Я хочу проверить, какие объекты (в данном случае дуги) существуют рядом с моими выбранными в данный момент объектами.Я думал, что смогу сделать это, используя event.widget.find_enclosed(coords)
с coords
, представляющим кортеж с 4 целыми числами.Однако каждый раз, когда я пытался передать кортеж, я получаю эту ошибку:
TypeError: find_enclosed() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'y1', 'x2', and 'y2'
Полный код ниже:
import tkinter as tk
import time
import numpy
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=500, height=200, bg='black')
canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
# apply bold to line
def bold(event):
# initial boldness
# find arc user meant
id = event.widget.find_closest(event.x,event.y)[0]
# retrieve arc tag
tag = canvas.gettags(id)[1]
# bold arc
# redraw canvas
# give time to make each drawing piecemeal
current_coords = numpy.array(canvas.coords(id))
next_coords_additive = numpy.array([arc_width,0,arc_width,0])
next_coords = current_coords + next_coords_additive
# grab data for next arcs
next_arc_data = event.widget.find_enclosed(tuple(next_coords))
# code to find the and bold the next available arc
# each bounding box is 100 x 100
class Box():
def __init__(self, coords):
# give the class a tag for tkinter to find later
self.tag = 'box{}'.format(id(self))
# make each arc
self.arcs = [
# arc 1
canvas.create_arc(coords, start=0, extent=90, outline="white", style="arc", tag=(self.tag, 1)),
# arc 2
canvas.create_arc(coords, start=90, extent=90, outline="white", style="arc", tag=(self.tag, 2)),
# arc 3
canvas.create_arc(coords, start=180, extent=90, outline="white", style="arc", tag=(self.tag, 3)),
# arc 4
canvas.create_arc(coords, start=270, extent=90, outline="white", style="arc", tag=(self.tag, 4))
# allow each arc to be bolded
def bind(self):
# apply binding to every arc in box
for arc in self.arcs:
canvas.tag_bind(arc, "<Button-1>", bold)
# coordinates are (x,y) of upper left corner, and then (x,y) of lower left corner
# use numpy array for vector addition
coords = numpy.array([0, 0, 100, 100])
# use box width to calculate grid indice
box_width = coords[2] - coords[0]
# grid indice to move around
grid_indice = box_width/2
# use arc width for width of 1 component
# 4 components in 1 box
arc_width = box_width/2
# make desired size of grid (width, height)
for i in range(size[1]):
# keep adding 1 grid indice to the y as you move down
coords = coords + numpy.array([0, 0 + grid_indice, 0, 0 + grid_indice])
for j in range(size[0]):
# keep adding 1 grid indice to the x as you move to the right
box_coords = coords + numpy.array([0 + grid_indice*j, 0, 0 + grid_indice*j, 0])
# create variables to check parity
even_row = i%2 == 0
odd_row = not even_row
even_column = j%2 == 0
odd_column = not even_column
# only draw a box on the same parity of i and j
# that is: on an odd row (i), only draw on odd column (j) values
if even_row & even_column:
elif odd_row & odd_column: