Вы можете использовать Unity's WebCamTexture
, чтобы получить доступ к камере вашего устройства.Вы можете использовать эту текстуру для подачи в DetectFaces
метод в Watson Unity SDK .Пожалуйста, посмотрите эту суть .
void Start()
// Init WebCamTexture
webcamTexture = new WebCamTexture();
webcamTexture.requestedWidth = 640;
webcamTexture.requestedHeight = 480;
// Set raw image texture
rawImage.material.mainTexture = webcamTexture;
// Create service in coroutine
private void TakePhoto()
// Create and set texture
texture2d = new Texture2D(webcamTexture.width, webcamTexture.height);
// Set imageData
imageData = texture2d.EncodeToPNG();
// Save image
File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/myImage.png", texture2d.EncodeToPNG());
private IEnumerator CreateService()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
// Create tokenOptions
TokenOptions visualRecognitionTokenOptions = new TokenOptions()
IamApiKey = visualRecognitionApiKey
// Create credentials
Credentials visualRecognitionCredentials = new Credentials(visualRecognitionTokenOptions, visualRecognitionServiceUrl);
// Wait for tokendata
while (!visualRecognitionCredentials.HasIamTokenData())
yield return null;
// Instantiate service
visualRecognition = new VisualRecognition(visualRecognitionCredentials);
// Set version date
visualRecognition.VersionDate = versionDate;
// Classify
visualRecognition.DetectFaces(OnDetectFaces, OnFail, imageData);
private void OnDetectFaces(DetectedFaces response, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
// Print response json to console
Log.Debug("DetectFacesExample", "{0}", customData["json"].ToString());
// Print gender, age and confidence
Log.Debug("DetectFacesExample", "gender: {0}, score: {1}, age: {2} - {3}, score: {4}", response.images[0].faces[0].gender.gender, response.images[0].faces[0].gender.score, response.images[0].faces[0].age.min, response.images[0].faces[0].age.max, response.images[0].faces[0].age.score);
// Fail callback
private void OnFail(RESTConnector.Error error, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
Log.Debug("DetectFacesExample", "Failed to classify");