Вопрос немного расплывчат, особенно в отношении "той же группы".
select count(*)
from YourTable
where (Source = 'A.' and Destination = 'C')
or (Source = 'C.' and Destination = 'A')
В общем случае:
declare @YourTable table (Tid int, Source varchar(1), Destination varchar(1))
insert into @YourTable
values (10,'A','B')
select 'Combination ' + case when Source < Destination then Source + ', ' + Destination else Destination + ', ' + Source end Combination, count(*) Count
from @YourTable
group by case when Source < Destination then Source + ', ' + Destination else Destination + ', ' + Source end
Combination Count
Combination A, B 1
Combination A, C 3
Combination A, D 2
Combination B, C 2