Я объединяю два приложения Django, chunked_upload
и filer
, поэтому у меня может быть файловая система, которая может загружать большие файлы с помощью чанкинга.filer
основан на ajax_upload
, что накладывает ограничения на размер файла.
Я близок к завершению, но мне все еще нужно перенаправить файл chunked_upload
в папку, в которой я сейчас нахожусь (на данный момент все файлызагрузить на unsorted uploads
независимо от того, в какой папке находится URL).
Поскольку кнопка загрузки chunked_upload
основана на ajax / javascript, я должен обратиться к своему Django urls
, чтобы затем получить доступ к представлению.Есть ли способ перевести старую кнопку загрузки на основе ajax из filer
в новую кнопку загрузки на основе django из chunked_upload
для ссылки на folder_id
?(или, в основном, конвертируйте filer-ajax_upload
в api_chunked_upload
, как видно из моих URL)
chunked_upload.views.py (где находится новый вид загрузки)
class ChunkedUploadView(ChunkedUploadBaseView):
Uploads large files in multiple chunks. Also, has the ability to resume
if the upload is interrupted.
field_name = 'file'
content_range_header = 'HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE'
content_range_pattern = re.compile(
r'^bytes (?P<start>\d+)-(?P<end>\d+)/(?P<total>\d+)$'
max_bytes = MAX_BYTES # Max amount of data that can be uploaded
# If `fail_if_no_header` is True, an exception will be raised if the
# content-range header is not found. Default is False to match Jquery File
# Upload behavior (doesn't send header if the file is smaller than chunk)
fail_if_no_header = False
def get_extra_attrs(self, request):
Extra attribute values to be passed to the new ChunkedUpload instance.
Should return a dictionary-like object.
return {}
def get_max_bytes(self, request):
Used to limit the max amount of data that can be uploaded. `None` means
no limit.
You can override this to have a custom `max_bytes`, e.g. based on
logged user.
return self.max_bytes
def create_chunked_upload(self, save=False, **attrs):
Creates new chunked upload instance. Called if no 'upload_id' is
found in the POST data.
chunked_upload = self.model(**attrs)
# file starts empty
chunked_upload.file.save(name= MyChunkedUpload.filename, content=ContentFile(''), save=save)
return chunked_upload
def is_valid_chunked_upload(self, chunked_upload):
Check if chunked upload has already expired or is already complete.
if chunked_upload.expired:
raise ChunkedUploadError(status=http_status.HTTP_410_GONE,
detail='Upload has expired')
error_msg = 'Upload has already been marked as "%s"'
if chunked_upload.status == COMPLETE:
raise ChunkedUploadError(status=http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
detail=error_msg % 'complete')
def get_response_data(self, chunked_upload, request):
Data for the response. Should return a dictionary-like object.
return {
'upload_id': chunked_upload.upload_id,
def _post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
chunk = request.FILES.get(self.field_name)
if chunk is None:
raise ChunkedUploadError(status=http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
detail='No chunk file was submitted')
upload_id = request.POST.get('upload_id')
if upload_id:
chunked_upload = get_object_or_404(self.get_queryset(request),
attrs = {'filename': chunk.name}
if hasattr(request, 'user') and is_authenticated(request.user):
attrs['user'] = request.user
chunked_upload = self.create_chunked_upload(save=False, **attrs)
content_range = request.META.get(self.content_range_header, '')
match = self.content_range_pattern.match(content_range)
if match:
start = int(match.group('start'))
end = int(match.group('end'))
total = int(match.group('total'))
elif self.fail_if_no_header:
raise ChunkedUploadError(status=http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
detail='Error in request headers')
# Use the whole size when HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE is not provided
start = 0
end = chunk.size - 1
total = chunk.size
chunk_size = end - start + 1
max_bytes = self.get_max_bytes(request)
if max_bytes is not None and total > max_bytes:
raise ChunkedUploadError(
detail='Size of file exceeds the limit (%s bytes)' % max_bytes
if chunked_upload.offset != start:
raise ChunkedUploadError(status=http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
detail='Offsets do not match',
if chunk.size != chunk_size:
raise ChunkedUploadError(status=http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
detail="File size doesn't match headers")
chunked_upload.append_chunk(chunk, chunk_size=chunk_size, save=False)
return Response(self.get_response_data(chunked_upload, request),
filer.admin.clipboardadmin.py (где находится старое представление загрузки, скрипт ajax_upload)
def get_urls(self):
return [
] + super(ClipboardAdmin, self).get_urls()
def ajax_upload(request, folder_id=None):
Receives an upload from the uploader. Receives only one file at a time.
