Я пытаюсь найти способ управления своим Raspberry Pi с помощью моего интеллектуального пульта для телевизора через HDMI.
Все работает отлично, кроме одного.
Когда я нажимаю клавишу на пульте, действие выполняется 2 раза.
Я установил: когда я нажимаю кнопку паузы на пульте телевизора, мой терминал raspberrypi показывает
Нажатие клавиши: PAUSE
Но на самом деле он показывает 2 раза
Нажатие клавиши: PAUSE
Как мне избежать этого?
Вот скрипт мой код .
function keychar {
parin1=$1 #first param; abc1
parin2=$2 #second param; 0=a, 1=b, 2=c, 3=1, 4=a, ...
parin2=$((parin2)) #convert to numeric
parin1len=${#parin1} #length of parin1
parin2pos=$((parin2 % parin1len)) #position mod
char=${parin1:parin2pos:1} #char key to simulate
if [ "$parin2" -gt 0 ]; then #if same key pressed multiple times, delete previous char; write a, delete a write b, delete b write c, ...
xdotool key "BackSpace"
#special cases for xdotool ( X Keysyms )
if [ "$char" = " " ]; then char="space"; fi
if [ "$char" = "." ]; then char="period"; fi
if [ "$char" = "-" ]; then char="minus"; fi
xdotool key $char
datlastkey=$(date +%s%N)
intmsbetweenkeys=2000 #two presses of a key sooner that this makes it delete previous key and write the next one (a->b->c->1->a->...)
intmousestartspeed=10 #mouse starts moving at this speed (pixels per key press)
intmouseacc=10 #added to the mouse speed for each key press (while holding down key, more key presses are sent from the remote)
while read oneline
keyline=$(echo $oneline | grep " key ")
#echo $keyline --- debugAllLines
if [ -n "$keyline" ]; then
datnow=$(date +%s%N)
datdiff=$((($datnow - $datlastkey) / 1000000)) #bla bla key pressed: previous channel (123)
strkey=$(grep -oP '(?<=sed: ).*?(?= \()' <<< "$keyline") #bla bla key pres-->sed: >>previous channel<< (<--123)
strstat=$(grep -oP '(?<=key ).*?(?=:)' <<< "$keyline") #bla bla -->key >>pressed<<:<-- previous channel (123)
strpressed=$(echo $strstat | grep "pressed")
strreleased=$(echo $strstat | grep "released")
if [ -n "$strpressed" ]; then
#echo $keyline --- debug
if [ "$strkey" = "$strlastkey" ] && [ "$datdiff" -lt "$intmsbetweenkeys" ]; then
intkeychar=$((intkeychar + 1)) #same key pressed for a different char
intkeychar=0 #different key / too far apart
case "$strkey" in
xdotool key "BackSpace"
keychar "abc2" intkeychar
keychar "def3" intkeychar
keychar "ghi4" intkeychar
keychar "jkl5" intkeychar
keychar "mno6" intkeychar
keychar "pqrs7" intkeychar
keychar "tuv8" intkeychar
keychar "wxyz9" intkeychar
keychar " 0.-" intkeychar
"previous channel")
xdotool key "Return" #Enter
"channel up")
xdotool click 4 #mouse scroll up
"channel down")
xdotool click 5 #mouse scroll down
"channels list")
xdotool click 3 #right mouse button click"
xdotool key "Up"
xdotool key "Down"
xdotool key "Left"
xdotool key "Right"
xdotool key "Ctrl+a" #left mouse button click
xdotool key "Alt_L+Left" #WWW-Back
echo Key Pressed: EXIT
chromium-browser "https://www.youtube.com" &
chromium-browser "https://www.google.com" &
echo Key Pressed: YELLOW C
chromium-browser --incognito "https://www.google.com" &
echo Key Pressed: REWIND
echo Key Pressed: PAUSE
"Fast forward")
echo Key Pressed: FAST FORWARD
echo Key Pressed: PLAY
## with my remote I only got "STOP" as key released (auto-released), not as key pressed; see below
echo Key Pressed: STOP
echo Unrecognized Key Pressed: $strkey ; CEC Line: $keyline
if [ -n "$strreleased" ]; then
#echo $keyline --- debug
case "$strkey" in
echo Key Released: STOP
intmousespeed=$intmousestartspeed #reset mouse speed
intmousespeed=$intmousestartspeed #reset mouse speed
intmousespeed=$intmousestartspeed #reset mouse speed
intmousespeed=$intmousestartspeed #reset mouse speed
Спасибо, (простите за английский, это не мой родной язык)