matplotlib.rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 2**128
def update_points(time, points, df):
points._offsets3d = juggle_axes(df[:,time,0], df[:,time,1], df[:,time,2], 'z')
def get_plot(df, lim=1, frames=200, duration=45):
if len(df.shape) == 2: df = unflatten(df)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = p3.Axes3D(fig)
ax.set_xlim(-lim, lim)
ax.set_ylim(-lim, lim)
ax.set_zlim(-lim, lim)
points = ax.scatter(df[:,0,0], df[:,0,1], df[:,0,2], depthshade=False) # x,y,z vals
return animation.FuncAnimation(fig,
fargs=(points, df),
HTML(get_plot(unflat, frames=200))
Это позволяет мне без проблем разрезать временную ось:
flat = flatten(X)
unflat = unflatten(flat)
HTML(get_plot(unflat, frames=200))
HTML(get_plot(flat[:20], frames=20))
HTML(get_plot(unflat[:,:20,:], frames=20))