Я создал класс BinarySearch, который имеет три различные реализации двоичного поиска.Я также создал бинарную тестовую программу, которая тестирует различные реализации и записывает результаты в выходной файл.Проблема, с которой я столкнулся, заключается в том, что программа случайным образом приостанавливает выполнение метода runSearch в моей программе, и мне приходится принудительно останавливать его.
Класс BinarySearch:
import java.util.*;
public class BinarySearch {
private int [] A;
private int k;
public BinarySearch(int [] A, int k) {
this.A = A;
this.k = k;
public static int binBasic (int [] A, int K) {
// Return the amount of iterations it took to find k in A uses an integer count to keep track of the iterations
int count = 0;
int l = -1;
int r = A.length;
// l and r are beyond array bounds
while (l+1 != r) {
// Stop when l and r meet
int i = (l+r)/2; // Check middle of remaining subarray
if (K == A[i]) return count;
// Found it
if (K < A[i]) {
r = i;
// In left half
if (K > A[i]) {
l = i;
// In right half
return -1;
// Search value not in A
public static int bin3 (int [] A, int K) {
// Return the amount of iterations it took to find k in A uses an integer count to keep track of the iterations
int count = 0;
int l = -1;
int r = A.length;
// l and r are beyond array bounds
while (l+1 != r) {
// Stop when l and r meet
int i = l + ((r-l)/3);
if (K == A[i]) return count;
// Found it
if (K < A[i]) {
r = i;
// In left half
if (K > A[i]){
l = i;
// In right half
return -1;
// Search value not in A
public static int binMin2 (int [] A, int K) {
// Return the amount of iterations it took to find k in A uses an integer count to keep track of the iterations
int count=0;
int l = -1;
int r = A.length;
// l and r are beyond array bounds
while (l+1 != r) {
// Stop when l and r meet
int i = r-2;
if (K == A[i]) return count;
// Found it
if (K < A[i]) {
r = i;
// In left half
if (K > A[i]) {
l = i;
// In right half
return -1;
// Search value not in A
Метод двоичного теста:
//runs the three iterations of binarysearch and writes the results into BinarySearchResults.txt
public static void runSearch(int [] A, int k)throws FileNotFoundException {
BinarySearch x = new BinarySearch(A,k);
out1.println("The amount of iterations it took to find k in binBasic was: " + x.binBasic(A,k));
out1.println("The amount of iterations it took to find k in bin3 was: " + x.bin3(A,k));
out1.println("The amount of iterations it took to fins k in binMin was: " + x.binMin2(A,k));