Как программно (в build.sbt
) найти все подпроекты текущего корневого проекта в sbt 0.13?(Я еще не пробовал Project.componentProjects, потому что он новый в sbt 1.0).
lazy val root = (project in file(".") ... )
val myTask = taskKey[Unit]("some description")
myTask := {
val masterRoot = baseDirectory.value
// This does not work
// val subProjects: Seq[ProjectReference] = root.aggregate
// So I tried to specify the subproject list explicitly; still does not work
val subProjects = Seq[Project](subPrj1)
subProjects.foreach { subproject =>
// All of this works if the "subproject" is hard-coded to "subPrj1"
val subprojectTarget = target.in(subproject).value / "classes"
val cp = (dependencyClasspath in(subproject, Compile, compile)).value
Получил эти ошибки:
build.sbt: error: Illegal dynamic reference: subproject
val subprojectTarget = target.in(subproject).value / "classes"
build.sbt: error: Illegal dynamic reference: subproject
val cp = (dependencyClasspath in(subproject, Compile, compile)).value