Спасибо, пользователь12106422!Вот как я реализовал это в своей функции итератора, и она отлично работает.
#include "coll.h"
//in your iterator function ..
long patcher_iterator(<replace this with your external type> *x, t_object *b) {
//check if object is a coll
if(strncmp(object_classname( jbox_get_object(b) )->s_name, "coll",4) == 0){
t_coll *collobject;
t_symbol *collname;
collob = (t_coll *)jbox_get_object(b);
collname = (t_symbol *)collobject->c_x->c_sym;
post("--The name of the coll is (%s) ", collname->s_name);
Я также хотел бы поделиться coll.h
здесь для общего блага.
/* -------- coll.c -- the collection object --------------- */
#include "ext.h"
// #include "edit.h"
#include "ext_wind.h"
#include "ext_common.h"
#include "ext_strings.h"
#include "ext_critical.h"
#define C_EMBED 1
/* ddz 06/09/94:
* fixed interspersed (entremele) use of next and prev messages
* added assistance for third outlet
* prototyped functions and removed voids
* fixed truncating on sorts
/* sde use to fill the read and write flags */
#define FILE_DIALOG 1 /* use dialogs to get file name */
#define FILE_NAMED 2 /* symbol specifies file name */
#define Index_Integer 1
#define Index_Symbol 2
typedef struct celem { /* doubly linked list element */
short e_size;
short e_extra;
long e_index;
t_symbol *e_assoc;
struct celem *e_next;
struct celem *e_prev;
t_atom e_data[1]; /* dummy */
} t_celem;
typedef struct xcoll {
t_object c_ob;
void *c_data; // linklist
//t_celem c_head; /* head of list elements */
t_celem *c_next; /* element to be returned by "next" */
t_celem *c_prev; /* element to be returned by "prev" */
void *c_out2; /* next "end" signal outlet */
char c_read,c_write; /* flags for reading & writing */
char c_freeing,c_saveme;
char c_embed; /* embed in owning patcher? */
t_symbol *c_sym; /* associated symbol? */
struct ed *c_edit; /* edit window */
short c_refcount; /* reference count */
struct coll *c_refcoll; /* list of "colls" that reference this xcoll */
/* sde filename, volume, and MAX type */
t_symbol *c_fn;
short c_vol;
short c_bin;
long c_type; /* type of the file that was read in */
short c_modified;
long c_filetype; /* for filetype message -- allowed types */
long c_modcount;
} t_xcoll;
typedef struct coll {
t_object c_ob;
t_xcoll *c_x;
t_symbol *c_sym;
void *c_out2;
/* sde third outlet bangs after reading data */
void *c_out3;
void *c_out4;
struct coll *c_nextref; /* next in the list of colls that share this coll's xcoll */
void *c_owner;
long c_nosearch;
} t_coll;