При выполнении следующего запроса на Postgres 10 с одновременным использованием пула соединений результаты возвращают через n * время, необходимое для выполнения одного вызова.
Проверено в Racket с использованием потоков и Node с обещаниями.Оба возвращают ~ одинаковые тайминги в миллисекундах.
1 вызовов: 8322
10 вызовов:
82432, 82260, 82025, 82260, 82432, 82103, 82025, 82556,82040, 82119
Вот запрос:
WITH contact_searches as (select
md.geo_point as md_point, md.sf_id as md_name, md.sf_id as md_sf_id,
md.freehold_tenure as md_fh_ten,
md.freehold_search_price md_fh_sp, md.leasehold_tenure as md_lh_ten,
md.leasehold_search_price as md_lh_sp,
md.special_tenure_search_price as md_st_sp, md.geo_point as point,
ss.freehold_tenure as ss_fh_ten, ss.leasehold_tenure as ss_lh_ten,
ss.price_from as ss_pf, ss.price_to as ss_pt, md.marketing_trades as md_trades,
ss.trades as ss_trades,
ss.sf_id as ss_sf_id, ss.person_id as person_id, ss.areas as areas
from saved_searches ss
inner join marketing_details md on md.marketing_trades && ss.trades
where md.sf_id = ANY ($1)
((md.freehold_tenure is not null and ss.freehold_tenure ='true'
and (md.freehold_search_price is null or md.freehold_search_price >= ss.price_from)
and (md.freehold_search_price is null or md.freehold_search_price <= ss.price_to))
(md.leasehold_tenure is not null and ss.leasehold_tenure ='true'
and (md.leasehold_search_price is null or md.leasehold_search_price >= ss.price_from)
and (md.leasehold_search_price is null or md.leasehold_search_price <= ss.price_to))
(md.special_tenure_search_price is not null
and (md.special_tenure_search_price >= ss.price_from)
and (md.special_tenure_search_price <= ss.price_to))
), contact_ids as (select distinct person_id as sf_id
from contact_searches inner join areas a on st_contains(a.polygon, contact_searches.point)
where a.name = ANY (contact_searches.areas))
select c.sf_id, hasoptedoutofemail, preferred_contact_method, cco_email_opt_out, cf_email_opt_out, valid_email(c)
from contacts c inner join contact_ids on c.sf_id = contact_ids.sf_id where c.applicant_status = 'Live'
Есть ли у кого-нибудь понимание того, не выполняются ли сложные запросы в parralell или есть изменение конфигурации, которое я мог бы сделать иличто еще может помочь?