Попытка выяснить, как это сделать, не объединяя три отдельных запроса.В исходном наборе данных есть в основном 4 подмножества продуктов,
- , когда я хочу установить поле "Продукт" как "CPE",
- , когда яхочу установить в поле «Продукт» значение «Обслуживание CPE»,
- Те, у которых есть совпадения в другой таблице «Dom_product_buckets», я хочу получить совпадения из этой таблицы как поле «Продукт»,
- Остатки записей, которые не вписываются в случаи 1,2,3, которые я не хочу.
SELECT customer, 'CPE Maintenance' as Product, sum(amt_eop) as revenue
FROM table1
where pr2 in ('Core CPE' , 'Strategic CPE' ) and pr6 like '%Maintenance%'
group by product, customer
SELECT customer, 'CPE' as Product, sum(amt_eop) as revenue
FROM table1 where pr2 in ('Core CPE' , 'Strategic CPE' ) and pr6 not like '%Maintenance%'
group by seg_lvl5_2, product, customer
SELECT a.customer, b.product_group as product, sum(amt_eop) as revenue
FROM table1 A
inner join dom_product_buckets B
on A.pr2=b.l2_prod_desc and A.pr3=b.l3_prod_desc
group by b.product_group,a.customer
Есть NULLS (продукты, которые не являются CPE или CPE Maintenance).и у меня нет совпадений в dom_product_buckets), которые меня не волнуют и которые не нужны в окончательном наборе результатов.
Таблица 1:
| customer | pr2 | pr3 | pr6 | amt_eop |
| Customer a | Strategic Networking | Internet | Internet Dedicated Ethernet (IDE) | 810010.48 |
| customer b | Strategic Networking | Internet | Internet Ethernet | 17.7399 |
| Customer c | Strategic Networking | Internet | Internet Dedicated Access | 0 |
| customer d | Strategic Networking | Ethernet Services | EVPL - National CPA US | 11.99 |
| Customer a | Strategic Networking | Internet | Internet Dedicated Access | 500 |
| customer b | Strategic Networking | Private IP (MPLS) | Private IP Ethernet - US | 0 |
| Customer c | Core Voice Services | Switched Access | SWA Flat - Interstate CCL | 0 |
| customer d | Other & Miscellaneous | Other Core Svcs | PICC | 250 |
| Customer a | Strategic Networking | Private IP (MPLS) | Private IP Port Ethernet | 3000 |
| customer b | Core Voice Services | Local Voice | EUCL | 85 |
| customer d | Core Voice Services | Domestic LD | LD - Monthly Minimum Charge / Spend Level | 0 |
| customer b | Core Voice Services | Local Voice | DTL Basic | 11.99 |
| customer x | Other & Miscellaneous | Other Core Svcs | Carrier Cost Recovery Charge | -1189.07 |
| Customer a | Core CPE | CPE Core Sales | CPE - Core Sales & Installations | 164.48 |
| customer b | Core CPE | CPE Core Sales | CPE - Core Sales & Installations | 2.76 |
| Customer a | Core CPE | CPE Core Maintenance | CPE - Core Maintenance | 0 |
| customer z | Core CPE | CPE Core Sales | CPE - Core Sales & Installations | 2.76 |
| customer b | Strategic CPE | CPE Strategic Networking | CPE - Private IP Equipment Rental | 0 |
| Customer c | Strategic CPE | CPE Strategic Networking | MRP - CPE Branded Maintenance | 0 |
| customer d | Strategic CPE | CPE Strategic Communications | CPE - VCE Rental | 151.94 |
| l2_prod_desc | l3_prod_desc | Product_Group |
| Professional Services | Advanced Communications | Advanced Comms PS |
| Professional Services | Unified communications | Advanced Comms PS |
| Professional Services | Advanced Comm Pro Serv | Advanced Comms PS |
| Strategic Communications | Contact Center Services - IP | CCS IP |
| Strategic Communications | IP Contact Center | CCS IP |
| Strategic Communications | Contact Centers Western | CCS IP |
| Strategic Networking | Internet | Internet |
| Strategic Networking | Video services | Internet |
| Strategic Networking | Digital Voice | Internet |
| Strategic Networking | Ethernet Services | Ethernet |
| Strategic Communications | IP Communications | IP Comms |
| Managed Network | Managed Network Services | MNS_VNS |
| Managed Network | Virtual Network Services | MNS_VNS |