Используйте регулярное выражение для замены всего, начиная с каждого символа ~
тильды и заканчивая следующей запятой ,
или символом |
канала (исключая этот последний символ):
Oracle Setup :
CREATE TABLE your_data ( input_string ) AS
SELECT '(,QUESTION-3914~Please enter the unique identification number associated with the IRQ.|3~Greater Than|5~5,AND,QUESTION-3920~Select the contract action that applies to this IRQ.|5~Equal To|LOV1274~New Agreement,),AND,QUESTION-3921~If "New Agreement@comma@" which type of New Agreement is being requested?|5~Equal To|y~Yes,OR,NOT,(,QUESTION-3923~Will the Third Party Relationship support the implementation@comma@ pilot@comma@ launch@comma@ or operation of a New Activity (as defined in the New Activity Risk Management Policy)?|5~Equal To|y~Yes,)' FROM DUAL
Запрос :
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE( input_string, '~.*?([|,])', '\1' ) AS output
FROM your_data d
Вывод :
| :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| (,QUESTION-3914|3|5,AND,QUESTION-3920|5|LOV1274,),AND,QUESTION-3921|5|y,OR,NOT,(,QUESTION-3923|5|y,) |
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