Отправить письмо с SendGrid, когда я добавлю в новую таблицу MVC 5 - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 сентября 2019

Я хочу отправить электронное письмо с SendGrid, когда я беру будущего студента в таблицу «Регистрации» и назначаю его новой группе, поэтому, когда я добавляю студента в таблицу «CohortsSusbcription».Я не знаком с вызовом API, поэтому я не знаю, где я должен поместить свое действие в свой контроллер и как я делаю свое действие.Это мой код:

        public ActionResult AddToCohort([Bind(Include = "ID,CohortId,RegistrationId,Notes,CoachId,ContractStatus,DepositStatus,PortalMemberId,ProfileImageURL,ProfileComment,PersonalityScoreD,PersonalityScoreI,PersonalityScoreS,PersonalityScoreC,EnglishProefficiencyBefore,EnglishProefficiencyAfter,SlackHandle,GraduationStatus,GitHubHandle")] CohortSubscriptions cohortSubscriptions)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var newcohortAssignments = cohortSubscriptions;
                newcohortAssignments.ContractStatus = "Pending";
                newcohortAssignments.DepositStatus = "Pending";
                newcohortAssignments.GraduationStatus = "Not Graduated";


                return RedirectToAction("CohortAssignments", "Home");

            ViewBag.CohortId = new SelectList(db.Cohorts, "ID", "Name", cohortSubscriptions.CohortId);

            return View(cohortSubscriptions);

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 24 сентября 2019

Если вы не установили пакет Nuget в SendGrid, установите его.

Далее, без какого-либо конкретного вопроса об их API, я не уверен, что сказать.Я выложу часть своего кода.

Их API немного сложен в использовании по сравнению с тем, что есть в System.Net.Mail.Поэтому я написал некоторый код, который преобразует System.Net.Mail.MailMessage в SendGridMessage.Затем я создаю объекты MailMessage и использую код конверсии для отправки электронного письма.

Это в основном то, что я бы вставил в ваш код.

public ActionResult AddToCohort([Bind(Include = "ID,CohortId,RegistrationId,Notes,CoachId,ContractStatus,DepositStatus,PortalMemberId,ProfileImageURL,ProfileComment,PersonalityScoreD,PersonalityScoreI,PersonalityScoreS,PersonalityScoreC,EnglishProefficiencyBefore,EnglishProefficiencyAfter,SlackHandle,GraduationStatus,GitHubHandle")] CohortSubscriptions cohortSubscriptions)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        var newcohortAssignments = cohortSubscriptions;
        newcohortAssignments.ContractStatus = "Pending";
        newcohortAssignments.DepositStatus = "Pending";
        newcohortAssignments.GraduationStatus = "Not Graduated";


        using (var message = new MailMessage())
            message.From = new MailAddress("me@here.com");
            message.Body += "Hello world!";
            message.IsBodyHtml = true;


        return RedirectToAction("CohortAssignments", "Home");

    ViewBag.CohortId = new SelectList(db.Cohorts, "ID", "Name", cohortSubscriptions.CohortId);

    return View(cohortSubscriptions);

Ниже приводится мой код конверсии.Он ищет ваш ключ API в Web.Config в наборе приложений с именем ApiKey.О, также он использует JetBrains.Annotations.Поэтому установите этот пакет Nuget или удалите мои аннотации из кода.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Text;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using SendGrid;
using SendGrid.Helpers.Mail;
using Attachment = SendGrid.Helpers.Mail.Attachment;

[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]
namespace Bc3.Mail
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper to send messages created with
    /// System.Net.Mail.Message through SendGrid
    /// </summary>
    public static class MailHelper
        /// <summary>
        /// The helper function that send the MailMessage through SendGrid.
        /// It's successful when HttpStatusCode.OK or HttpStatusCode.Accepted
        /// is returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mail"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
        public static Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string> SendMail([NotNull]MailMessage mail)
            if (mail is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mail));

            var from = mail.From;
            if (from is null)
                return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                    "No from address");

            if (mail.To.Count == 0)
                return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                    "No to address");
            var to = mail.To[0];
            if (to is null)
                return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                    "No to address");

            SendGridMessage message;
            if (mail.To.Count == 1)
                message = SendGrid.Helpers.Mail.MailHelper.CreateSingleEmail(ConvertAddress(from),
                var tos = from address in mail.To
                          where address is null == false
                          select ConvertAddress(address);

                message = SendGrid.Helpers.Mail.MailHelper.CreateSingleEmailToMultipleRecipients(

            var personalization = message?.Personalizations?[0];
            if (personalization is null)
                return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Error creating email message");

            if (mail.CC.Count != 0)
                personalization.Ccs = new List<EmailAddress>();
                foreach (var cc in mail.CC)
            if (mail.Bcc.Count != 0)
                personalization.Bccs = new List<EmailAddress>();
                foreach (var bcc in mail.Bcc)

            if (mail.Attachments.Count != 0)
                if (message.Attachments is null)
                    message.Attachments = new List<Attachment>();

                foreach (var attachment in mail.Attachments)
                    if (attachment.ContentStream is null)

                    var sendGridAttachment = new Attachment();
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(attachment.ContentStream))
                        sendGridAttachment.Content = Convert.ToBase64String(

                    sendGridAttachment.Filename = attachment.Name;
                    sendGridAttachment.Type = attachment.ContentType.MediaType;


            if (message.Headers is null)
                message.Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            foreach (var key in mail.Headers.AllKeys)
                var header = mail.Headers[key];
                if (header is null)

                if (message.Headers.ContainsKey(header) == false)
                    message.Headers.Add(key, header);

            var (httpStatusCode, errorMessage) = SendMessage(message);

            return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(httpStatusCode, errorMessage);

        private static Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string> SendMessage([NotNull]SendGridMessage message)
                var apiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"];
                var client = new SendGridClient(apiKey);

                var sendTask = client.SendEmailAsync(message);
                if (sendTask is null)
                    return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Email status not received");

                var response = sendTask.Result;
                if (response is null)
                    return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Email status not received");

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK
                    || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
                    return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(response.StatusCode, null);

                if (response.Body is null)
                    return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(response.StatusCode, null);

                var task = response.Body.ReadAsStringAsync();

                return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(response.StatusCode, task.Result);
            catch (Exception exception)
                return new Tuple<HttpStatusCode, string>(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, exception.Message);
        private static EmailAddress ConvertAddress([NotNull]MailAddress address)
            return new EmailAddress(address.Address, address.DisplayName);