Более старый вопрос, но я нашел его очень полезным.
Мне понадобился парсер для обработки любого правильно сформированного заголовка авторизации, как определено в RFC7235 (поднимите руку, если вам нравится читать ABNF).
Authorization = credentials
BWS = <BWS, see [RFC7230], Section 3.2.3>
OWS = <OWS, see [RFC7230], Section 3.2.3>
Proxy-Authenticate = *( "," OWS ) challenge *( OWS "," [ OWS
challenge ] )
Proxy-Authorization = credentials
WWW-Authenticate = *( "," OWS ) challenge *( OWS "," [ OWS challenge
] )
auth-param = token BWS "=" BWS ( token / quoted-string )
auth-scheme = token
challenge = auth-scheme [ 1*SP ( token68 / [ ( "," / auth-param ) *(
OWS "," [ OWS auth-param ] ) ] ) ]
credentials = auth-scheme [ 1*SP ( token68 / [ ( "," / auth-param )
*( OWS "," [ OWS auth-param ] ) ] ) ]
quoted-string = <quoted-string, see [RFC7230], Section 3.2.6>
token = <token, see [RFC7230], Section 3.2.6>
token68 = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "+" / "/" )
Начиная с ответа PaulMcG , я придумал следующее:
import pyparsing as pp
tchar = '!#$%&\'*+-.^_`|~' + pp.nums + pp.alphas
t68char = '-._~+/' + pp.nums + pp.alphas
token = pp.Word(tchar)
token68 = pp.Combine(pp.Word(t68char) + pp.ZeroOrMore('='))
scheme = token('scheme')
header = pp.Keyword('Authorization')
name = pp.Word(pp.alphas, pp.alphanums)
value = pp.quotedString.setParseAction(pp.removeQuotes)
name_value_pair = name + pp.Suppress('=') + value
params = pp.Dict(pp.delimitedList(pp.Group(name_value_pair)))
credentials = scheme + (token68('token') ^ params('params'))
auth_parser = header + pp.Suppress(':') + credentials
Это позволяет анализировать любой заголовок авторизации:
parsed = auth_parser.parseString('Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==')
print('Authenticating with {0} scheme, token: {1}'.format(parsed['scheme'], parsed['token']))
который выводит:
Authenticating with Basic scheme, token: Zm9vOmJhcg==
Объединение всего этого в класс Authenticator
import pyparsing as pp
from base64 import b64decode
import re
class Authenticator:
def __init__(self):
Use pyparsing to create a parser for Authentication headers
tchar = "!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~" + pp.nums + pp.alphas
t68char = '-._~+/' + pp.nums + pp.alphas
token = pp.Word(tchar)
token68 = pp.Combine(pp.Word(t68char) + pp.ZeroOrMore('='))
scheme = token('scheme')
auth_header = pp.Keyword('Authorization')
name = pp.Word(pp.alphas, pp.alphanums)
value = pp.quotedString.setParseAction(pp.removeQuotes)
name_value_pair = name + pp.Suppress('=') + value
params = pp.Dict(pp.delimitedList(pp.Group(name_value_pair)))
credentials = scheme + (token68('token') ^ params('params'))
# the moment of truth...
self.auth_parser = auth_header + pp.Suppress(':') + credentials
def authenticate(self, auth_header):
Parse auth_header and call the correct authentication handler
authenticated = False
parsed = self.auth_parser.parseString(auth_header)
scheme = parsed['scheme']
details = parsed['token'] if 'token' in parsed.keys() else parsed['params']
print('Authenticating using {0} scheme'.format(scheme))
safe_scheme = re.sub("[!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~]", '_', scheme.lower())
handler = getattr(self, 'auth_handle_' + safe_scheme)
authenticated = handler(details)
except AttributeError:
print('This is a valid Authorization header, but we do not handle this scheme yet.')
except pp.ParseException as ex:
print('Not a valid Authorization header')
return authenticated
# The following methods are fake, of course. They should use what's passed
# to them to actually authenticate, and return True/False if successful.
# For this demo I'll just print some of the values used to authenticate.
def auth_handle_basic(token):
print('- token is {0}'.format(token))
username, password = b64decode(token).decode().split(':', 1)
except Exception:
raise DecodeError
print('- username is {0}'.format(username))
print('- password is {0}'.format(password))
return True
def auth_handle_bearer(token):
print('- token is {0}'.format(token))
return True
def auth_handle_digest(params):
print('- username is {0}'.format(params['username']))
print('- cnonce is {0}'.format(params['cnonce']))
return True
def auth_handle_aws4_hmac_sha256(params):
print('- Signature is {0}'.format(params['Signature']))
return True
Для проверки этого класса:
tests = [
'Authorization: Digest qop="chap", realm="testrealm@example.com", username="Foobar", response="6629fae49393a05397450978507c4ef1", cnonce="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41"',
'Authorization: Bearer cn389ncoiwuencr',
'Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==',
'Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential="AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20130524/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request", SignedHeaders="host;range;x-amz-date", Signature="fe5f80f77d5fa3beca038a248ff027d0445342fe2855ddc963176630326f1024"',
'Authorization: CrazyCustom foo="bar", fizz="buzz"',
authenticator = Authenticator()
for test in tests:
Какие выходы:
Authenticating using Digest scheme
- username is Foobar
- cnonce is 5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41
Authenticating using Bearer scheme
- token is cn389ncoiwuencr
Authenticating using Basic scheme
- token is Zm9vOmJhcg==
- username is foo
- password is bar
Authenticating using AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 scheme
- signature is fe5f80f77d5fa3beca038a248ff027d0445342fe2855ddc963176630326f1024
Authenticating using CrazyCustom scheme
This is a valid Authorization header, but we do not handle this scheme yet.
В будущем, если мы захотим работать с CrazyCustom, мы просто добавим
def auth_handle_crazycustom(params):