BlueZ - это стек Bluetooth в Linux.Разработчики BlueZ поощряют использование своих высокоуровневых D-Bus API .(Источник: https://youtu.be/VMDyebKT5c4?t=2102 или https://elinux.org/images/3/32/Doing_Bluetooth_Low_Energy_on_Linux.pdf,, слайд 22.) D-Bus позволяет управлять всеми видами системных служб, а также существуют привязки / пакеты D-Bus для многих платформ, включая .Net Core.Поэтому было бы довольно просто написать клиент GATT или сервер GATT с использованием .Net для Linux (например, Raspbian Lite).
Для .Net Core вы можете использовать Tmds.DBus для доступа к D-Bus.Tmds.DBus поставляется с инструментом для генерации интерфейсов C # для службы D-Bus.Я использовал bluetoothctl
, интерактивный инструмент командной строки BlueZ, для сканирования и подключения к периферии BLE, а затем использовал dotnet dbus codegen --bus system --service org.bluez
для создания интерфейсов C #.
Пример кода
dotnet dbus codegen
выдержка сгенерированного кода:
interface IAdapter1 : IDBusObject
Task StartDiscoveryAsync();
Task SetDiscoveryFilterAsync(IDictionary<string, object> Properties);
Task StopDiscoveryAsync();
Task RemoveDeviceAsync(ObjectPath Device);
Task<string[]> GetDiscoveryFiltersAsync();
Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string prop);
Task<Adapter1Properties> GetAllAsync();
Task SetAsync(string prop, object val);
Task<IDisposable> WatchPropertiesAsync(Action<PropertyChanges> handler);
interface IDevice1 : IDBusObject
Task DisconnectAsync();
Task ConnectAsync();
Task ConnectProfileAsync(string UUID);
Task DisconnectProfileAsync(string UUID);
Task PairAsync();
Task CancelPairingAsync();
Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string prop);
Task<Device1Properties> GetAllAsync();
Task SetAsync(string prop, object val);
Task<IDisposable> WatchPropertiesAsync(Action<PropertyChanges> handler);
interface IGattService1 : IDBusObject
Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string prop);
Task<GattService1Properties> GetAllAsync();
Task SetAsync(string prop, object val);
Task<IDisposable> WatchPropertiesAsync(Action<PropertyChanges> handler);
interface IGattCharacteristic1 : IDBusObject
Task<byte[]> ReadValueAsync(IDictionary<string, object> Options);
Task WriteValueAsync(byte[] Value, IDictionary<string, object> Options);
Task<(CloseSafeHandle fd, ushort mtu)> AcquireWriteAsync(IDictionary<string, object> Options);
Task<(CloseSafeHandle fd, ushort mtu)> AcquireNotifyAsync(IDictionary<string, object> Options);
Task StartNotifyAsync();
Task StopNotifyAsync();
Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string prop);
Task<GattCharacteristic1Properties> GetAllAsync();
Task SetAsync(string prop, object val);
Task<IDisposable> WatchPropertiesAsync(Action<PropertyChanges> handler);
Пример использования.Имея периферийный адрес BLE, подключает и печатает характерные значения для службы GATT «Информация об устройстве»:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
// The code generated by `dotnet dbus codegen`.
using bluez.DBus;
// See https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/09/18/connecting-net-core-d-bus/ or https://github.com/tmds/Tmds.DBus
using Tmds.DBus;
// Use the `bluetoothctl` command-line tool or the Bluetooth Manager GUI to scan for devices and possibly pair.
// Then you can use this program to connect and print "Device Information" GATT service values.
class Program
static string defaultAdapterName = "hci0";
static TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
static async Task Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 1)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: BlueZExample <deviceAddress> [adapterName]");
Console.WriteLine("Example: BlueZExample AA:BB:CC:11:22:33 hci1");
var deviceAddress = args[0];
var adapterName = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : defaultAdapterName;
// Get the Bluetooth adapter.
var adapterObjectPath = $"/org/bluez/{adapterName}";
var adapter = Connection.System.CreateProxy<IAdapter1>(BluezConstants.DBusService, adapterObjectPath);
if (adapter == null)
Console.WriteLine($"Bluetooth adapter '{adapterName}' not found.");
// Find the Bluetooth peripheral.
var device = await adapter.GetDeviceAsync(deviceAddress);
if (device == null)
Console.WriteLine($"Bluetooth peripheral with address '{deviceAddress}' not found. Use `bluetoothctl` or Bluetooth Manager to scan and possibly pair first.");
await device.ConnectAsync();
await WaitForPropertyValueAsync<bool>("Connected", device.GetConnectedAsync, value: true, timeout);
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for services to resolve...");
await WaitForPropertyValueAsync<bool>("ServicesResolved", device.GetServicesResolvedAsync, value: true, timeout);
var servicesUUID = await device.GetUUIDsAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"Device offers {servicesUUID.Length} service(s).");
var deviceInfoServiceFound = servicesUUID.Any(uuid => String.Equals(uuid, GattConstants.DeviceInformationServiceUUID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (!deviceInfoServiceFound)
Console.WriteLine("Device doesn't have the Device Information Service. Try pairing first?");
// Console.WriteLine("Retrieving Device Information service...");
var service = await device.GetServiceAsync(GattConstants.DeviceInformationServiceUUID);
var modelNameCharacteristic = await service.GetCharacteristicAsync(GattConstants.ModelNameCharacteristicUUID);
var manufacturerCharacteristic = await service.GetCharacteristicAsync(GattConstants.ManufacturerNameCharacteristicUUID);
int characteristicsFound = 0;
if (modelNameCharacteristic != null)
Console.WriteLine("Reading model name characteristic...");
var modelNameBytes = await modelNameCharacteristic.ReadValueAsync(timeout);
Console.WriteLine($"Model name: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(modelNameBytes)}");
if (manufacturerCharacteristic != null)
Console.WriteLine("Reading manufacturer characteristic...");
var manufacturerBytes = await manufacturerCharacteristic.ReadValueAsync(timeout);
Console.WriteLine($"Manufacturer: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(manufacturerBytes)}");
if (characteristicsFound == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Model name and manufacturer characteristics not found.");
static async Task WaitForPropertyValueAsync<T>(string propertyName, Func<Task<T>> action, T value, TimeSpan timeout)
// Ideally we'd wait for D-Bus PropertyChanged events to fire, but for now we'll poll.
