Я пытаюсь обновить мою версию GLNotification cocopods.
Я переключился с Xcode 9.4 -> Xcode 10 .Я преобразовал свой код в последнюю версию swift, после чего я не могу обновить свои модули.
Но в моем коде нет предупреждений или ошибок.Работает нормально.Загрузите мой код здесь .
My Pods Spec
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = 'GLNotificationBar'
s.version = '2.3.6'
s.summary = 'GLNotificationBar lets user to handle push notification when app is active.'
s.description = <<-DESC
GLNotificationBar is a open source library that lets developers to display push notification or any alert message to end user as banner. iOS below 10 does't displays notification when app is active. This library is inspired by Apple's ios10 notification bar.
s.homepage = 'https://github.com/gokulgovind/GLNotificationBar'
s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' }
s.author = { 'gokul' => 'gokulece26@gmail.com' }
s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/gokulgovind/GLNotificationBar.git', :tag => s.version.to_s }
s.ios.deployment_target = '10.0'
s.source_files = 'GLNotificationBar/Classes/**/*'
s.resource_bundles = {
'GLNotificationBar' => ['GLNotificationBar/Classes/*.xib','GLNotificationBar/Assets/*.png']
s.frameworks = 'UIKit'
-> GLNotificationBar (2.3.6)
- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. You can use `--verbose` for more information.
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:247:59: error: type 'UIWindow' has no member 'Level'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:278:44: error: type 'NSAttributedString' has no member 'Key'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:323:69: error: type 'UIWindow' has no member 'Level'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:419:115: error: type 'UIResponder' has no member 'keyboardWillShowNotification'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:420:114: error: type 'UIResponder' has no member 'keyboardWillHideNotification'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:486:44: error: type 'NSAttributedString' has no member 'Key'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:487:44: error: type 'NSAttributedString' has no member 'Key'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:489:44: error: type 'NSAttributedString' has no member 'Key'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:527:64: error: type 'UIControl' has no member 'State'
- NOTE | xcodebuild: UIKit.UIControl:16:14: note: did you mean 'state'?
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:528:90: error: type 'UIControl' has no member 'Event'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:744:55: error: type 'UIWindow' has no member 'Level'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:813:80: error: type 'UIView' has no member 'AnimationOptions'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:916:33: error: type 'UITextField' has no member 'BorderStyle'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:920:38: error: type 'UIControl' has no member 'State'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:922:67: error: type 'UIControl' has no member 'State'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:990:47: error: type 'UIWindow' has no member 'Level'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:1005:43: error: type 'UIResponder' has no member 'keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:1018:43: error: type 'UIResponder' has no member 'keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:1123:27: error: type 'NSAttributedString' has no member 'Key'
- ERROR | xcodebuild: GLNotificationBar/GLNotificationBar/Classes/GLNotificationBar.swift:1132:27: error: type 'NSAttributedString' has no member 'Key'
Исправить я пытался
- Добавлено
s.swift_version = '4.1'
в моем GLNotificationBar.podspec
- Изменено
Swift Language Version
до 4,2 в настройках сборки - ОбновленоЦель развертывания iOS от iOS 8 до iOS 10
Команда терминала I, которую я попробовал
pod spec lint GLNotificationBar.podspec
pod spec lint
pod spec lint --allow-warnings