Я получаю сообщение о конфликте объявлений при изменении типа функции с int на void.Приведенный ниже код дает мне ошибку «TimerSetup.c: 4: error: (1098) конфликтующие объявления для переменной« _Timer1Init »».Но ошибка исчезает, если тип функции Timer1Init изменяется на int в файлах TimerSetup.h и TimerSetup.c.Любая идея!Почему?
// TimerSetup.h
#include <xc.h> // include processor files - each processor file is guarded.
#include <stdint.h>
void Timer1Init(); //<-----Error vanish when type changed to int
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
// TODO If C++ is being used, regular C code needs function names to have C
// linkage so the functions can be used by the c code.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#include <xc.h>
#include "TimerSetup.h"
void Timer1Init() //<-----Error vanish when type changed to int
#include <xc.h>
#include "Wifi.h"
void eUart1Init()
TRISC6=0; /* Make Tx pin as output*/
TRISC7=1; /* Make Rx pin as input*/
TXSTA1 = 0;
TXSTA1bits.BRGH = 1; // high baud rate
BAUDCON1bits.BRG16 = 0;
PMD0 = 0;
TXSTA1bits.TX9 = 0;
TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 1;
TXSTA1bits.SENDB = 0;
TXSTA1bits.BRGH = 1;
RCSTA1bits.SPEN = 1;
RCSTA1bits.RX9 = 0;
RCSTA1bits.CREN = 1;
RCSTA2bits.CREN = 1;
SPBRG1 = 51;
IPR1bits.TX1IP = 0; // Interrupt priority bit
PIR1bits.TX1IF = 0;
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 1;
IPR1bits.RC1IP = 0; // Interrupt priority bit /////////
PIR1bits.RC1IF = 0;
PIE1bits.RC1IE = 1;
void eUart2Init()
TRISB6=0; /* Make Tx2 pin as output*/
TRISB7=1; /* Make Rx2 pin as input*/
TXSTA2 = 0;
TXSTA2bits.BRGH = 1; // high baud rate
BAUDCON2bits.BRG16 = 0;
//PMD0 = 0;
TXSTA2bits.TX9 = 0;
TXSTA2bits.TXEN = 1;
TXSTA2bits.SENDB = 0;
TXSTA2bits.BRGH = 1;
RCSTA2bits.SPEN = 1;
RCSTA2bits.RX9 = 0;
RCSTA2bits.CREN = 1;
SPBRG2 = 51;
IPR3bits.TX2IP = 0; // Interrupt priority bit
PIR3bits.TX2IF = 0;
PIE3bits.TX2IE = 1;
IPR3bits.RC2IP = 0; // Interrupt priority bit
PIR3bits.RC2IF = 0;
PIE3bits.RC2IE = 1;
// EUART1 Put String Function Defines Here
void eUart1Puts(const char *s)
void eUart2Puts(const char *s)
void eUart1PutByte(unsigned char byte)
while((PIR1bits.TX1IF != 1) && (TXSTA1bits.TXEN1 != 0)) // set when register is empty
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 1;
TXREG1 = byte;
void eUart2PutByte(unsigned char byte)
while((PIR3bits.TX2IF != 1) && (TXSTA2bits.TXEN2 != 0)) // set when register is empty
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 1;
TXREG2 = byte;
void WifiAT(char *command)
while (eusart_rx_buffer_rd != eusart_rx_buffer_wr)
{ // While there's data in the buffer
eUart2PutByte(eusart_rx_buffer[eusart_rx_buffer_rd++]); // Do something with it
if (eusart_rx_buffer_rd >= EUSART_BUFFER_SIZE) // Increase read pointer
eusart_rx_buffer_rd = 0;
__interrupt() void ISR(void) //<----------------------- To here
if((PIR3bits.TX2IF == 1) && (PIE3bits.TX2IE == 1)) //Debug Terminal Tx
PIR3bits.TX2IF = 0;
PIE3bits.TX2IE = 0;
if((PIR3bits.RC2IF != 0) && (PIE3bits.RC2IE != 0)) //Debug Terminal Rx
PIR3bits.RC2IF = 0;
rc2_data = RCREG2;
if((PIR1bits.TX1IF != 0) && (PIE1bits.TX1IE != 0))
PIR1bits.TX1IF = 0;
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 0;
if((PIR1bits.RC1IF != 0) && (PIE1bits.RC1IE != 0))
// rc_data = RCREG1;
// eUart2PutByte(rc_data);
eusart_rx_buffer[eusart_rx_buffer_wr++] = RCREG1; // Store the received data
if (eusart_rx_buffer_wr >= EUSART_BUFFER_SIZE) // Increment write pointer
eusart_rx_buffer_wr = 0;
PIR1bits.RC1IF = 0;
// if((PIR1bits.TMR1IF != 0) && (PIE1bits.TMR1IE != 0))
// {
// int flag = 0;
// TMR1=0xF856;
// if(flag >= 1000)
// {
// PORTCbits.RC1 = ~(PORTCbits.RC1);
// PIR1bits.TMR1IF=0; /* Make Timer1 Overflow Flag to '0' */
// }
// }
#include <xc.h>
#include "Wifi.h"
void eUart1Init()
TRISC6=0; /* Make Tx pin as output*/
TRISC7=1; /* Make Rx pin as input*/
TXSTA1 = 0;
TXSTA1bits.BRGH = 1; // high baud rate
BAUDCON1bits.BRG16 = 0;
