Я нашел инструмент с открытым исходным кодом, названный «forseti Security», который прост в установке и использовании.В нем 5 основных компонентов.
Inventory : Regularly collects the data from GCP and store the results in cloudSQL under the table “gcp_inventory”. In order to refer to the latest inventory information you can refer to the max value of column : inventory_index_id.
Scanner : It periodically compares the policies applied on GCP resources with the data collected from Inventory. It stores the scanner information in table “scanner_index”
Explain : it helps to manage the cloud IAM policies.
Enforcer : This component use Google Cloud API to enforce the policies you have set in GCP platform.
Notifier : It helps to send notifications to Slack, Cloud Storage or SendGrid as show in Architecture diagram above.
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