Я получаю сигнал SIGSEGV на оператор функции ==, однако я понятия не имею, почему это происходит. Отладчик показывает, что один из аргументов не имеет значений своих членов, но есть конструктор по умолчанию длясостав.Я получаю сигнал для оператора bool == (const Pos & p, const Pos & d) Вот полный файл.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int sgn(int x)
return (x>0) - (x<0);
struct Pos
int xpos;
int ypos;
:xpos{ 0 }, ypos{ 0 }
Pos(int xp, int yp)
:xpos(xp), ypos(yp)
Pos(const Pos& p)
:xpos(p.xpos), ypos(p.ypos)
Pos& operator=(const Pos&);
bool operator<(const Pos&) const;
---->bool operator==(const Pos& p, const Pos& d)<----
return p.ypos == d.ypos && p.xpos == d.xpos;
bool Pos::operator<(const Pos& p)const
return xpos < p.xpos && ypos < p.ypos;
Pos& Pos::operator=(const Pos& P)
xpos = P.xpos;
ypos = P.ypos;
return *this;
class Figure
:pos(0, 0), is_protected(false), color(' ')
Figure(const Pos&, char);
virtual void fix_move_zone();
bool is_protected;
char color;
Pos pos;
vector<Pos> move_zone;
Figure::Figure(const Pos& A, char C)
:pos(A), color(C), is_protected(false)
void Figure::fix_move_zone()
////////////////////// Global Variables ///////////////////////////
map<Pos, Figure> G_Field; //
bool G_black_king_UA = false; // flag to know if black king is under attack
bool is_valid_move(Pos v)
return (v.xpos)>0 && (v.ypos)>0;
istream& operator>>(istream& is, Pos p)
char c;
is >> c >> p.ypos;
p.xpos = c - 'A' + 1;
if (!is_valid_move(p) || G_Field.find(p) != G_Field.end()) cerr << "ERROR: Either there is no such position or it is taken";
return is;
class King : public Figure
void fix_move_zone();
King(Pos, char);
King::King(Pos p, char c) : Figure(p, c)
G_Field[pos] = Figure(pos, color);
for (int i = -1; i<2; i++)
for (int j = -1; j<2; j++)
if (is_valid_move(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos + j))) move_zone.push_back(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos + j));
void King::fix_move_zone()
for (int i = 0; i<move_zone.size(); i++)
if (G_Field[move_zone[i]].color)
if (G_Field[move_zone[i]].is_protected)move_zone.erase(move_zone.begin() + i);
class Knight : public Figure
void fix_move_zone();
Knight(Pos, char);
Knight::Knight(Pos p, char c)
: Figure(p, c)
G_Field[pos] = Figure(pos, color);
for (int i = -2; i<3; i++)
for (int j = -2; j<3; j++)
if (abs(i) + abs(j) == 3 && is_valid_move(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos + j))) move_zone.push_back(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos + j));
void Knight::fix_move_zone()
for (int i = 0; i<move_zone.size(); i++)
if (G_Field[move_zone[i]].color)
if (G_Field[move_zone[i]].color == color)G_Field[move_zone[i]].is_protected = true;
else G_black_king_UA = true;
class Bishop : public Figure
void fix_move_zone();
Bishop(Pos, char);
Bishop::Bishop(Pos p, char c)
: Figure(p, c)
G_Field[pos] = Figure(pos, color);
for (int i = -7; i<8; i++)
for (int j = -7; j<8; j++)
if (abs(i) == abs(j) && is_valid_move(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos + j))) move_zone.push_back(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos + j));
void Bishop::fix_move_zone()
for (int i = 0; i<move_zone.size(); i++)
if (G_Field[move_zone[i]].color)
for (int j = 0; j<move_zone.size(); j++)
if (i == j)continue;
if (sgn((pos.xpos - move_zone[i].xpos)) == sgn((pos.xpos - move_zone[j].xpos)) && sgn(pos.ypos - move_zone[i].ypos) == sgn(pos.ypos - move_zone[j].ypos))
if (abs(pos.xpos - move_zone[j].xpos)>abs(pos.xpos - move_zone[i].xpos) || abs(pos.ypos - move_zone[j].ypos)>abs(pos.ypos - move_zone[i].ypos))
if (G_Field[move_zone[i]].color == color)G_Field[move_zone[i]].is_protected = true;
else G_black_king_UA = true;
move_zone.erase(move_zone.begin() + j);
class Queen : public Figure
void fix_move_zone();
Queen(Pos, char);
Queen::Queen(Pos p, char c)
:Figure(p, c)
G_Field[pos] = Figure(pos, color);
for (int i = -7; i<8; i++)
if (is_valid_move(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos)))
move_zone.push_back(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos));
for (int j = -7; j<8; j++)
if (abs(i) == abs(j) && is_valid_move(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos + j))) move_zone.push_back(Pos(pos.xpos + i, pos.ypos + j));
if (is_valid_move(Pos(pos.xpos, pos.ypos + j))) move_zone.push_back(Pos(pos.xpos, pos.ypos + j));
void Queen::fix_move_zone()
for (int i = 0; i<move_zone.size(); i++)
if (G_Field[move_zone[i]].color)
for (int j = 0; j<move_zone.size(); j++)
if (i == j)continue;
if (sgn((pos.xpos - move_zone[i].xpos)) == sgn((pos.xpos - move_zone[j].xpos)) && sgn(pos.ypos - move_zone[i].ypos) == sgn(pos.ypos - move_zone[j].ypos))
if (abs(pos.xpos - move_zone[j].xpos)>abs(pos.xpos - move_zone[i].xpos) || abs(pos.ypos - move_zone[j].ypos)>abs(pos.ypos - move_zone[i].ypos))
if (G_Field[move_zone[i]].color == color)G_Field[move_zone[i]].is_protected = true;
else G_black_king_UA = true;
move_zone.erase(move_zone.begin() + j);
int main()
Pos Wking;
Pos Wknight;
Pos WBishop;
Pos WQueen;
Pos BKing;
cout << "Please enter position of the figure in this format:ex. A 7 " << endl;
cout << "Black King: ";
cin >> BKing;
King BKI(BKing, 'b');
cout << "White King: ";
cin >> Wking;
King WKI(Wking, 'w');
cout << "White Knight: ";
cin >> Wknight;
Knight WKN(Wknight, 'w');
cout << "White Bishop: ";
cin >> WBishop;
Bishop WBI(WBishop, 'w');
cout << "White Queen: ";
cin >> WQueen;
Queen WQU(WQueen, 'w');
for (int i = 0; i<BKI.move_zone.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j<WQU.move_zone.size(); j++)
if (BKI.move_zone[i] == WQU.move_zone[j])
BKI.move_zone.erase(BKI.move_zone.begin() + i);
for (int j = 0; j<WKN.move_zone.size(); j++)
if (BKI.move_zone[i] == WKN.move_zone[j])
BKI.move_zone.erase(BKI.move_zone.begin() + i);
for (int j = 0; j<WBI.move_zone.size(); j++)
if (BKI.move_zone[i] == WBI.move_zone[j])
BKI.move_zone.erase(BKI.move_zone.begin() + i);
for (int j = 0; j<WKI.move_zone.size(); j++)
if (BKI.move_zone[i] == WKI.move_zone[j])
BKI.move_zone.erase(BKI.move_zone.begin() + i);
if (!BKI.move_zone.size() && G_black_king_UA) cout << "Checkmate!" << '\n';
else cout << "It is not a Checkmate!" << '\n';
return 0;
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