Я не могу добавить скрипт в свой GameObject. Я не знаю почему.
это выглядит как проблема, и не добавляет
using UnityEngine.;
using System.Collections;
public class zombieScript : MonoBehaviour
//declare the transform of our goal (where the navmesh agent will move towards) and our navmesh agent (in this case our zombie)
private Transform goal;
private NavMeshAgent agent;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
//create references
goal = Camera.main.transform;
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
//set the navmesh agent's desination equal to the main camera's position (our first person character)
agent.destination = goal.position;
//start the walking animation
//for this to work both need colliders, one must have rigid body, and the zombie must have is trigger checked.
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
//first disable the zombie's collider so multiple collisions cannot occur
GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().enabled = false;
//destroy the bullet
//stop the zombie from moving forward by setting its destination to it's current position
agent.destination = gameObject.transform.position;
//stop the walking animation and play the falling back animation
//destroy this zombie in six seconds.
Destroy(gameObject, 6);
//instantiate a new zombie
GameObject zombie = Instantiate(Resources.Load("zombie", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
//set the coordinates for a new vector 3
float randomX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-12f, 12f);
float constantY = .01f;
float randomZ = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-13f, 13f);
//set the zombies position equal to these new coordinates
zombie.transform.position = new Vector3(randomX, constantY, randomZ);
//if the zombie gets positioned less than or equal to 3 scene units away from the camera we won't be able to shoot it
//so keep repositioning the zombie until it is greater than 3 scene units away.
while (Vector3.Distance(zombie.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.position) <= 3)
randomX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-12f, 12f);
randomZ = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-13f, 13f);
zombie.transform.position = new Vector3(randomX, constantY, randomZ);