LibGDX Gifdecoder - PullRequest

LibGDX Gifdecoder

0 голосов
/ 03 марта 2019

Я хочу использовать gifs в libGDX и нашел для этого gif-декодер.Но время загрузки при отображении картинки слишком велико.Есть ли возможность предварительно загружать картинки с каким-то загрузочным экраном?Я использую следующий GIF-декодер:

public class GifDecoder {
 * File read status: No errors.
public static final int STATUS_OK = 0;
 * File read status: Error decoding file (may be partially decoded)
public static final int STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR = 1;
 * File read status: Unable to open source.
public static final int STATUS_OPEN_ERROR = 2;
/** max decoder pixel stack size */
protected static final int MAX_STACK_SIZE = 4096;
protected InputStream in;
protected int status;
protected int width; // full image width
protected int height; // full image height
protected boolean gctFlag; // global color table used
protected int gctSize; // size of global color table
protected int loopCount = 1; // iterations; 0 = repeat forever
protected int[] gct; // global color table
protected int[] lct; // local color table
protected int[] act; // active color table
protected int bgIndex; // background color index
protected int bgColor; // background color
protected int lastBgColor; // previous bg color
protected int pixelAspect; // pixel aspect ratio
protected boolean lctFlag; // local color table flag
protected boolean interlace; // interlace flag
protected int lctSize; // local color table size
protected int ix, iy, iw, ih; // current image rectangle
protected int lrx, lry, lrw, lrh;
protected DixieMap image; // current frame
protected DixieMap lastPixmap; // previous frame
protected byte[] block = new byte[256]; // current data block
protected int blockSize = 0; // block size last graphic control extension info
protected int dispose = 0; // 0=no action; 1=leave in place; 2=restore to bg; 3=restore to prev
protected int lastDispose = 0;
protected boolean transparency = false; // use transparent color
protected int delay = 0; // delay in milliseconds
protected int transIndex; // transparent color index
// LZW decoder working arrays
protected short[] prefix;
protected byte[] suffix;
protected byte[] pixelStack;
protected byte[] pixels;
protected Vector<GifFrame> frames; // frames read from current file
protected int frameCount;

private static class DixieMap extends Pixmap {
    DixieMap(int w, int h, Pixmap.Format f) {
        super(w, h, f);

    DixieMap(int[] data, int w, int h, Pixmap.Format f) {
        super(w, h, f);

        int x, y;

        for(y = 0; y < h; y++) {
            for(x = 0; x < w; x++) {
                int pxl_ARGB8888 = data[x + y * w];
                int pxl_RGBA8888 =
                        ((pxl_ARGB8888 >> 24) & 0x000000ff) | ((pxl_ARGB8888 << 8) & 0xffffff00);
                // convert ARGB8888 > RGBA8888
                drawPixel(x, y, pxl_RGBA8888);

    void getPixels(int[] pixels, int offset, int stride, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        java.nio.ByteBuffer bb = getPixels();

        int k, l;

        for(k = y;  k < y + height; k++) {
            int _offset = offset;
            for(l = x; l < x + width; l++) {
                int pxl = bb.getInt(4 * (l + k * width));

                // convert RGBA8888 > ARGB8888
                pixels[_offset++] = ((pxl >> 8) & 0x00ffffff) | ((pxl << 24) & 0xff000000);
            offset += stride;

private static class GifFrame {
    public GifFrame(DixieMap im, int del) {
        image = im;
        delay = del;

    public DixieMap image;
    public int delay;

 * Gets display duration for specified frame.
 * @param n
 *          int index of frame
 * @return delay in milliseconds
public int getDelay(int n) {
    delay = -1;
    if ((n >= 0) && (n < frameCount)) {
        delay = frames.elementAt(n).delay;
    return delay;

 * Gets the number of frames read from file.
 * @return frame count
public int getFrameCount() {
    return frameCount;

 * Gets the first (or only) image read.
 * @return BufferedPixmap containing first frame, or null if none.
public Pixmap getPixmap() {
    return getFrame(0);

 * Gets the "Netscape" iteration count, if any. A count of 0 means repeat indefinitely.
 * @return iteration count if one was specified, else 1.
public int getLoopCount() {
    return loopCount;

