SAPUI OData 405 (метод не разрешен) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 27 сентября 2019

Я новичок в SAPUI, и я делаю некоторые тесты с OData.Я создал простой проект, показывающий продукты службы oData и кнопки для create/delete/edit продукта.

Когда я пытаюсь создать новый продукт или delete/update, я получаю:

POST MyUri ... / OData / OData.svc 405 (метод не разрешен).

Это консоль моего браузера: enter image description here

Мои файлы:



  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8' />

  <script src="" 
                data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m, sap.ui.commons, sap.ui.table"
  <!-- only load the mobile lib "sap.m" and the "sap_bluecrystal" theme -->

   var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("");
   /* var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(""); */
   /*  var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.v4.ODataModel("http://localhost:8080/odata/DemoService.svc/"); */

    var aColumn1 = [
      new sap.m.Column({
        header: new sap.m.Label({
          text: "ID"
      new sap.m.Column({
          header: new sap.m.Label({
            text: "Name"
      new sap.m.Column({
        header: new sap.m.Label({
          text: "Description"
      new sap.m.Column({
          header: new sap.m.Label({
            text: "Release Date"
        new sap.m.Column({
            header: new sap.m.Label({
              text: "Rating"
          new sap.m.Column({
              header: new sap.m.Label({
                text: "Price"
      new sap.m.Column({
        header: new sap.m.Label({
          text: "Supplier"

    var oTemplate1 = new sap.m.ColumnListItem({
      cells: [
        new sap.m.Text({
          text: "{ID}"
        new sap.m.Text({
            text: "{Name}"
        new sap.m.Text({
          text: "{Description}"
        new sap.m.Text({
            text: "{ReleaseDate}"
        new sap.m.Text({
            text: "{Rating}"
        new sap.m.Text({
            text: "{Price}"
        new sap.m.Text({
          text: "{Supplier/Name}"

    var oTable1 = new sap.m.Table({
      id: "table",
      columns: aColumn1
      path: '/Products',           
      parameters:{expand : 'Supplier'},


    var page = new sap.m.Page({
      id: "page",
      title: "OData Web App",
      showNavButton: false,
      content: [oTable1]

    var app = new sap.m.App();


<body class="sapUiBody" role="application">
  <div id="content"></div>


Product.controller.js (я пробовал разные uri)

sap.ui.controller("products.Product", {

* Called when a controller is instantiated and its View controls (if available) are already created.
* Can be used to modify the View before it is displayed, to bind event handlers and do other one-time initialization.
* @memberOf products.Product
    onInit: function() {

//      var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("proxy/https/");
//      var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("proxy/https/");
//      var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("proxy/https/");
//      var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("proxy/http/");
//      var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("proxy/https/");
        var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("proxy/https/");
        oModel.oHeaders = {
                "DataServiceVersion": "3.0",
                "MaxDataServiceVersion": "3.0"

//      this.getView().setModel(oModel, "products");

//      console.log(oModel);

* Similar to onAfterRendering, but this hook is invoked before the controller's View is re-rendered
* (NOT before the first rendering! onInit() is used for that one!).
* @memberOf products.Product
//  onBeforeRendering: function() {
//  },

* Called when the View has been rendered (so its HTML is part of the document). Post-rendering manipulations of the HTML could be done here.
* This hook is the same one that SAPUI5 controls get after being rendered.
* @memberOf products.Product
    onAfterRendering: function() {

* Called when the Controller is destroyed. Use this one to free resources and finalize activities.
* @memberOf products.Product
//  onExit: function() {
//  }
    mode: 0,

    resetForm: function(){

    create: function(){

        this.mode = 'create';

