Я выполняю следующий запрос на выборку:
SELECT "entry"."id" AS "entry_id",
"entry"."input" AS "entry_input",
"entry"."output" AS "entry_output",
"entry"."numOfWords" AS "entry_numOfWords",
"entry"."times_seen" AS "entry_times_seen",
"word_class"."value" AS "word_class_value",
"dominant_noun"."noun" AS "dominant_noun_noun",
"dominant_noun"."article" AS "dominant_noun_article",
"dominant_noun"."isPluaral" AS "dominant_noun_isPluaral",
"subject"."subjectIndex" AS "subject_subjectIndex",
"last_time_visited"."value" AS "last_time_visited_value"
FROM "entry" "entry"
LEFT JOIN "word_class" "word_class" ON "word_class"."entryId"="entry"."id"
LEFT JOIN "dominant_noun" "dominant_noun" ON "dominant_noun"."entryId"="entry"."id"
LEFT JOIN "subject_entries_entry" "subject_entry" ON "subject_entry"."entryId"="entry"."id"
LEFT JOIN "subject" "subject" ON "subject"."id"="subject_entry"."subjectId"
LEFT JOIN "last_time_visited" "last_time_visited" ON "last_time_visited"."entryId"="entry"."id"
WHERE "entry"."inputLang" = 31
AND ("entry"."input" like '% hilfe %' OR "entry"."input" like 'hilfe %' OR "entry"."input" like '% hilfe')
ORDER BY "word_class"."value" DESC, "entry"."numOfWords" ASC;
Результат времени:
real 0m15.100s
user 0m14.072s
sys 0m1.024s
Против этой схемы базы данных:
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "subject" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "subjectIndex" tinyint NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "entry" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "inputLang" tinyint NOT NULL, "outputLang" tinyint NOT NULL, "input"
varchar NOT NULL, "output" varchar NOT NULL, "numOfWords" tinyint NOT NULL, "times_seen" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (0));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "abbr" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "value" varchar NOT NULL, "entryId" integer, CONSTRAINT "REL_ca935aaf7
66cba1e7bfbe90275" UNIQUE ("entryId"), CONSTRAINT "FK_ca935aaf766cba1e7bfbe902757" FOREIGN KEY ("entryId") REFERENCES "entry" ("id"));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "word_class" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "value" integer NOT NULL, "entryId" integer, CONSTRAINT "REL_941
45442deb2b2209bd943a787" UNIQUE ("entryId"), CONSTRAINT "FK_94145442deb2b2209bd943a7874" FOREIGN KEY ("entryId") REFERENCES "entry" ("id"));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "dominant_noun" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "noun" varchar NOT NULL, "article" tinyint NOT NULL, "isPluar
al" boolean NOT NULL, "entryId" integer, CONSTRAINT "REL_f493eeedea653d8a89f595c82c" UNIQUE ("entryId"), CONSTRAINT "FK_f493eeedea653d8a89f595c82c4" FOREI
GN KEY ("entryId") REFERENCES "entry" ("id"));
ntryId" integer, CONSTRAINT "REL_e631a6f55d59214f8e6aaa6447" UNIQUE ("entryId"), CONSTRAINT "FK_e631a6f55d59214f8e6aaa64478" FOREIGN KEY ("entryId") REFER
ENCES "entry" ("id"));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "subject_entries_entry" ("subjectId" integer NOT NULL, "entryId" integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "FK_d2eaa7a84a7963ed94e472cef0b"FOREIGN KEY ("subjectId") REFERENCES "subject" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT "FK_5f940450dd4c681a9fecf0b14b2" FOREIGN KEY ("entryId") REFERENCES "entry" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("subjectId", "entryId"));
