вы можете использовать что-то вроде этого:
Sub test()
Dim Dic As Object: Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dic.comparemode = vbTextCompare
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = Range([A1], Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
Dim cl As Range, sPhone$, sCell$, sEmail$, sAddress$
For Each cl In rng
sPhone = Cells(cl.Row, "B").Value2
sCell = Cells(cl.Row, "C").Value2
sEmail = Cells(cl.Row, "D").Value2
sAddress = Cells(cl.Row, "E").Value2
If Not Dic.exists(cl.Value2) Then
Dic.Add cl.Value2, sPhone & "|" & sCell & "|" & sEmail & "|" & sAddress
If Not (Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(0) Like "*" & sPhone & "*") And sPhone <> "" Then
Dic(cl.Value2) = sPhone & ", " & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(0) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(1) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(2) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(3)
End If
If Not Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(1) Like "*" & sCell & "*" And sCell <> "" Then
Dic(cl.Value2) = Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(0) & "|" & _
sCell & ", " & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(1) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(2) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(3)
End If
If Not Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(2) Like "*" & sEmail & "*" And sEmail <> "" Then
Dic(cl.Value2) = Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(0) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(1) & "|" & _
sEmail & "," & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(2) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(3)
End If
If Not Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(3) Like "*" & sAddress & "*" And sAddress <> "" Then
Dic(cl.Value2) = Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(0) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(1) & "|" & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(2) & "|" & _
sAddress & "," & _
Split(Dic(cl.Value2), "|")(3)
End If
End If
Next cl
Dim key, i&, ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets.Add: ws.Name = "Result " & Replace(Now, ":", "-")
With ws
i = 1
For Each key In Dic
.Cells(i, "A").Value2 = key
.Cells(i, "B").Value2 = Split(Dic(key), "|")(0)
.Cells(i, "C").Value2 = Split(Dic(key), "|")(1)
.Cells(i, "D").Value2 = Split(Dic(key), "|")(2)
.Cells(i, "E").Value2 = Split(Dic(key), "|")(3)
i = i + 1
Next key
End With
End Sub