, поскольку я некоторое время борюсь и не могу понять следующий сценарий:
У меня есть компонент 'test.ts' и служба 'authService'.В методе компонента ngOnInit я подписываюсь на authState службы.Это прекрасно работает.
Я хочу добиться следующего: если пользователь аутентифицирован, я хочу загрузить данные профиля из базы данных firebase.Эти данные базы данных будут затем назначены закрытой переменной-члену службы в качестве объекта профиля.
userprofile: Userprofile = null; // This is a class member
let fbUserProfile: Observable<any> = this.afDatabase.object(`${this.PATH_USER_PROFILE}/${userID}`).valueChanges();
this.userprofile = this.currentUserProfile( fbUserProfile );
Закрытый метод currentUserProfile внутри authService создаст новый объект Userprofile и назначит значения из данного Observable.
Параллельно я хочу получить список назначенных учетных данных для этого пользователя и сохранить его в закрытой переменной-члене службы.
usercredentials: Map<string, Credential> = null; // This is a class member
let fbUsercredentials: Observable<any> = this.afDatabase.list<Credential>(`${this.PATH_USER_CREDENTIALS}/${userID}`).snapshotChanges().pipe(
map(changes => changes.map(c => ({ key: c.payload.key, ...c.payload.val() }) ))
this.usercredentials = this.currentAssignedUserCredentials( fbUsercredentials )
Примечание: действительно, что пользователь не 'У меня нет никаких полномочий!В функции currentAssignedUserCredentials я подписываюсь на данную наблюдаемую и строю карту.
Итак, вот что я сейчас не могу понять: я хочу подписаться на authState в моем сервисе, и в результате я хочу, чтобы оба члена varsзаполнены.Примерно так:
this.authService.authstate$.subscribe( () => {
this.authServive.getUserprofile(); // should return a Userprofile object that is filled with the firebase information
this.authService.getUsercredentials(); // should return the map with assigned user credentials (or null)
Вот так выглядит мой файл auth.service.ts:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import {AngularFireAuth} from '@angular/fire/auth';
import {AngularFireDatabase, AngularFireObject, AngularFireList} from '@angular/fire/database';
import { Credential } from '../items/credentials.model';
import { Userprofile } from '../items/userprofile.model';
import { Observable, of} from 'rxjs';
import { switchMap, filter, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Constants } from '../core/constants.model';
providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthService {
public authstate$: Observable<any | null>;
private readonly PATH_USER_PROFILE = 'users/userprofiles';
private readonly PATH_CREDENTIALS = 'credentials';
private readonly PATH_USER_CREDENTIALS = 'credentials/users';
private firebaseUser: firebase.User = null; // the firebase informations if the user is logged in
private userprofile: Userprofile = null;
private credentialno = 'Demo';
private usercredential: Credential = this.updateUserCredential(null);
private assignedUserCredentials$: Observable<any | null>;
private credentialMap: Map<string, Credential>;
constructor(private afAuth: AngularFireAuth,
private afDatabase: AngularFireDatabase,
private router: Router) {
this.authstate$ = this.afAuth.authState.pipe(
filter(fbUser => fbUser !== null),
switchMap( (fbUser: firebase.User) => {
if (fbUser) {
// The user is logged in successfully.
this.firebaseUser = fbUser;
// return the userprofile observable depending from his user id
let fbUserprofileObject = this.getUserprofileObjectById(this.firebaseUser.uid);
return fbUserprofileObject.valueChanges();
} else {
// The user isn't logged in
this.firebaseUser = null;
return of(null);
switchMap( (fbUserprofile) => {
if (fbUserprofile) {
// create the userprofile
this.userprofile = this.currentUserProfile( fbUserprofile );
return of( this.userprofile.getUid() );
} else {
return of(null);
} ),
switchMap( (userID: string) => {
if (userID) {
let fbAssignedUserCredentials: AngularFireList<any> = this.getUserCredentialListById(userID);
this.assignedUserCredentials$ = fbAssignedUserCredentials.snapshotChanges().pipe(
map(changes => changes.map(c => ({ key: c.payload.key, ...c.payload.val() }) ))
this.credentialMap = this.currentAssignedUserCredentials(this.assignedUserCredentials$);
return of(null);
} else {
// FV: Add a demo credential to the usercredentiallist
//this.credentialMap.set('Demo', new Credential('Demo', 1, '', 0));
return of(null);
// #######################
// #######################
get authenticated(): boolean {
// Returns true if user is logged in
return this.firebaseUser !== null;
get currentUserId(): string {
// Returns current user UID or empty string
return this.authenticated ? this.firebaseUser.uid : '';
get currentUserEmail(): string {
// Returns current user email address or empty string
return this.firebaseUser ? this.firebaseUser.email : '';
get currentUserEmailVerified(): boolean {
// Retruns true if the email address is verfified or false
return this.authenticated ? this.firebaseUser.emailVerified : false;
get currentUserAnonymous(): boolean {
// Returns true if this user is an anonymous user
return this.authenticated ? this.firebaseUser.isAnonymous : false;
get currentUserDisplayName(): string {
// Returns current user display name or Guest
if (!this.firebaseUser) { return 'Guest'; }
if (this.currentUserAnonymous) {
return 'Anonymous';
} else {
return this.firebaseUser['displayName'] || 'User without a Name';
