Сокеты, получающие только первое сообщение (C ++ - сервер и python-клиент) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 22 октября 2018

Я пытаюсь отправить данные со стороны клиента (python) на серверную сторону, я могу отправить свои первые строковые данные и из второй строки, это не работает.

клиентская часть (Python)сторона):

 # TCP Client Code

host=""            # Set the server address to variable host

port=8800               # Sets the variable port to 4446

from socket import *             # Imports socket module
import json

s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)      # Creates a socket

s.connect((host,port))          # Connect to server address
print "Successfully connected to the server and ready to send some data"

strike = json.dumps({"A":"STRIKE"})

strom = json.dumps({"A":"STROM"})

stab = json.dumps({"A":"STAB",B="1"})

msg=s.recv(1024)            # Receives data upto 1024 bytes and stores in variables msg

print "Message from server : " + msg

#s.close()                            # Closes the socket
# End of code

Сторона сервера (C ++):

#include <jsoncpp/json/json.h>

using namespace std;
            Json::Value root;
            Json::Reader reader;
    bool a,b,c; 
    string i;
//Server side
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool Style1;
    //buffer to send and receive messages with
    char msg[1500];

    //setup a socket and connection tools
    sockaddr_in servAddr;
    memset((char*)&servAddr, 0,sizeof(servAddr));
    servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
    servAddr.sin_port = htons(8800);

    //open stream oriented socket with internet address
    //also keep track of the socket descriptor
    int serverSd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if(serverSd < 0)
        cerr << "Error establishing the server socket" << endl;

    //bind the socket to its local address
    int bindStatus = bind(serverSd, (struct sockaddr*) &servAddr, 
    if(bindStatus < 0)
        cerr << "Error binding socket to local address" << endl;
    cout << "Waiting for a client to connect..." << endl;

    //listen for up to 5 requests at a time
    listen(serverSd, 5);

    //receive a request from client using accept
    //we need a new address to connect with the client
    sockaddr_in newSockAddr;
    socklen_t newSockAddrSize = sizeof(newSockAddr);

    //accept, create a new socket descriptor to 
    //handle the new connection with client
    int newSd = accept(serverSd, (sockaddr *)&newSockAddr, &newSockAddrSize);
    if(newSd < 0)
        cerr << "Error accepting request from client!" << endl;
    cout << "Connected with client!" << endl;

        //receive a message from the client (listen)
        cout << "Awaiting client response..." << endl;
        memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));//clear the buffer
        recv(newSd, (char*)&msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
        if(!strcmp(msg, "exit"))
            cout << "Client has quit the session" << endl;

        string str(msg);
        cout << "Client: " << msg << endl;
        cout << ">";
        cout <<msg<<endl;

        //Receiving the values and assigning to the variables

            string text = msg;

            bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse( text, root );
            if ( !parsingSuccessful )
                        cout << "Error parsing the string" << endl;

            printf("STRIKE CODE HERE \n\n\n\n\n\n");

        else if(root["A"]=="STROM"){
            printf("STROM CODE HERE \n\n\n\n\n\n");

        else if(root["A"]=="STAB"){
            printf("STAB CODE HERE \n\n\n\n\n\n");

            i = root["B"].toStyledString();
            string::size_type sz;
            int a = stoi(i,&sz);
                printf("Almost over, STABBED ONCE \n");

            printf("Wrong data sent \n");

        string data = "Instructions Received \n";
        memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); //clear the buffer
        strcpy(msg, data.c_str());
        if(data == "exit")
            //send to the client that server has closed the connection
            send(newSd, (char*)&msg, strlen(msg), 0);

        //send the message to client
        send(newSd, (char*)&msg, strlen(msg), 0);

    //we need to close the socket descriptors after we're all done

   /* close(newSd);
    cout << "Connection closed..." << endl;
    return 0;   


Что можно изменить, чтобы этот код работал и получал все строки?

Как можноЯ держу сервер открытым все время и отправляю сообщения от клиента, когда захочу, и как я могу хранить сообщения, отправленные клиентом, на сервере и выполнять их одно за другим?