folder = None
if folder_id:
# Get folder
folder = MyChunkedFolder.objects.get(pk=folder_id)
except MyChunkedFolder.DoesNotExist:
return JsonResponse({'error': NO_FOLDER_ERROR})
# check permissions
if folder and not folder.has_add_children_permission(request):
return JsonResponse({'error': NO_PERMISSIONS_FOR_FOLDER})
if len(request.FILES) == 1:
# dont check if request is ajax or not, just grab the file
upload, filename, is_raw = handle_request_files_upload(request)
# else process the request as usual
upload, filename, is_raw = handle_upload(request)
# TODO: Deprecated/refactor
# Get clipboad
# clipboard = Clipboard.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user)[0]
# find the file type
for filer_class in filer_settings.FILER_FILE_MODELS:
FileSubClass = load_model(filer_class)
# TODO: What if there are more than one that qualify?
if FileSubClass.matches_file_type(filename, upload, request):
FileForm = modelform_factory(
fields=('original_filename', 'owner', 'file')
uploadform = FileForm({'original_filename': filename,
'owner': request.user.pk},
{'file': upload})
if uploadform.is_valid():
file_obj = uploadform.save(commit=False)
file_obj.is_public = filer_settings.FILER_IS_PUBLIC_DEFAULT
file_obj.folder = folder
# TODO: Deprecated/refactor
# clipboard_item = ClipboardItem(
# clipboard=clipboard, file=file_obj)
# clipboard_item.save()
# Try to generate thumbnails.
if not file_obj.icons:
# There is no point to continue, as we can't generate
# thumbnails for this file. Usual reasons: bad format or
# filename.
# This would be logged in BaseImage._generate_thumbnails()
return JsonResponse(
{'error': 'failed to generate icons for file'},
thumbnail = None
# Backwards compatibility: try to get specific icon size (32px)
# first. Then try medium icon size (they are already sorted),
# fallback to the first (smallest) configured icon.
for size in (['32']
+ filer_settings.FILER_ADMIN_ICON_SIZES[1::-1]):
thumbnail = file_obj.icons[size]
except KeyError:
data = {
'thumbnail': thumbnail,
'alt_text': '',
'label': str(file_obj),
'file_id': file_obj.pk,
# prepare preview thumbnail
if type(file_obj) == Image:
thumbnail_180_options = {
'size': (180, 180),
'crop': True,
'upscale': True,
thumbnail_180 = file_obj.file.get_thumbnail(
data['thumbnail_180'] = thumbnail_180.url
data['original_image'] = file_obj.url
return JsonResponse(data)
form_errors = '; '.join(['%s: %s' % (
', '.join(errors)) for field, errors in list(
raise UploadException(
"AJAX request not valid: form invalid '%s'" % (
except UploadException as e:
return JsonResponse({'error': str(e)}, status=500)
directory_listing.html (javascript, который пишет мойкнопка, я пытаюсь загрузить файл в некорневую папку; обращение к folder_id в некорневом URL-адресе - это то, что я пытаюсь выполнить, конечно, на данный момент он игнорирует folder_id)
{% block object-tools-items %}
<div class="navigator-button-wrapper">
{% if folder.can_have_subfolders and can_make_folder %}
<a href="{% url 'admin:filer-directory_listing-make_root_folder' %}?parent_id={{ folder.id }}{% if is_popup %}&_popup=1{% endif %}"
title="{% trans 'Adds a new Folder' %}"
onclick="return showAddAnotherPopup(this);">
{% trans "New Folder" %}
{% endif %}
{% if permissions.has_add_children_permission and not folder.is_root %}
{% csrf_token %}
<input id="chunked_upload" type="file" name="the_file">
<p id="progress"></p>
<div id="messages"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var md5 = "",
csrf = $("input[name='csrfmiddlewaretoken']")[0].value,
form_data = [{"name": "csrfmiddlewaretoken", "value": csrf}];
function calculate_md5(file, chunk_size) {
var slice = File.prototype.slice || File.prototype.mozSlice || File.prototype.webkitSlice,
