Это скорее задача CSS, чем конкретная задача AngularJS.Идея состоит в том, чтобы установить класс для каждого div, сгенерированного с помощью ng-repeat
, и переключить некоторый другой класс, который будет отображать / скрывать этот div независимо, используя свойства CSS overflow
и height
Например, в представлении:
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<p class="container" ng-class="{'show': item.visible}">{{item.text}}</p>
<button ng-click="item.visible = !item.visible">Show more</button>
В контроллере:
$scope.items = [
{allShown: false, text: 'long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows'},
{allShown: false, text: 'other long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows'},
{allShown: false, text: 'another long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows'}
И связанные стили:
.container {
height: 32px;
overflow: hidden;
.show {
overflow: visible;
height: auto;
Здесьпример плунжера: https://plnkr.co/edit/23cMOs9gykp094A2sISD