Проблемы с моим кодом (незаконное начало выражения) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 24 сентября 2019

спасибо, что уделили время на чтение этого поста.Может ли кто-нибудь сказать мне, почему я получаю:

SuperPhoneCardInc.java:7: error: illegal start of expression public static void main(String[] args); ^ SuperPhoneCardInc.java:7: error: illegal start of expression public static void main(String[] args); ^ SuperPhoneCardInc.java:7: error: ';' expected public static void main(String[] args); ^ SuperPhoneCardInc.java:7: error: '.class' expected public static void main(String[] args); ^ SuperPhoneCardInc.java:7: error: ';' expected public static void main(String[] args);

Когда я пытаюсь javac код

Вот код,Я извиняюсь за зверское форматирование.Спасибо :

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SuperPhoneCardInc {


public static void main(String[] args); 


CardTable ct = new CardTable();

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

String line = null;

boolean done = false;

String cardType = null;



done = true;




line = in.nextLine();


if(!done && line.length() >= 4 && line.substring(0,4).equals("quit"))


done = true;




System.out.println("Input: " + line);

Scanner inl = new Scanner(line);

String command = "";



command = inl.next();




boolean invalidArgs = false;

long no = 0;

int passwd = 0;



no = inl.nextLong();




invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && inl.hasNextInt())


passwd = inl.nextInt();




invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && inl.hasNext())


cardType = inl.next();




invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && (no <= 0 || passwd <= 0))


invalidArgs = true;


PhoneCard card = null;



card = new PhoneCard( no , passwd );




invalidArgs = true;





else if(ct.get(no) != null)


System.out.println("Error: card no " + no + " already exists");


else if(!ct.add(card))


System.out.println("Error: card table full");




System.out.println("Result: added card " + no);



else if(command.equals("getBalance"))


boolean invalidArgs = false;

long no = 0;

int passwd = 0;



no = inl.nextLong();




invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && inl.hasNextInt())


passwd = inl.nextInt();




invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && (no <= 0 || passwd <= 0))


invalidArgs = true;




System.out.println("Error: invalid arguments for getBalance command");




PhoneCard card = ct.get(no);

if(card == null)


System.out.println("Error: card no " + no + " does not exist");


else if(card.getPassword() != passwd)


System.out.println("Error: password " + passwd + " incorrect");




System.out.printf("Result: card %d balance is %.2f%n",

no, card.getBalance());




else if(command.equals("getLimit"))


boolean invalidArgs = false;

long no = 0;

int passwd = 0;

String zone = "";

if(inl.hasNextLong()){ //check if file has card number.

no = inl.nextLong();//places the car number in "no"



invalidArgs = true;//if there is no card number, comman is invalid.


if(!invalidArgs && inl.hasNextInt()){ //if statement to see if command is valid and the file has the card password

passwd = inl.nextInt();//places file password in variable "passwd"


else {//if no password is give, command becomes invalid

invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && (no <= 0 || passwd <= 0)){//if statement to see if command is valid and the file has the zone to which the card is referencing

invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && inl.hasNext() ){//if statement to see if command is valid and the file has the zone to which the card is referencing

zone = inl.next();//places zone from file in variable "zone"

if (!CallZone.isValidZone(zone)){//if statement to see if zone is a valid callzone

invalidArgs = true;//if zone is invalid set command as invalid



else { //if none of these arguments have been fulfilled, make command invalid

invalidArgs = true;


if(invalidArgs) {//if statement is invalid print error message

System.out.println("Error: invalid arguments for getBalance command");


else{//if statement is valid return card number from cardtable list

PhoneCard card = ct.get(no);

if(card == null){//if no card exist (does not match number read from file) print error message

System.out.println("Error: card no " + no + " does not exist");


else if(card.getPassword() != passwd){//if card password from file does not match card password from cardtable print error message

System.out.println("Error: password " + passwd + " incorrect");


else{ //if every requirement is valid, print message stating the limit of the card, with it's number and zone it has called

System.out.printf("Result: card %d limit for zone %s is %d%n", no, zone, card.getLimit(CallZone.convertToZone(zone)));




else if(command.equals("charge"))


//variable used within "charge" method

boolean invalidArgs = false;

long no = 0;

int passwd = 0;

String zone = "";

int minutes = 0;

if(inl.hasNextLong()) { //if statement to see if the file has card number

no = inl.nextLong();//places the files card number in variable "no"


else {//if no card number, command becomes invalid

invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && inl.hasNextInt()){//if statement to see if command is valid and the file has the card password

passwd = inl.nextInt();//places file password in variable "passwd"


else{ //if no password is give, command becomes invalid

invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && (no <= 0 || passwd <= 0)) {//if statement to see if command is valid and the file has the zone to which the card is referencing

invalidArgs = true;


if(!invalidArgs && inl.hasNext() ){ //if no password is give, command becomes invalid

zone = inl.next();//places zone from file in variable "zone"

if (!CallZone.isValidZone(zone)){//if statement to see if zone is a valid callzone

invalidArgs = true;//if zone is invalid set command as invalid



else{//if none of these arguments have been fulfilled, make command invalid

invalidArgs = true;


if (!invalidArgs && inl.hasNextInt()){//if statement to see if command is valid and the file has the amount of minutes used

minutes = inl.nextInt();

}else {//if no minutes is given by file, make command invalid

invalidArgs = true;


if(invalidArgs) {//if command is invalid print error message for "charge" command

System.out.println("Error: invalid arguments for getBalance command");


else{//if commanf is valid return card no using get(no) command

PhoneCard card = ct.get(no);

double initialBalance = 0;

if (card != null){

initialBalance = card.getBalance();


if(card == null){//if no card exists (does not match number read from file) print error message

System.out.println("Error: card no " + no + " does not exist");


else if(card.getPassword() != passwd){

System.out.println("Error: password " + passwd + " incorrect");


else if(!card.charge(minutes, CallZone.convertToZone(zone))){//if card is unabe to charge the minutes used (based on CallZone) print error message

System.out.println("Error: card "+no+" limit for zone "+zone+" is "+minutes+" minutes\n");


else { //if every requirment is valid retrieve the new balance of the card selected and print how much was charged to card and the new balance

double currentBalance = card.getBalance();

System.out.println("Result: card "+no+" charged " +(initialBalance-currentBalance)+ ", new balance is " +currentBalance);




else if(command.equals("deductWeeklyFee"))


PhoneCard card = ct.first();

while(card != null)



System.out.printf("Result: card %d charged weekly fee%n",


card = ct.next();


System.out.println("Result: weekly fees deducted");


else if(command.equals("printAll"))


PhoneCard card = ct.first();

while(card != null)


System.out.printf("Result: %s%n", card);

card = ct.next();


System.out.println("Result: all cards printed");




System.out.println("Error: command invalid");




done = true;




line = in.nextLine();


if(!done && line.length() >= 4 && line.substring(0,4).equals("quit"))


done = true;





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