Я пытаюсь извлечь подстроку «Abstract» из элементов «Description» XML-канала RSS.Фрагмент кода:
import feedparser
rss = 'https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/erss.cgi?rss_guid=1RGmO3jHeXUu8o2CWPinET6JLLik93hwR2IAJ5mU-YzoPeX1-O'
feed = feedparser.parse(rss)
for post in feed.entries:
print (post.description)
Строка, которую я хочу получить от первого элемента, встроена в описание между <p>Abstract<br/> ...... <br/>
The recent development of electronic logbooks with secure off-device data storage provides a rich resource for research. We present the largest analysis of anaesthetic logbooks to date, with data from 494,235 cases logged by 964 anaesthetists over a 4-year period. Our analysis describes and compares the annual case-load and supervision levels of different grades of anaesthetists across the UK and Republic of Ireland. We calculated the number of cases undertaken per year by grade (median (IQR [range]) core trainees = 388 (252-512 [52-1204]); specialist trainees = 344 (228-480 [52-1144]); and consultants = 328 (204-500 [52-1316]). Overall, the proportion of cases undertaken with direct consultant supervision was 56.7% and 41.6% for core trainees and specialist trainees, respectively. The proportion of supervised cases reduced out-of-hours, for both core trainees (day 93.5%, evening 86.3%, night 78.6%) and specialist trainees (day 81.0%, evening 67.7%, night 56.4%)
Я не уверен, как отделить все остальное отописание отдельно от аннотации.Я предполагаю, что использую поиск регулярных выражений, я пробовал ответы на похожие вопросы о подстроке и не смог заставить его работать, возможно, из-за тегов html.
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