Набор данных:
У меня есть функция, которая генерирует своего рода цветное облако слов:
def format_chars(chars,numbers):
letter = lambda x: "<span style='color:{};'>{}</span>".format(x[1],x[0])
text = " ".join(list(map(letter, zip(chars,vals))))
text = "<div style='font-size:14pt;font-weight:bold;'>" + text + "</div>"
col = HTML(text)
return col
chars = df_final['term']
vals = df_final['hex']
col = format_chars(chars,vals)
Я экспериментирую с Bokeh, чтобы получить два фильтра, которые фильтруют столбец ниже по номеру lan_name и страны и только значения для этой конкретной пары lan_name и country.
У меня есть код, который фильтрует таблицу:
import bokeh.embed
import bokeh.io
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.models.widgets
import bokeh.plotting
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import wb
source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(subset)
original_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(subset)
columns = [
bokeh.models.widgets.TableColumn(field="country", title="country"),
bokeh.models.widgets.TableColumn(field="lan_name", title="lan_name"),
bokeh.models.widgets.TableColumn(field="term", title="term"),
bokeh.models.widgets.TableColumn(field="hex", title="hex")
data_table = bokeh.models.widgets.DataTable(source=source, columns=columns)
# callback code to be used by all the filter widgets
combined_callback_code = """
var data = source.get('data');
var original_data = original_source.get('data');
var country = country_select_obj.get('value');
console.log("country: " + country);
var lan_name = lan_name.get('value');
console.log("lan_name: " + lan_name);
for (var key in original_data) {
data[key] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < original_data['country'].length; ++i) {
if ((country === "ALL" || original_data['country'][i] === country) &&
(lan_name === "ALL" || original_data['lan_name'][i] === lan_name)) {
# define the filter widgets, without callbacks for now
country_list = ['ALL'] + df['country'].unique().tolist()
country_select = bokeh.models.widgets.Select(title="Country:", value=country_list[0], options=country_list)
lan_list = ['ALL'] + df['lan_name'].unique().tolist()
lan_select = bokeh.models.widgets.Select(title="lan_name:", value=lan_list[0], options=lan_list)
# now define the callback objects now that the filter widgets exist
generic_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS(
# finally, connect the callbacks to the filter widgets
country_select.callback = generic_callback
lan_select.callback = generic_callback
from bokeh.layouts import column
#p = bokeh.io.vplot(country_select, lan_select, data_table)
show(column(country_select, lan_select, data_table))
Как добавить функцию в боке?