Имейте в виду, что существует ряд проблем, связанных с выполнением внешнего процесса из вашей Java-программы, если вам нужно использовать его в производственной среде.
У вас есть, например, знать о том факте, что если вывод процесса больше, чем буфер, используемый ОС JVM <->, то exec будет блокироваться навсегда.
Я обычно использую оболочку с потоками для чтения из буферов.
Это не идеально, но что-то вроде (подробности использования смотрите в main ()):
* Executes a given OS dependent command in a given directory with a given environment.
* The parameters are given at construction time and the initialized object is immutable.
* After the object initialization and execution of the blocking exec() method the state
* can't be changed. The result of the execution can be accessed through the get methods
* for the exitValue, stdOut, and stdErr properties. Before the exec() method is completed
* the excuted property is false and the result of other getters is undefined (null).
public class CommandExecutor {
* Specifies the number of times the termination of the process is
* waited for if the OS gives interruptions
public static final int NUMBER_OF_RUNS = 2;
* Used for testing and as example of usage.
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing Begin");
String command_01 = "cmd.exe /C dir";
File dir_01 = new File("C:\\");
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing. Input: ");
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing. command: " + command_01);
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing. dir: " + dir_01);
CommandExecutor ce_01 = new CommandExecutor(command_01, null, dir_01);
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing. Output:");
System.out.println(" exitValue: " + ce_01.getExitValue());
System.out.println(" stdout: " + ce_01.getStdout());
System.out.println(" stderr: " + ce_01.getStderr());
String command_02 = "cmd.exe /C dirs";
File dir_02 = new File("C:\\");
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing. Input: ");
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing. command: " + command_02);
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing. dir: " + dir_02);
CommandExecutor ce_02 = new CommandExecutor(command_02, null, dir_02);
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing. Output:");
System.out.println(" exitValue: " + ce_02.getExitValue());
System.out.println(" stdout: " + ce_02.getStdout());
System.out.println(" stderr: " + ce_02.getStderr());
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.main Testing End");
* The command to execute
protected String command;
* The environment to execute the command with
protected String[] env;
* The directory to execute the command in
protected File dir;
* Flag set when the command has been executed
protected boolean executed = false;
* Exit value from the OS
protected int exitValue;
* Handle to the spawned OS process
protected Process process;
* Std error
protected List<String> stderr;
* Worker Thread to empty the stderr buffer
protected Thread stderrReader;
* Std output
protected List<String> stdout;
* Worker Thread to empty the stdout buffer
protected Thread stdoutReader;
* Creates a new instance of the CommandExecutor initialized to execute the
* specified command in a separate process with the specified environment
* and working directory.
* @param env
public CommandExecutor(String command, String[] env, File dir) {
this.command = command;
this.env = env;
this.dir = dir;
* Creates a reader thread for the stderr
protected void connectStderrReader() {
stderr = new ArrayList<String>();
final InputStream stream = process.getErrorStream();
final BufferedReader reader =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
stderrReader = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String nextLine = null;
try {
while ((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
"CommandExecutor.connectStderrReader() error in reader thread");
* Creates a reader thread for the stdout
protected void connectStdoutReader() {
stdout = new ArrayList<String>();
final InputStream stream = process.getInputStream();
final BufferedReader reader =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
stdoutReader = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String nextLine = null;
try {
while ((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
"CommandExecutor.connectStdoutReader() error in reader thread");
* Creates the process for the command
protected void createProcess() {
try {
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, env, dir);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.exec() error in process creation. Exception: " + e);
* Executes command in a separate process in the specified directory. Method will block until
* the process has terminated. Command will only be executed once.
public synchronized void exec() {
// Future enhancement: check for interrupts to make the blocking nature interruptible.
if (!executed) {
exitValue = process.exitValue();
executed = true;
* @return the command
public String getCommand() {
return command;
* @return the dir
public File getDir() {
return dir;
* @return the env
public String[] getEnv() {
return env;
* @return the exitValue
public int getExitValue() {
return exitValue;
* @return the stderr
public List<String> getStderr() {
return stderr;
* @return the stdout
public List<String> getStdout() {
return stdout;
* @return the executed
public boolean isExecuted() {
return executed;
* Joins on the 2 Reader Thread to empty the buffers
protected void joinThreads() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.joinThreads() error. Exception: ");
* Creates a String representing the state of the object
public synchronized String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(" command: " + command);
result.append(" env: " + Arrays.deepToString(env));
result.append(" dir: " + dir);
result.append(" executed: " + executed);
result.append(" exitValue: " + exitValue);
result.append(" stdout: " + stdout);
result.append(" stderr: " + stderr);
return result.toString();
* Waits for the process to terminate
protected void waitForProcess() {
int numberOfRuns = 0;
boolean terminated = false;
while ((!terminated) && (numberOfRuns < NUMBER_OF_RUNS)) {
try {
terminated = true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("CommandExecutor.waitForProcess() error");