Шаг за шагом просматривая ваш код (обратите внимание на измененное форматирование!):
using namespace std; // usually considered bad practice
int main()
int i, j=0, c=0;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << "enter 5 numbers " << i;
cin >> i; // you are overwriting your loop variable!!!
// how do you think your program will go on if you enter
// e. g. 7 right in the first loop run?
// additionally, you did not check the stream state afterwards
// if user entered something invalid (e. g. S), cin sets the
// fail flag and stops further reading - attemps doing so yield
// 0 (since C++11) or don't modify the variable (before C++11)
// this section is outside the loop already!
// so you are only checking the number you read in your loop in the very last run
if(i == 0)
cout << "0 is not even number" << endl;
else if(i % 2 == 0)
// this check is redundant: it is the complement to your previous
// check, so if the first went wrong, the second cannot be false any more
// (compare: you did not check for i != 0 either before doing the modulo check)
else /* if(i % 2 != 0) */
cout << "total exists even: " << j << endl;
cout << "total exists odd: " << c << endl;
return 0;
Измененный код:
int main()
// several serious coding guide lines mandate: only one variable per line:
unsigned int odd = 0;
unsigned int even = 0;
// I used unsigned int here, negative counts are just meaningless...
// I'm consequent in these matters, but range of (signed) int suffices anyway,
// so you can use either one...
// C++ is not C (prior to C99) - keep scope of variables as local as possible
// (loop counter declared within for header, local variable within body)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 5u; i++) // (unsigned? see above)
std::cout << "enter 5 numbers (" << i << "): ";
int n; // separate variable!
if(!(std::cin >> n))
// some appropriate error handling!!! e. g.:
std::cout << "invalid value entered";
return -1;
// this now resides INSIDE the for loop
if(n == 0)
cout << "0 is not even number" << endl;
// this is an ALTERNATIVE calculation
n %= 2; // gets either 0 or 1...
odd += n;
even += 1 - n;
// (I personally prefer avoiding conditional branches but you *can*,
// of course, stay with the if/else you had before, too...
// - just don't check the complement as shown above)
cout << "total exists even: " << even << endl;
cout << "total exists odd: " << odd << endl;
return 0;
О неподписанных: иногда они имеют преимущество:
void f(int n) { /* need to check for both 0 <= n && n <= max! */ }
void f(unsigned int n) { /* n <= max suffices */ }
но иногда нужно обращаться с ними осторожно:
for(unsigned int n = 7; n >= 0; --n) { /* ... */ } // endless loop!!!
for(unsigned int n = 7; n-- >= 0;) { /* ... */ } // correct variant
(первый работал бы с подписанным int, но это не ошибкабеззнакового типа , но ошибка программиста, который не выбрал правильный тип для того, что он или она намеревался ...).
Просто для полноты: если предположить, что мы можем отбросить математически неверныйутверждение, что ноль не был четным, мы могли бы сделать его еще проще:
unsigned int constexpr LoopRuns = 5u;
int main()
unsigned int odd = 0; // just one single variable...
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < LoopRuns; i++)
std::cout << "enter 5 numbers (" << i << "): ";
int n;
if(!(std::cin >> n))
{ /* ... */ }
odd += n %= 2;
// one single difference instead of five additions...
cout << "total exists even: " << LoopRuns - odd << endl;
cout << "total exists odd: " << odd << endl;
return 0;