// Also ideally we'd be able to read property values for any D-Bus object, but for now we take a function.
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
while (watch.Elapsed <= timeout)
await Task.Delay(50);
if ((await action()).Equals(value))
throw new TimeoutException($"Timed out waiting for {propertyName} to equal {value}.");
// Extensions that make it easier to get a D-Bus object or read a characteristic value.
static class Extensions
public static Task<IReadOnlyList<IDevice1>> GetDevicesAsync(this IAdapter1 adapter)
return GetProxiesAsync<IDevice1>(adapter, BluezConstants.Device1Interface);
public static async Task<IDevice1> GetDeviceAsync(this IAdapter1 adapter, string deviceAddress)
var devices = await GetProxiesAsync<IDevice1>(adapter, BluezConstants.Device1Interface);
var matches = new List<IDevice1>();
foreach (var device in devices)
if (String.Equals(await device.GetAddressAsync(), deviceAddress, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// BlueZ can get in a weird state, probably due to random public BLE addresses.
if (matches.Count > 1)
throw new Exception($"{matches.Count} devices found with the address {deviceAddress}!");
return matches.FirstOrDefault();
public static async Task<IGattService1> GetServiceAsync(this IDevice1 device, string serviceUUID)
var services = await GetProxiesAsync<IGattService1>(device, BluezConstants.GattServiceInterface);
foreach (var service in services)
if (String.Equals(await service.GetUUIDAsync(), serviceUUID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return service;
return null;
public static async Task<IGattCharacteristic1> GetCharacteristicAsync(this IGattService1 service, string characteristicUUID)
var characteristics = await GetProxiesAsync<IGattCharacteristic1>(service, BluezConstants.GattCharacteristicInterface);
foreach (var characteristic in characteristics)
if (String.Equals(await characteristic.GetUUIDAsync(), characteristicUUID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return characteristic;
return null;
public static async Task<byte[]> ReadValueAsync(this IGattCharacteristic1 characteristic, TimeSpan timeout)
var options = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var readTask = characteristic.ReadValueAsync(options);
var timeoutTask = Task.Delay(timeout);
await Task.WhenAny(new Task[] { readTask, timeoutTask });
if (!readTask.IsCompleted)
throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting to read characteristic value.");
return await readTask;
private static async Task<IReadOnlyList<T>> GetProxiesAsync<T>(IDBusObject rootObject, string interfaceName)
// Console.WriteLine("GetProxiesAsync called.");
var objectManager = Connection.System.CreateProxy<IObjectManager>(BluezConstants.DBusService, "/");
var objects = await objectManager.GetManagedObjectsAsync();
var matchingObjects = objects
.Where(obj => obj.Value.Keys.Contains(interfaceName))
.Select(obj => obj.Key)
.Where(objectPath => objectPath.ToString().StartsWith($"{rootObject.ObjectPath}/"));
var proxies = matchingObjects
.Select(objectPath => Connection.System.CreateProxy<T>(BluezConstants.DBusService, objectPath))
// Console.WriteLine($"GetProxiesAsync returning {proxies.Count} proxies of type {typeof(T)}.");
return proxies;
static class GattConstants
// "Device Information" GATT service
// https://www.bluetooth.org/docman/handlers/downloaddoc.ashx?doc_id=244369
public const string DeviceInformationServiceUUID = "0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb";
public const string ModelNameCharacteristicUUID = "00002a24-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb";
public const string ManufacturerNameCharacteristicUUID = "00002a29-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb";
static class BluezConstants
public const string DBusService = "org.bluez";
public const string Adapter1Interface = "org.bluez.Adapter1";
public const string Device1Interface = "org.bluez.Device1";
public const string GattServiceInterface = "org.bluez.GattService1";
public const string GattCharacteristicInterface = "org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1";
Пакет NuGet
На основе приведенного выше кода я опубликовал HashtagChris.DotNetBlueZ , быстрая попытка создать библиотеку .Net Core для BlueZ.Он работает на моем Raspberry Pi (после установки версии 5.50 BlueZ ) и может быть полезен.Однако, если вы столкнетесь с проблемами при использовании пакета, я рекомендую попытаться получить прямой доступ к BlueZ API D-Bus .Исходный код C для bluetoothctl служит хорошим примером того, как использовать API D-Bus для сканирования, подключения, сопряжения и т. Д.