Не имея слишком много информации, я бы выбрал такой подход:
Во-первых, поместите функцию getHourlyLMP
вне цикла ... Вы можете вызвать ее изнутри итераций и передатьпеременная в качестве параметра.
# The function we want to run for each year.
getHourlyLMP <- function(day = Date, locID = 4004, user = getOption(x = "ISO_NE_USER"), password = getOption(x = "PASSWORD"), out.tz = "America/New_York", ...){
dd_Year <- format(as.Date(day), "%Y%m%d")
json_Year <- get_path(path = paste0("/hourlylmp/da/final/day/", dd_Year, "/location/", locID), user = user, password = password, ...)
dat_Year <- do.call(what = "rbind",
FUN = function(x){
dd_Year <- as.data.frame(x = x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
locId <- dd_Year[1,"Location"]
dd_Year <- dd_Year[2,]
dd_Year$locId <- locId
} ))
dat_Year$BeginDate <- lubridate::ymd_hms(dat_Year$BeginDate, tz = out.tz)
rownames(dat_Year) <- 1:nrow(dat_Year)
# Build the Date object in an easier way using ?sprintf
Years = c("2019", "2018", "2017", "2016", "2015", "2014", "2013", "2012", "2011", "2010")
Date <- sprintf("%s/08/01", Years)
# Date
# [1] "2019/08/01" "2018/08/01" "2017/08/01" "2016/08/01" "2015/08/01" "2014/08/01" "2013/08/01" "2012/08/01" "2011/08/01" "2010/08/01"
# Now just loop through the Date objects
lapply(Date, function(i){
getHourlyLMP(day = i)
После некоторых исследований и регистрации для API ....
Получите текущие LMP Final Da Hourly для данного местоположения.
#name description type default
#day The day to retrieve data for (YYYYMMDD) path FORMAT IS VITAL
#locationId The location id path
get_paths2 <- function(year = NULL, user = getOption("ISO_NE_USER"), pass = getOption("ISO_NE_PASS"), loc_id = 4004, out.tz = "America/New_York"){
# Pay attention to the path query, which needs to be YYYYMMDD or 20190927... since you gave static date, i hard coded
# the 0801, but change that for your needs moving forward
base <- 'https://webservices.iso-ne.com/api/v1.1/hourlylmp/da/final/day/%s0801/location/%s'
# Build our call url
api_url <- sprintf(base, year, loc_id)
# Call the API
req <- httr::GET(api_url, httr::authenticate(user = user, password = pass, type = "basic"))
# confirm the request worked by returning a 200 status code
if(status_code(req) == 200L){
data <- content(req)
# Your data manipulation functions here:
# I tested on a just 2 items in the list, and it works fine...
# > rbind_pages(lapply(a$HourlyLmps$HourlyLmp[1:2], function(x){
# as.data.frame(x)
# }))
# Building a ?tryCatch in here...
lapply(data$HourlyLmps$HourlyLmp, function(i){
dd_Year <- as.data.frame(i, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dd_Year %>% mutate(
BeginDate = lubridate::ymd_hms(BeginDate, tz = out.tz, quiet = TRUE)
}) %>% rbind_pages()
}, error = function(e){
Примечание:Оказывается, 2010 год не возвращает данные ....
out_test <- setNames(lapply(Years, function(i){
}), Years)
> which(is.na(out_test))
> Map(slice, out_test[which(!is.na(out_test))], 1)
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2019-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 23.8 24.46 0 -0.66
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2018-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 24.54 24.59 0 -0.05
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2017-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 19.63 19.38 0 0.25
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2016-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 28.26 28.08 0 0.18
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2015-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 19.42 19.21 0 0.21
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2014-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 22.27 21.98 0 0.29
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2013-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 27.11 26.73 0 0.38
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2012-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 26.59 26.45 0 0.14
BeginDate Location..LocId Location..LocType Location.. LmpTotal EnergyComponent CongestionComponent LossComponent
1 2011-08-01 4004 LOAD ZONE .Z.CONNECTICUT 40.49 39.93 0 0.56
Тогда можно объединить все с rbind_pages(out_test[which(!is.na(out_test))])