Я получил эту ошибку
"Failed to load bundle(http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false) with error:(Unable to resolve module
. / Cjs / react.production.min.js from
/ Тома / Macintosh 1 ТБ / Пользователи / nina / fyp / node_modules / реагировать / index.js : The module
. / Cjs / react.production.min.js could not be found from
/ Объемы / Macintosh 1 ТБ / Пользователи / nina / fyp / node_modules / реагировать / index.js . Indeed, none of these files exist: *
/ Объемы / Macintosh 1 ТБ / Пользователи / nina / fyp /node_modules / реагируют / CJS / react.production.min.js (.native || .ios.js | .native.js | .js | .ios.json | .native.json | .json | .ios.ts |.native.ts | .ts | .ios.tsx | .native.tsx | .tsx) *
/ Тома / Macintosh 1 ТБ / Пользователи / nina / fyp / node_modules / реагировать / cjs / Reaction.production.min.js / index(.native || .ios.js | .native.js | .js | .ios.json | .native.json | .json | .ios.ts | .native.ts | .ts | .ios.tsx |.native.tsx | .tsx) (null)) __38-[RCTCxxBridge loadSource:onProgress:]_block_invoke.248 RCTCxxBridge.mm:429 ___ZL36attemptAsynchronousLoadOfBundleAtURLP5NSURLU13block_pointerFvP18RCTLoadingProgressEU13block_pointerFvP7NSErrorP9RCTSourceE_block_invoke.118 __80-[RCTMultipartDataTask URLSession:streamTask:didBecomeInputStream:outputStream:]_block_invoke -[RCTMultipartStreamReader emitChunk:headers:callback:done:] -[RCTMultipartStreamReader readAllPartsWithCompletionCallback:progressCallback:] -[RCTMultipartDataTask URLSession:streamTask:didBecomeInputStream:outputStream:] __88-[NSURLSession delegate_streamTask:didBecomeInputStream:outputStream:completionHandler:]_block_invoke __NSBLOCKOPERATION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ -[NSBlockOperation main] -[__NSOperationInternal _start:] __NSOQSchedule_f _dispatch_call_block_and_release _dispatch_client_callout _dispatch_continuation_pop _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke _dispatch_root_queue_drain _dispatch_worker_thread2 _pthread_wqthread start_wqthread"
После создания нового проекта (init-native init) я запускаю симулятор с помощью response-native run-ios, но он отображает ошибку.
this happens after i ran reset cache: "
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::8081
at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1255:14)
at listenInCluster (net.js:1303:12)
at Server.listen (net.js:1391:7)
at /Volumes/Macintosh 1TB/Users/nina/fyp/node_modules/metro/src/enter code hereindex.js:193:18
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Volumes/Macintosh 1TB/Users/nina/fyp/node_modules/metro/src/index.js:192:12)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at step (/Volumes/Macintosh 1TB/Users/nina/fyp/node_modules/metro/src/index.js:50:30)
at /Volumes/Macintosh 1TB/Users/nina/fyp/node_modules/metro/src/index.js:61:15
Emitted 'error' event at:
at Server.WebSocketServer._onServerError (/Volumes/Macintosh 1TB/Users/nina/fyp/node_modules/ws/lib/WebSocketServer.js:82:50)
at Server.emit (events.js:193:15)
at emitErrorNT (net.js:1282:8)
at process.internalTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:72:19)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! fyp@0.0.1 start: `node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the fyp@0.0.1 start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Volumes/Macintosh 1TB/Users/aimi/.npm/_logs/2019-01-01T19_50_37_363Z-debug.log"
что я пробовал: удалить node-modules и package-lock.json, а также установить npm, понизив реактивную версию native до версии 0.55.4, очистить кеш с помощью «act-native start --reset-cache ».
что мне делать, чтобы успешно запустить симулятор без ошибки?