Позвоните мыло api от UiPath Custom деятельности - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 22 сентября 2019

Прежде всего .. Я новичок в технологиях .Net.

Я использую расширение UiPath для Visual Studio для разработки пользовательского занятия.

Источник: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/creating-a-custom-activity

Это расширение гласит: Расширение UiPath Activity Set позволяет вам легко создавать пользовательские действия, которые сразу же работают в UiPath Studio.В комплект поставки входят родительская область (полезная для обеспечения аутентификации API), дочерняя активность (для выполнения отдельных вызовов API) и поддержка клиентов HTTP, использующих обычную аутентификацию или аутентификацию на предъявителя.

Из шаблона активности по умолчанию я вижу, что есть файл Application.cs, в котором есть HTTP-клиент и другие параметры, определенные в нем. Но я не уверен, как реализовать базовую аутентификацию из этого файла Application.cs и как сделать вызов APIиз этого CS-файла.

Пожалуйста, помогите мне в реализации этого.

ниже приведен код Application.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using custom.project.Enums;
using custom.project.Properties;
using custom.project.Tools;
using static custom.project.Enums.TokenSource;
using static custom.project.Enums.AuthScheme;

namespace custom.project
    /// <summary>
    /// The Application class holds an HTTP Client and list of API calls shared amongst the scope and child activities.
    /// </summary>
    public class Application : IAsyncInitialization
        #region Properties

        private HttpClient Client { get; set; }
        private string Username { get; }
        private string Password { get; }
        private string URL { get; }

        public string test = "false";
        private DateTime? AuthTimestamp { get; set; }
        private AuthenticationHeaderValue AuthHeader { get; set; }

        /*START HERE: Choose how the client should authenticate its API calls*/
        private const AuthScheme AuthScheme = Basic;
        private const string LoginExtension = "";
        private const TokenSource TokenSource = Body;
        private const string TokenKey = "token";
        private const int TokenTimeout = 30;


        #region Constructors

        // Creates a new, blank Application
        public Application() { }

        // Creates a new Application using the provided credentials
        public Application(string username, string password, string url)
            Username = username;
            Password = password;
            URL = url.TrimEnd('/') + "/";

        // Allows Initialization (the step right after constructor runs) to be asynchronous
        public Task Initialization => InitializeAsync();

        // Asynchronously creates an authenticated client to make all API calls
        private async Task InitializeAsync()
            // a. Uncomment one of the Auth schemes below or create your own
            switch (AuthScheme)
                case None:
                case Bearer:
                    await BearerAuthentication(LoginExtension, TokenKey, TokenSource);
                case Basic:
                    throw new CustomException(string.Format(Resources.Application_InitializeAsync_UnknownAuthSchemeException, AuthScheme.ToString()));

            // b. Create a reusable HTTP Client to make all the API calls

            // c. Get everything else you want from the API here

        // Once authentication is complete, creates a reusable HTTP Client
        private void CreateClient()
            if (URL == null) return;

            var cookies = new CookieContainer();
            var handler = new HttpClientHandler { CookieContainer = cookies };

                Client = new HttpClient(handler) {BaseAddress = new Uri(URL)};
                Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                if (AuthScheme != None) Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = AuthHeader;
            catch (UriFormatException eq)
                throw new CustomException(Resources.Application_CreateClient_InvalidURLException, eq);
            catch (AggregateException ev)
                throw new CustomException(Resources.Application_CreateClient_ServerUnreachableException, ev);


        #region Authentication

        // Retrieves a bearer token and adds it to the Client's headers
        private async Task BearerAuthentication(string loginExtension, string tokenKey, TokenSource tokenSource=Body)
            var cookies = new CookieContainer();
            using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { CookieContainer = cookies })
            using (var authClient = new HttpClient(handler))
                    // a. Construct the endpoint that returns an auth token
                    var loginUri = new Uri(URL + loginExtension);

                    // b. Add all required parameters to the request body
                    var body = new Dictionary<string, string>
                        {"username", Username}, {"password", Password}, {"redirect", "false"}

                    // c. Convert the body to JSON and Post to the authentication endpoint
                    var res = await authClient.PostAsync(loginUri, new FormUrlEncodedContent(body));

                    // d. Catch any bad responses

                    // e. Create token variable and use one of the options below
                    var token = "";

                    switch (tokenSource)
                        // e1. Get token from the response BODY
                        case Body:
                            var content = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                            token = JObject.Parse(content)[tokenKey]?.Value<string>();

                        // e2. Get token from the response COOKIES
                        case Cookies:
                            token = cookies.GetCookies(loginUri).Cast<Cookie>()
                                                                .First(c => c.Name.Equals(tokenKey))?

                        // e3. Get token from the response HEADER
                        case Header:
                            if (res.Headers.TryGetValues(tokenKey, out var values))
                                token = values.First();

                    // f. Save Auth header used by the Client
                    AuthHeader = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);

                    // g. Timestamp the returned token to know when it has to be refreshed
                    AuthTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                catch (UriFormatException)
                    throw new CustomException(Resources.Application_BearerAuthentication_InvalidURLException);
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    ae.Handle((x) => throw new CustomException(Resources.Application_BearerAuthentication_SomethingWrongException, x));
                catch (Exception e) when (e is HttpRequestException || e is WebException || e is ArgumentNullException || e is InvalidOperationException)
                    throw new CustomException(Resources.Application_BearerAuthentication_ServerUnreachableException);

        // Creates a basic token and adds it to the Client's headers
        private void BasicAuthentication()
            // a. Encode the token
            var token = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{Username}:{Password}"));

            // b. Save Auth header used by the Client
            AuthHeader = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", token);
            test = "true";
            // c. Set max timeout since token never needs to be refreshed
            AuthTimestamp = DateTime.MaxValue;


        #region Info Calls

        #region Action Calls

        public Task<string> SumValues(int firstValue, int secondValue)
            return Task.FromResult(test);


        #region Helpers

        // Checks if the token has expired and refreshes it if so
        public async Task<bool> CheckConnection()
            if (Client != null && (AuthTimestamp ?? DateTime.MinValue) <= DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(TokenTimeout)))
                await InitializeAsync();
                return true;
            return false;

        // Compares new credentials to those used by the Client
        public bool CompareCredentials(string username, string password, string url)
            return (username == Username) && (password == Password) && (url == URL);


Ниже приведен файл CustomActivity.cs, который вызываетвышеуказанное приложение.sumvalues ​​():

using System.Activities;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DST.AWD.Activities.Properties;

namespace custom.project.Activities
    public class ChildActivity : AsyncTaskCodeActivity<string>
        public InArgument<int> FirstValue { get; set; }

        public InArgument<int> SecondValue { get; set; }

        public OutArgument<string> Sum { get; set; }

        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void CacheMetadata(CodeActivityMetadata metadata)

            if (FirstValue == null) metadata.AddValidationError(string.Format(Resources.MetadataValidationError, nameof(FirstValue)));
            if (SecondValue == null) metadata.AddValidationError(string.Format(Resources.MetadataValidationError, nameof(SecondValue)));

        protected override Task<string> ExecuteAsync(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Application client)
            var firstValue = FirstValue.Get(context);
            var secondValue = SecondValue.Get(context);
            return client.SumValues(firstValue, secondValue);

        protected override void OutputResult(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, string result)
            Sum.Set(context, result);
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