 * Creates new frame image from current data (and previous frames as specified by their disposition codes).
protected void setPixels() {
    // expose destination image's pixels as int array
    int[] dest = new int[width * height];
    // fill in starting image contents based on last image's dispose code
    if (lastDispose > 0) {
        if (lastDispose == 3) {
            // use image before last
            int n = frameCount - 2;
            if (n > 0) {
                lastPixmap = getFrame(n - 1);
            } else {
                lastPixmap = null;
        if (lastPixmap != null) {
            lastPixmap.getPixels(dest, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
            // copy pixels
            if (lastDispose == 2) {
                // fill last image rect area with background color
                int c = 0;
                if (!transparency) {
                    c = lastBgColor;
                for (int i = 0; i < lrh; i++) {
                    int n1 = (lry + i) * width + lrx;
                    int n2 = n1 + lrw;
                    for (int k = n1; k < n2; k++) {
                        dest[k] = c;
    // copy each source line to the appropriate place in the destination
    int pass = 1;
    int inc = 8;
    int iline = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ih; i++) {
        int line = i;
        if (interlace) {
            if (iline >= ih) {
                switch (pass) {
                    case 2:
                        iline = 4;
                    case 3:
                        iline = 2;
                        inc = 4;
                    case 4:
                        iline = 1;
                        inc = 2;
            line = iline;
            iline += inc;
        line += iy;
        if (line < height) {
            int k = line * width;
            int dx = k + ix; // start of line in dest
            int dlim = dx + iw; // end of dest line
            if ((k + width) < dlim) {
                dlim = k + width; // past dest edge
            int sx = i * iw; // start of line in source
            while (dx < dlim) {
                // map color and insert in destination
                int index = ((int) pixels[sx++]) & 0xff;
                int c = act[index];
                if (c != 0) {
                    dest[dx] = c;
    image = new DixieMap(dest, width, height, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
    //Pixmap.createPixmap(dest, width, height, Config.ARGB_4444);

 * Gets the image contents of frame n.
 * @return BufferedPixmap representation of frame, or null if n is invalid.
public DixieMap getFrame(int n) {
    if (frameCount <= 0)
        return null;
    n = n % frameCount;
    return ((GifFrame) frames.elementAt(n)).image;

 * Reads GIF image from stream
 * @param is
 *          containing GIF file.
 * @return read status code (0 = no errors)
public int read(InputStream is) {
    if (is != null) {
        in = is;
        if (!err()) {
            if (frameCount < 0) {
                status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;
    } else {
        status = STATUS_OPEN_ERROR;
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return status;

 * Decodes LZW image data into pixel array. Adapted from John Cristy's BitmapMagick.
protected void decodeBitmapData() {
    int nullCode = -1;
    int npix = iw * ih;
    int available, clear, code_mask, code_size, end_of_information, in_code, old_code, bits, code, count, i, datum, data_size, first, top, bi, pi;
    if ((pixels == null) || (pixels.length < npix)) {
        pixels = new byte[npix]; // allocate new pixel array
    if (prefix == null) {
        prefix = new short[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
    if (suffix == null) {
        suffix = new byte[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
    if (pixelStack == null) {
        pixelStack = new byte[MAX_STACK_SIZE + 1];
    // Initialize GIF data stream decoder.
    data_size = read();
    clear = 1 << data_size;
    end_of_information = clear + 1;
    available = clear + 2;
    old_code = nullCode;
    code_size = data_size + 1;
    code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1;
    for (code = 0; code < clear; code++) {
        prefix[code] = 0; // XXX ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
        suffix[code] = (byte) code;
    // Decode GIF pixel stream.
    datum = bits = count = first = top = pi = bi = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < npix;) {
        if (top == 0) {
            if (bits < code_size) {
                // Load bytes until there are enough bits for a code.
                if (count == 0) {
                    // Read a new data block.
                    count = readBlock();
                    if (count <= 0) {
                    bi = 0;
                datum += (((int) block[bi]) & 0xff) << bits;
                bits += 8;
            // Get the next code.
            code = datum & code_mask;
            datum >>= code_size;
            bits -= code_size;
            // Interpret the code
            if ((code > available) || (code == end_of_information)) {
            if (code == clear) {
                // Reset decoder.
                code_size = data_size + 1;
                code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1;
                available = clear + 2;
                old_code = nullCode;
            if (old_code == nullCode) {
                pixelStack[top++] = suffix[code];
                old_code = code;
                first = code;
            in_code = code;
            if (code == available) {
                pixelStack[top++] = (byte) first;
                code = old_code;
            while (code > clear) {
                pixelStack[top++] = suffix[code];
                code = prefix[code];
            first = ((int) suffix[code]) & 0xff;
            // Add a new string to the string table,
            if (available >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) {
            pixelStack[top++] = (byte) first;
            prefix[available] = (short) old_code;
            suffix[available] = (byte) first;
            if (((available & code_mask) == 0) && (available < MAX_STACK_SIZE)) {
                code_mask += available;
            old_code = in_code;
        // Pop a pixel off the pixel stack.
        pixels[pi++] = pixelStack[top];
    for (i = pi; i < npix; i++) {
        pixels[i] = 0; // clear missing pixels

 * Returns true if an error was encountered during reading/decoding
protected boolean err() {
    return status != STATUS_OK;

 * Initializes or re-initializes reader
protected void init() {
    status = STATUS_OK;
    frameCount = 0;
    frames = new Vector<GifFrame>();
    gct = null;
    lct = null;

 * Reads a single byte from the input stream.
protected int read() {
    int curByte = 0;
    try {
        curByte =;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;
    return curByte;

 * Reads next variable length block from input.
 * @return number of bytes stored in "buffer"
protected int readBlock() {
    blockSize = read();
    int n = 0;
    if (blockSize > 0) {
        try {
            int count = 0;
            while (n < blockSize) {
                count =, n, blockSize - n);
                if (count == -1) {
                n += count;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (n < blockSize) {
            status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;
    return n;

 * Reads color table as 256 RGB integer values
 * @param ncolors
 *          int number of colors to read
 * @return int array containing 256 colors (packed ARGB with full alpha)
protected int[] readColorTable(int ncolors) {
    int nbytes = 3 * ncolors;
    int[] tab = null;
    byte[] c = new byte[nbytes];
    int n = 0;
    try {
        n =;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    if (n < nbytes) {
        status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;
    } else {
        tab = new int[256]; // max size to avoid bounds checks
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        while (i < ncolors) {
            int r = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff;
            int g = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff;
            int b = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff;
            tab[i++] = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
    return tab;

 * Main file parser. Reads GIF content blocks.
protected void readContents() {
    // read GIF file content blocks
    boolean done = false;
    while (!(done || err())) {
        int code = read();
        switch (code) {
            case 0x2C: // image separator
            case 0x21: // extension
                code = read();
                switch (code) {
                    case 0xf9: // graphics control extension
                    case 0xff: // application extension
                        String app = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
                            app += (char) block[i];
                        if (app.equals("NETSCAPE2.0")) {
                        } else {
                            skip(); // don't care
                    case 0xfe:// comment extension
                    case 0x01:// plain text extension
                    default: // uninteresting extension
            case 0x3b: // terminator
                done = true;
            case 0x00: // bad byte, but keep going and see what happens break;
                status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;

 * Reads Graphics Control Extension values
protected void readGraphicControlExt() {
    read(); // block size
    int packed = read(); // packed fields
    dispose = (packed & 0x1c) >> 2; // disposal method
    if (dispose == 0) {
        dispose = 1; // elect to keep old image if discretionary
    transparency = (packed & 1) != 0;
    delay = readShort() * 10; // delay in milliseconds
    transIndex = read(); // transparent color index
    read(); // block terminator

 * Reads GIF file header information.
protected void readHeader() {
    String id = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        id += (char) read();
    if (!id.startsWith("GIF")) {
        status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;
    if (gctFlag && !err()) {
        gct = readColorTable(gctSize);
        bgColor = gct[bgIndex];

 * Reads next frame image
protected void readBitmap() {
    ix = readShort(); // (sub)image position & size
    iy = readShort();
    iw = readShort();
    ih = readShort();
    int packed = read();
    lctFlag = (packed & 0x80) != 0; // 1 - local color table flag interlace
    lctSize = (int) Math.pow(2, (packed & 0x07) + 1);
    // 3 - sort flag
    // 4-5 - reserved lctSize = 2 << (packed & 7); // 6-8 - local color
    // table size
    interlace = (packed & 0x40) != 0;
    if (lctFlag) {
        lct = readColorTable(lctSize); // read table
        act = lct; // make local table active
    } else {
        act = gct; // make global table active
        if (bgIndex == transIndex) {
            bgColor = 0;
    int save = 0;
    if (transparency) {
        save = act[transIndex];
        act[transIndex] = 0; // set transparent color if specified
    if (act == null) {
        status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; // no color table defined
    if (err()) {
    decodeBitmapData(); // decode pixel data
    if (err()) {
    // create new image to receive frame data
    image = new DixieMap(width, height, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
    setPixels(); // transfer pixel data to image
    frames.addElement(new GifFrame(image, delay)); // add image to frame
    // list
    if (transparency) {
        act[transIndex] = save;

