Это мой код:
Guess Song V2
import random
import time
def Game():
x = 0
Username = input("What is your username?")
#Asking for an input of the password.
Password = str(input("What is the password?"))
#If password is correct then allow user to continue.
if Password == "":
print("User Authenticated")
#If not then tell the user and stop the program
elif Password != "":
print("Password Denied")
#Creating a score variable
#Reading song names and artist from the file
read = open("Song.txt", "r")
songs = read.readlines()
songlist = []
#Removing the 'new line' code
for i in range(len(songs)):
while x == 0:
#Randomly choosing a song and artist from the list
choice = random.choice(songlist)
artist, song = choice.split('-')
#Splitting the song into the first letters of each word
songs = song.split()
letters = [word[0] for word in songs]
#Loop for guessing the answer
for x in range(0,2):
print(artist, "".join(letters))
guess = str(input("Guess the song : "))
if guess == song:
if x == 0:
score = score + 3
if x == 1:
score = score + 1
#Printing score, then waiting to start loop again.
print("Your score is", score)
print("Be ready for the next one!")
score = int(score)
leaderboard = open("Score.txt", "a+")
score = str(score)
leaderboard.write(Username + ' : ' + score + '\n')
leaderboard = open("Score.txt", "r")
#leaderboardlist = leaderboard.readlines()
Scorelist = leaderboard.readlines()
for row in Scorelist:
Username, Score = row.split(' : ')
Score = int(Score)
Score = sorted(Score)
Итак, это мой код, для функции списка лидеров в этой игре я хочу сделатьсписок (который содержит как строку - Имя пользователя, так и Интергер - Счет) в порядке убывания рейтинга (Интергер).Это будет выглядеть примерно так:
До: Игрок1: 34 Игрок2: 98 Игрок3: 22 * 1010 *
После: Игрок2: 98 Игрок1: 34 Игрок3: 22 * 1012 *
Кто-нибудь знает, ктосделать это?