CREATE INDEX "IDX_3091789786b922bee00bbb44b1" ON "entry" ("inputLang") ;
CREATE INDEX "IDX_36ab3550b9e3ef647d1230affc" ON "entry" ("outputLang") ;
CREATE INDEX "IDX_1b0f6266dffb9a7e6343e7faa4" ON "entry" ("input") ;
CREATE INDEX "IDX_a77c7936ea412ec1958007154a" ON "entry" ("numOfWords") ;
CREATE INDEX "IDX_b32699a03d36223ff9bad94ea6" ON "entry" ("times_seen") ;
Объяснить результат:
addr opcode p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 comment
---- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ------------- -- -------------
0 Init 0 109 0 00 Start at 109
1 SorterOpen 6 14 0 k(2,-B,B) 00
2 OpenRead 0 12 0 7 00 root=12 iDb=0; entry
3 OpenRead 1 2 0 3 00 root=2 iDb=0; word_class
4 OpenRead 7 3 0 k(2,,) 02 root=3 iDb=0; sqlite_autoindex_word_class_1
5 OpenRead 2 5 0 5 00 root=5 iDb=0; dominant_noun
6 OpenRead 8 6 0 k(2,,) 02 root=6 iDb=0; sqlite_autoindex_dominant_noun_1
7 OpenRead 3 10 0 2 00 root=10 iDb=0; subject_entries_entry
8 OpenRead 4 9 0 2 00 root=9 iDb=0; subject
9 OpenRead 5 7 0 3 00 root=7 iDb=0; last_time_visited
10 OpenRead 9 8 0 k(2,,) 02 root=8 iDb=0; sqlite_autoindex_last_time_visited_1
11 Rewind 0 92 0 00
12 Column 0 1 1 00 r[1]=entry.inputLang
13 Ne 2 91 1 (BINARY) 54 if r[1]!=r[2] goto 91
14 Column 0 3 4 00 r[4]=entry.input
15 Function0 1 3 1 like(2) 02 r[1]=func(r[3..4])
16 If 1 23 0 00
17 Column 0 3 6 00 r[6]=entry.input
18 Function0 1 5 1 like(2) 02 r[1]=func(r[5..6])
19 If 1 23 0 00
20 Column 0 3 8 00 r[8]=entry.input
21 Function0 1 7 1 like(2) 02 r[1]=func(r[7..8])
22 IfNot 1 91 1 00
23 Integer 0 9 0 00 r[9]=0; init LEFT JOIN no-match flag
24 Rowid 0 10 0 00 r[10]=rowid
25 SeekGE 7 87 10 1 00 key=r[10]
26 IdxGT 7 87 10 1 00 key=r[10]
27 DeferredSeek 7 0 1 00 Move 1 to 7.rowid if needed
28 Integer 1 9 0 00 r[9]=1; record LEFT JOIN hit
29 Integer 0 11 0 00 r[11]=0; init LEFT JOIN no-match flag
30 Rowid 0 12 0 00 r[12]=rowid
31 SeekGE 8 83 12 1 00 key=r[12]
32 IdxGT 8 83 12 1 00 key=r[12]
33 DeferredSeek 8 0 2 00 Move 2 to 8.rowid if needed
34 Integer 1 11 0 00 r[11]=1; record LEFT JOIN hit
35 Once 0 44 0 00
36 OpenAutoindex 10 3 0 k(3,B,,) 00 nColumn=3; for subject_entries_entry
37 Rewind 3 44 0 00
38 Column 3 1 13 00 r[13]=subject_entries_entry.entryId
39 Column 3 0 14 00 r[14]=subject_entries_entry.subjectId
40 Rowid 3 15 0 00 r[15]=rowid
41 MakeRecord 13 3 1 00 r[1]=mkrec(r[13..15])
42 IdxInsert 10 1 0 10 key=r[1]
43 Next 3 38 0 03
44 Integer 0 16 0 00 r[16]=0; init LEFT JOIN no-match flag
45 Rowid 0 17 0 00 r[17]=rowid
46 SeekGE 10 80 17 1 00 key=r[17]
47 IdxGT 10 80 17 1 00 key=r[17]
48 Integer 1 16 0 00 r[16]=1; record LEFT JOIN hit
49 Integer 0 18 0 00 r[18]=0; init LEFT JOIN no-match flag
50 Column 10 1 19 00 r[19]=subject_entries_entry.subjectId
51 SeekRowid 4 76 19 00 intkey=r[19]
52 Integer 1 18 0 00 r[18]=1; record LEFT JOIN hit
53 Integer 0 20 0 00 r[20]=0; init LEFT JOIN no-match flag
54 Rowid 0 21 0 00 r[21]=rowid
55 SeekGE 9 72 21 1 00 key=r[21]
56 IdxGT 9 72 21 1 00 key=r[21]
57 DeferredSeek 9 0 5 00 Move 5 to 9.rowid if needed
58 Integer 1 20 0 00 r[20]=1; record LEFT JOIN hit
59 Rowid 0 24 0 00 r[24]=rowid
60 Column 0 3 25 00 r[25]=entry.input
61 Column 0 4 26 00 r[26]=entry.output
