Я смотрю на VBA-Web, полезный скрипт для использования Excel для создания веб-запросов.Это некоторый POST-код:
Dim Client As New WebClient
Client.BaseUrl = "https://api.testing.com/"
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Request.Resource = "pages"
Request.Method = WebMethod.HttpPost
' Formatting
' ---------- '
' Simple: Request.Format sets four things:
' 1. Content-Type header
' 2. Accept header
' 3. Request Body conversion
' 4. Response Data conversion
Request.Format = WebFormat.Json
' Medium: Set separate request and response format
Request.RequestFormat = WebFormat.Json ' Set Content-Type and request converter
Request.ResponseFormat = WebFormat.Json ' Set Accept and response converter
' Advanced: Set separate everything
Request.RequestFormat = WebFormat.Json
Request.ContentType = "application/json"
Request.ResponseFormat = WebFormat.Json
Request.Accept = "application/json"
' Body
' ---- '
' a. Add body as string
Request.Body = "{""a"":123,""b"":[456, 789]}"
' b. Add parameters (converted with RequestFormat)
Request.AddBodyParameter "a", 123
Request.AddBodyParameter "b", Array(456, 789)
' -> Request.Body (for json): "{""a"":123,""b"":[456, 789]}"
' c. Add body as dictionary (or Collection or Array)
Dim Body As New Dictionary
Body.Add "a", 123
Body.Add "b", Array(456, 789)
Set Request.Body = Body
' -> Request.Body (for json): "{""a"":123,""b"":[456, 789]}"
' Add other things common to all Requests
Request.AddCookie "cookie", "abc"
Request.AddHeader "header", "def"
Request.AddQuerystringParam "querystring", "ghi"
' etc.
' To debug the request:
' 1. From VBA, Open Immediate Window (View > Immediate Window or Ctrl + g)
' 2. Type: RestHelpers.EnableLogging = True
' 3. Run request
' Make the request
Dim Response As WebResponse
Set Response = Client.Execute(Request)
' POST https://api.testing.com/pages?querystring=ghi
' header: def
' User-Agent: Excel Client v3.1.4 (https://github.com/timhall/Excel-REST)
' Content-Type: application/json
' Accept: application/json
' Content-Length: 23
' Cookie: cookie=abc
' {"a":123,"b":[456,789]}
' Handle the response
If Response.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.Created Then
' ...
End If
Однако я нигде не вижу в документации, как бы я взял значение из ячейки, например, ячейки A1 и B1, и отправил бы это как JSON.
Кажется, что это возможно, но, кажется, только жестко закодировать значения тела.