вы можете использовать шаблонный движок в вашей обобщенной функции:
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
void triggerBuild(a,b){
println "${a} >>>> ${b}"
void sendNotification(code, Map parms, List nodes) {
def templates = [
'appY': 'SUCCESSFUL, application ${app}:${ver} started properly',
'appN': 'FAILED, application ${app}:${ver} failed to start properly',
'depY': 'SUCCESSFUL deployment of ${app}:${ver} to ${node}<br>Executed by ${user}',
'depN': 'FAILED deployment of ${app}:${ver} to ${node}<br>Executed by ${user}'
def template = templates[code]
assert template
def message = new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(template).make(parms).toString()
triggerBuild(message, node)
sendNotification('appY',[app:'myapp', ver:'v123'],['n1','n2'])
приведенный выше код выдаст:
SUCCESSFUL, application myapp:v123 started properly >>>> n1
SUCCESSFUL, application myapp:v123 started properly >>>> n2