get FirebaseLoginMethod(): number {
// Returns the Firebase login method as number
let retrunValue: number = Constants.LOGIN_OPTION_NOT_LOGGED_IN;
if (this.authenticated) {
switch (this.firebaseUser.providerId) {
case 'facebook.com': {
// For linked facebook account
retrunValue = Constants.LOGIN_OPTION_FACEBOOK;
case 'google.com': {
// For linked Google account
retrunValue = Constants.LOGIN_OPTION_GOOGLE;
case 'password': {
// For Email/Password account
retrunValue = Constants.LOGIN_OPTION_PASSWORD;
default: {
retrunValue = Constants.LOGIN_OPTION_UNKNOWN;
return retrunValue;
// ####################
// ####################
public getUserProfile(): Userprofile {
console.log('getUserProfile - start');
return this.currentUserProfile(null);
public getAssignedUserCredentials(): Map<string, Credential> {
return this.currentAssignedUserCredentials(null);
public getUserCredential(): Credential {
return this.usercredential;
public setUserCredential(newCredential: Credential): void {
this.usercredential = newCredential;
public setUserProfile(newProfile: Userprofile): void {
this.userprofile = newProfile;
public signOut() {
this.afAuth.auth.signOut().then(() => {
this.firebaseUser = null;
this.authstate$ = null;
this.userprofile = null;
this.credentialno = 'Demo';
this.usercredential = this.updateUserCredential(null);
public updateFBUserProfile() {
const fbUserprofileObject = this.getUserprofileObjectById(this.userprofile.getUid());
return fbUserprofileObject.update({
fullname: this.userprofile.getFullname() as String,
email: this.userprofile.getEmail() as String,
phone: this.userprofile.getPhone() as String,
postaladdress: this.userprofile.getAddress() as String,
serialnumber: this.usercredential.getSerialnumber() as String
public updateFBUserCredential() {
const fbUsercrednetialObject = this.getUserCredentialObjectById(this.usercredential.getSerialnumber());
return fbUsercrednetialObject.update({
accesslevel: this.usercredential.getAccesslevel() as Number,
assigneduserprofile: this.usercredential.getAssignedUserprofile() as String,
validuntil: this.usercredential.getValidUntil() as Number
// ############################
// ############################
private currentUserProfile(fbUserprofile: Observable<any>): Userprofile {
console.log('currentUserProfile - start');
let profile_new: Userprofile = null;
let photourl = '';
// if the userprofile is already build then return it
if (this.userprofile) {
return this.userprofile;
profile_new = new Userprofile('', '', false, '', '', '', '', 10);
// if the user is authenticated then fill the new profile with that information
if (this.authenticated) {
// photourl
this.firebaseUser.providerData.forEach(profil => {
photourl = profil.photoURL;
// photourl - the image url in firebase auth user must be corrected
// if the fbUserprofile isn't null then get the data from there
if (fbUserprofile) {
// Fullname
if (fbUserprofile.fullname.length > 0) { profile_new.setFullname(fbUserprofile.fullname); }
// phone
// postal address
// Get Credentials assigned to the user
this.credentialno = fbUserprofile.serialnumber;
console.log('currentUserProfile - stop');
// return the new profile
return profile_new;
private updatePhotoUrl(photourl: string): string {
let returnValue = photourl;
// If the main profile Pic is an expiring facebook profile pic URL we'll update it automatically
// to use the permanent graph API URL.
if (returnValue && (returnValue.indexOf('lookaside.facebook.com') !== -1 || returnValue.indexOf('fbcdn.net') !== -1)) {
// Fid the user's Facebook UID.
const facebookUID = this.firebaseUser.providerData.find((providerData) => providerData.providerId === 'facebook.com').uid;
returnValue = `https://graph.facebook.com/${facebookUID}/picture?type=small`;
this.firebaseUser.updateProfile({displayName: this.firebaseUser.displayName, photoURL: returnValue}).then(() => {
// console.log('User profile photourl updated.');
return returnValue;
public updateUserCredential(fbCredential: any): Credential {
let credential_new: Credential;
if (fbCredential) {
credential_new = new Credential(this.credentialno, fbCredential.accesslevel,
fbCredential.assigneduserprofile, fbCredential.validuntil);
} else {
credential_new = new Credential('Demo', 1, '', 0);
return credential_new;
private getUserprofileObjectById(userID: string): AngularFireObject<any> {
return this.afDatabase.object(`${this.PATH_USER_PROFILE}/${userID}`);
public getUserCredentialObjectById(credentialID: string): AngularFireObject<any> {
return this.afDatabase.object(`${this.PATH_CREDENTIALS}/${credentialID}`);
public getUserCredentialListById(userID: string): AngularFireList<any> {
return this.afDatabase.list<Credential>(`${this.PATH_USER_CREDENTIALS}/${userID}`);
private currentAssignedUserCredentials(assignedUserCredentials$: Observable<any | null>): Map<string, Credential> {
let mocked_usercredentials: Map<string, Credential> = null;
// if the assigned user credentials are already build then return it
if (this.credentialMap) {
return this.credentialMap;
mocked_usercredentials = new Map();
if(assignedUserCredentials$) {
assignedUserCredentials$.subscribe(credentials => {
credentials.map(item => {
mocked_usercredentials.set(item.key, new Credential(item.key, item.accesslevel, this.userprofile.getUid(), item.validuntil));
return mocked_usercredentials;
} else {
return null;
Любая помощь приветствуется!С уважением, Фрэнк