 * Reads Logical Screen Descriptor
protected void readLSD() {
    // logical screen size
    width = readShort();
    height = readShort();
    // packed fields
    int packed = read();
    gctFlag = (packed & 0x80) != 0; // 1 : global color table flag
    // 2-4 : color resolution
    // 5 : gct sort flag
    gctSize = 2 << (packed & 7); // 6-8 : gct size
    bgIndex = read(); // background color index
    pixelAspect = read(); // pixel aspect ratio

 * Reads Netscape extenstion to obtain iteration count
protected void readNetscapeExt() {
    do {
        if (block[0] == 1) {
            // loop count sub-block
            int b1 = ((int) block[1]) & 0xff;
            int b2 = ((int) block[2]) & 0xff;
            loopCount = (b2 << 8) | b1;
    } while ((blockSize > 0) && !err());

 * Reads next 16-bit value, LSB first
protected int readShort() {
    // read 16-bit value, LSB first
    return read() | (read() << 8);

 * Resets frame state for reading next image.
protected void resetFrame() {
    lastDispose = dispose;
    lrx = ix;
    lry = iy;
    lrw = iw;
    lrh = ih;
    lastPixmap = image;
    lastBgColor = bgColor;
    dispose = 0;
    transparency = false;
    delay = 0;
    lct = null;

 * Skips variable length blocks up to and including next zero length block.
protected void skip() {
    do {
    } while ((blockSize > 0) && !err());

public Animation<TextureRegion> getAnimation(PlayMode playMode) {
    int nrFrames = getFrameCount();
    Pixmap frame = getFrame(0);
    int width = frame.getWidth();
    int height = frame.getHeight();
    int vzones = (int)Math.sqrt((double)nrFrames);
    int hzones = vzones;

    while(vzones * hzones < nrFrames) vzones++;

    int v, h;

    Pixmap target = new Pixmap(width * hzones, height * vzones, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);

    for(h = 0; h < hzones; h++) {
        for(v = 0; v < vzones; v++) {
            int frameID = v + h * vzones;
            if(frameID < nrFrames) {
                frame = getFrame(frameID);
                target.drawPixmap(frame, h * width, v * height);

    Texture texture = new Texture(target);
    Array<TextureRegion> texReg = new Array<TextureRegion>();

    for(h = 0; h < hzones; h++) {
        for(v = 0; v < vzones; v++) {
            int frameID = v + h * vzones;
            if(frameID < nrFrames) {
                TextureRegion tr = new TextureRegion(texture, h * width, v * height, width, height);
    float frameDuration = (float)getDelay(0);
    frameDuration /= 1000; // convert milliseconds into seconds
    Animation<TextureRegion> result = new Animation<TextureRegion>(frameDuration, texReg, playMode);

    return result;

public static Animation<TextureRegion> loadGIFAnimation(Animation.PlayMode playMode, InputStream is) {
    GifDecoder gdec = new GifDecoder();;
    return gdec.getAnimation(playMode);


Я называю GIF так:

Animation animation = GifDecoder.loadGIFAnimation(Animation.PlayMode.LOOP,Gdx.files.internal("data/BackgroundAnim.gif").read());

Я уже думал об asyncTask, но яне знаю как им пользоваться.


Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 06 марта 2019

Создайте отдельный поток для запуска менеджера активов.Запустите поток асинхронно и проверьте, готов ли он или нет.Если это не так, нарисуйте экран загрузки, иначе все готово!

0 голосов
/ 04 марта 2019

Да, вы должны использовать AssetManager для этой цели.Вы можете увидеть этот учебник, например, AssetManager .Попробуйте это, но, на мой взгляд .gif может быть, не очень гибкий формат.В своих проектах я просто получаю PNG из GIF, а затем использую обычную анимацию.

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