        $("#formId").slideDown(300, function() {

//          var id = sap.ui.getCore().byId('tableId')._getRowCount();
//          $("#id").val(id);

    edit: function(){

        this.mode = 'edit';
        var oTable = sap.ui.getCore().byId('tableId');
        var selected = oTable.getSelectedIndex();
//      alert(selected);
        if(selected ==-1){
            alert("Select row");


                var data = oTable.getModel('products').oData['Products('+ selected +')'];

                var id  = data.ID;
                var description = data.Description;
                var price = data.Price;
                var rating = data.Rating;
                var name = data.Name;



    removeId: 0,

    remove: function(){

        this.mode = 'delete';

        var oTable = sap.ui.getCore().byId('tableId');
        var selected = oTable.getSelectedIndex();
        if(selected ==-1){
            alert("Select row");
            var data = oTable.getModel('products').oData['Products('+ selected +')'];

            this.removeId = data.ID;


    save: function(){

        var requestObj = {

                requestUri: '',
                method: '',
                headers: {
                    "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
                    "Content-Type": "application/json;odata=minimalmetadata",
                    "DataServiceVersion": "3.0",
                    "MaxDataServiceVersion": "3.0",
                    "Accept": "application/json;odata=minimalmetadata"

        var newData={
                "odata.type": "ODataDemo.Product",
                "ID": $("#id").val(),
                "Name": $("#name").val(),
                "Description":  $("#description").val(),
                "ReleaseDate":  $("#date").val(),
//              "DiscontinuedDate": null
                "Rating": $("#rating").val(),
                "Price": $("#price").val(),


        if(this.mode == 'create'){

//          var url = "proxy/https/";
            var url = "proxy/https/";
            var method = "POST";

            requestObj.requestUri = url;
            requestObj.method = method;
   = newData;

        }else if(this.mode == 'edit'){

            var id = $("#id").val();
//          var url = "proxy/https/";
            var url = "proxy/https/";
            var method = "PUT";

            requestObj.requestUri = url;
            requestObj.method = method;
   = newData;

        }else if(this.mode == 'delete'){
            var id = this.removeId;
            var url = "proxy/https/";
            var method = "DELETE";

            requestObj.requestUri = url;
            requestObj.method = method;


        OData.request(requestObj, function() {




sap.ui.jsview("products.Product", {

    /** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View. 
    * In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned, this View does not have a Controller.
    * @memberOf products.Product
    getControllerName : function() {
        return "products.Product";

    /** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated. It is the place where the UI is constructed. 
    * Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be attached right away. 
    * @memberOf products.Product
    createContent : function(oController) {

        var oMatrix = new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayout({

                layoutFixed: true,
                width: '300px',
                columns: 3



                new sap.ui.commons.Button({
                    text: "Create",
                    width: '100px',
                    press: function(){
                new sap.ui.commons.Button({
                    text: "Edit",
                    width: '100px',
                    press: function(){
                new sap.ui.commons.Button({
                    text: "Delete",
                    width: '100px',
                    press: function(){


        var oLayout = new sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm("formId",{
            title: "Product Detail",
            content: [

                new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "ID"}),
//              new sap.ui.commons.TextField("id",{width: '200px', editable: false}),
                new sap.ui.commons.TextField("id",{width: '200px'}),

                new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Name"}),
                new sap.ui.commons.TextField("name",{width: '200px'}),

                new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Description"}),
                new sap.ui.commons.TextField("description",{width: '200px'}),

                new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Price"}),
                new sap.ui.commons.TextField("price",{width: '200px'}),

                new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Rating"}),
                new sap.ui.commons.TextField("rating",{width: '200px'}),

                new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "ReleaseDate"}),
                new sap.ui.commons.TextField("date",{width: '200px', value:"2019-09-19T22:00:00"}),

                new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: ""}),
                new sap.ui.commons.Button({
                    text: "Save",
                    width: '100px',
                    press: function(){


        var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table("tableId",{
            visibleRowCount: 8,
            editable: false

        oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({

            label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "ID"}),
            visible: true,
            template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{products>ID}"})


        oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({

            label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Name"}),
            visible: true,
            template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{products>Name}"})


        oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({

            label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Description"}),
            visible: true,
            template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{products>Description}"})


        oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({

            label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Price"}),
            visible: true,
            template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{products>Price}"})


        oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({

            label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Rating"}),
            visible: true,
            template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{products>Rating}"})



        var ele = [oMatrix,oTable,oLayout]

        return ele;



я пробовалдругой URI, и я думаю, что функция создания в порядке ... Советы?Спасибо за помощь