chunks = chunks = Math.ceil(file.size / chunk_size),
current_chunk = 0,
spark = new SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer();
function onload(e) {
spark.append(e.target.result); // append chunk
if (current_chunk < chunks) {
} else {
md5 = spark.end();
function read_next_chunk() {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = onload;
var start = current_chunk * chunk_size,
end = Math.min(start + chunk_size, file.size);
reader.readAsArrayBuffer(slice.call(file, start, end));
url: "{% url 'api_chunked_upload' folder_id=folder.id %}",
dataType: "json",
maxChunkSize: 100000, // Chunks of 100 kB
formData: form_data,
add: function(e, data) { // Called before starting upload
// If this is the second file you're uploading we need to remove the
// old upload_id and just keep the csrftoken (which is always first).
calculate_md5(data.files[0], 100000); // Again, chunks of 100 kB
chunkdone: function (e, data) { // Called after uploading each chunk
if (form_data.length < 2) {
{"name": "upload_id", "value": data.result.upload_id}
var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100.0, 10);
$("#progress").text(Array(progress).join("=") + "> " + progress + "%");
done: function (e, data) { // Called when the file has completely uploaded
type: "POST",
url: "{% url 'api_chunked_upload_complete' %}",
data: {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: csrf,
upload_id: data.result.upload_id,
md5: md5
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
{% elif folder.is_unsorted_uploads %}
{% csrf_token %}
<input id="chunked_upload" type="file" name="the_file">
<p id="progress"></p>
<div id="messages"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var md5 = "",
csrf = $("input[name='csrfmiddlewaretoken']")[0].value,
form_data = [{ "name": "csrfmiddlewaretoken", "value": csrf }];
function calculate_md5(file, chunk_size) {
var slice = File.prototype.slice || File.prototype.mozSlice || File.prototype.webkitSlice,
chunks = chunks = Math.ceil(file.size / chunk_size),
current_chunk = 0,
spark = new SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer();
function onload(e) {
spark.append(e.target.result); // append chunk
if (current_chunk < chunks) {
} else {
md5 = spark.end();
function read_next_chunk() {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = onload;
var start = current_chunk * chunk_size,
end = Math.min(start + chunk_size, file.size);
reader.readAsArrayBuffer(slice.call(file, start, end));
url: "{% url 'api_chunked_upload' %}",
dataType: "json",
maxChunkSize: 100000, // Chunks of 100 kB
formData: form_data,
add: function (e, data) { // Called before starting upload
// If this is the second file you're uploading we need to remove the
// old upload_id and just keep the csrftoken (which is always first).
calculate_md5(data.files[0], 100000); // Again, chunks of 100 kB
chunkdone: function (e, data) { // Called after uploading each chunk
if (form_data.length < 2) {
{ "name": "upload_id", "value": data.result.upload_id }
var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100.0, 10);
$("#progress").text(Array(progress).join("") + "> " + progress + "%");
done: function (e, data) { // Called when the file has completely uploaded
type: "POST",
url: "{% url 'api_chunked_upload_complete' %}",
data: {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: csrf,
upload_id: data.result.upload_id,
md5: md5
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
{% endif %}
urls.py (где находятся мои новые URL для загрузки)
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^operations/upload/(?P<folder_id>[0-9]+)/$', MyChunkedUploadView.as_view(), name='api_chunked_upload'),
url(r'^operations/upload/no_folder/$', MyChunkedUploadView.as_view(), name='api_chunked_upload'),