62 Column 0 6 27 0 00 r[27]=entry.times_seen
63 Column 2 1 28 00 r[28]=dominant_noun.noun
64 Column 2 2 29 00 r[29]=dominant_noun.article
65 Column 2 3 30 00 r[30]=dominant_noun.isPluaral
66 Column 4 1 31 00 r[31]=subject.subjectIndex
67 Column 5 1 32 00 r[32]=last_time_visited.value
68 Column 1 1 22 00 r[22]=word_class.value
69 Column 0 5 23 00 r[23]=entry.numOfWords
70 MakeRecord 22 11 35 00 r[35]=mkrec(r[22..32])
71 SorterInsert 6 35 22 11 00 key=r[35]
72 IfPos 20 76 0 00 if r[20]>0 then r[20]-=0, goto 76
73 NullRow 5 0 0 00
74 NullRow 9 0 0 00
75 Goto 0 58 0 00
76 IfPos 18 79 0 00 if r[18]>0 then r[18]-=0, goto 79
77 NullRow 4 0 0 00
78 Goto 0 52 0 00
79 Next 10 47 0 00
80 IfPos 16 83 0 00 if r[16]>0 then r[16]-=0, goto 83
81 NullRow 10 0 0 00
82 Goto 0 48 0 00
83 IfPos 11 87 0 00 if r[11]>0 then r[11]-=0, goto 87
84 NullRow 2 0 0 00
85 NullRow 8 0 0 00
86 Goto 0 34 0 00
87 IfPos 9 91 0 00 if r[9]>0 then r[9]-=0, goto 91
88 NullRow 1 0 0 00
89 NullRow 7 0 0 00
90 Goto 0 28 0 00
91 Next 0 12 0 01
92 OpenPseudo 11 36 14 00 14 columns in r[36]
93 SorterSort 6 108 0 00
94 SorterData 6 36 11 00 r[36]=data
95 Column 11 10 34 00 r[34]=last_time_visited_value
96 Column 11 9 33 00 r[33]=subject_subjectIndex
97 Column 11 8 32 00 r[32]=dominant_noun_isPluaral
98 Column 11 7 31 00 r[31]=dominant_noun_article
99 Column 11 6 30 00 r[30]=dominant_noun_noun
100 Column 11 0 29 00 r[29]=word_class_value
101 Column 11 5 28 00 r[28]=entry_times_seen
102 Column 11 1 27 00 r[27]=entry_numOfWords
103 Column 11 4 26 00 r[26]=entry_output
104 Column 11 3 25 00 r[25]=entry_input
105 Column 11 2 24 00 r[24]=entry_id
106 ResultRow 24 11 0 00 output=r[24..34]
107 SorterNext 6 94 0 00
108 Halt 0 0 0 00
109 Transaction 0 0 348 0 01 usesStmtJournal=0
110 Integer 31 2 0 00 r[2]=31
111 String8 0 3 0 % hilfe % 00 r[3]='% hilfe %'
112 String8 0 5 0 hilfe % 00 r[5]='hilfe %'
113 String8 0 7 0 % hilfe 00 r[7]='% hilfe'
114 Goto 0 1 0 00
Объяснить вывод плана запроса:
|--SCAN TABLE entry AS entry
|--SEARCH TABLE word_class AS word_class USING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_word_class_1 (entryId=?)
|--SEARCH TABLE dominant_noun AS dominant_noun USING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_dominant_noun_1 (entryId=?)
|--SEARCH TABLE subject_entries_entry AS subject_entry USING AUTOMATIC COVERING INDEX (entryId=?)
|--SEARCH TABLE subject AS subject USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)
|--SEARCH TABLE last_time_visited AS last_time_visited USING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_last_time_visited_1 (entryId=?)
Анализировать вывод:
entry|IDX_b32699a03d36223ff9bad94ea6|2348382 2348382
entry|IDX_a77c7936ea412ec1958007154a|2348382 67097
entry|IDX_1b0f6266dffb9a7e6343e7faa4|2348382 2
entry|IDX_36ab3550b9e3ef647d1230affc|2348382 1174191
entry|IDX_3091789786b922bee00bbb44b1|2348382 1174191
abbr|sqlite_autoindex_abbr_1|42575 1
dominant_noun|sqlite_autoindex_dominant_noun_1|823071 1
word_class|sqlite_autoindex_word_class_1|2005516 1
subject_entries_entry|sqlite_autoindex_subject_entries_entry_1|1437631 1 1
Часто получение результатов занимает более 10 секунд.Хотя я впервые работаю с SQLite, время ответа 20 секунд кажется странным.Пожалуйста, добавьте комментарий, если я должен предоставить дополнительную информацию для решения проблемы?