PMD0 = 0;
TXSTA1bits.TX9 = 0;
TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 1;
TXSTA1bits.SENDB = 0;
TXSTA1bits.BRGH = 1;
RCSTA1bits.SPEN = 1;
RCSTA1bits.RX9 = 0;
RCSTA1bits.CREN = 1;
RCSTA2bits.CREN = 1;
SPBRG1 = 51;
IPR1bits.TX1IP = 0; // Interrupt priority bit
PIR1bits.TX1IF = 0;
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 1;
IPR1bits.RC1IP = 0; // Interrupt priority bit /////////
PIR1bits.RC1IF = 0;
PIE1bits.RC1IE = 1;
void eUart2Init()
TRISB6=0; /* Make Tx2 pin as output*/
TRISB7=1; /* Make Rx2 pin as input*/
TXSTA2 = 0;
TXSTA2bits.BRGH = 1; // high baud rate
BAUDCON2bits.BRG16 = 0;
//PMD0 = 0;
TXSTA2bits.TX9 = 0;
TXSTA2bits.TXEN = 1;
TXSTA2bits.SENDB = 0;
TXSTA2bits.BRGH = 1;
RCSTA2bits.SPEN = 1;
RCSTA2bits.RX9 = 0;
RCSTA2bits.CREN = 1;
SPBRG2 = 51;
IPR3bits.TX2IP = 0; // Interrupt priority bit
PIR3bits.TX2IF = 0;
PIE3bits.TX2IE = 1;
IPR3bits.RC2IP = 0; // Interrupt priority bit
PIR3bits.RC2IF = 0;
PIE3bits.RC2IE = 1;
// EUART1 Put String Function Defines Here
void eUart1Puts(const char *s)
void eUart2Puts(const char *s)
void eUart1PutByte(unsigned char byte)
while((PIR1bits.TX1IF != 1) && (TXSTA1bits.TXEN1 != 0)) // set when register is empty
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 1;
TXREG1 = byte;
void eUart2PutByte(unsigned char byte)
while((PIR3bits.TX2IF != 1) && (TXSTA2bits.TXEN2 != 0)) // set when register is empty
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 1;
TXREG2 = byte;
void WifiAT(char *command)
while (eusart_rx_buffer_rd != eusart_rx_buffer_wr)
{ // While there's data in the buffer
eUart2PutByte(eusart_rx_buffer[eusart_rx_buffer_rd++]); // Do something with it
if (eusart_rx_buffer_rd >= EUSART_BUFFER_SIZE) // Increase read pointer
eusart_rx_buffer_rd = 0;
__interrupt() void ISR(void) //<----------------------- To here
if((PIR3bits.TX2IF == 1) && (PIE3bits.TX2IE == 1)) //Debug Terminal Tx
PIR3bits.TX2IF = 0;
PIE3bits.TX2IE = 0;
if((PIR3bits.RC2IF != 0) && (PIE3bits.RC2IE != 0)) //Debug Terminal Rx
PIR3bits.RC2IF = 0;
rc2_data = RCREG2;
if((PIR1bits.TX1IF != 0) && (PIE1bits.TX1IE != 0))
PIR1bits.TX1IF = 0;
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 0;
if((PIR1bits.RC1IF != 0) && (PIE1bits.RC1IE != 0))
// rc_data = RCREG1;
// eUart2PutByte(rc_data);
eusart_rx_buffer[eusart_rx_buffer_wr++] = RCREG1; // Store the received data
if (eusart_rx_buffer_wr >= EUSART_BUFFER_SIZE) // Increment write pointer
eusart_rx_buffer_wr = 0;
PIR1bits.RC1IF = 0;
// if((PIR1bits.TMR1IF != 0) && (PIE1bits.TMR1IE != 0))
// {
// int flag = 0;
// TMR1=0xF856;
// if(flag >= 1000)
// {
// PORTCbits.RC1 = ~(PORTCbits.RC1);
// PIR1bits.TMR1IF=0; /* Make Timer1 Overflow Flag to '0' */
// }
// }
// This is a guard condition so that contents of this file are not included
// more than once.
#include <xc.h> // include processor files - each processor file is guarded.
#include <stdint.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000UL
char rc2_data;
char rc_data;
char eusart_rx_buffer[EUSART_BUFFER_SIZE]; // the actual buffer, now 2048 bytes long
uint16_t eusart_rx_buffer_rd = 0; // the current read position
uint16_t eusart_rx_buffer_wr = 0; // the current write position
void eUart1Init();
void eUart2Init();
void eUart1PutByte(unsigned char byte);
void eUart2PutByte(unsigned char byte);
void eUart1Puts(const char *s);
void eUart2Puts(const char *s);
void WifiAT(char *command);
// TODO Insert declarations or function prototypes (right here) to leverage
// live documentation
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
// TODO If C++ is being used, regular C code needs function names to have C
// linkage so the functions can be used by the c code.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
Полное сообщение об ошибке:
make -f nbproject/Makefile-default.mk SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
make[1]: Entering directory 'E:/pk/TokenOverWiFi.X'
make -f nbproject/Makefile-default.mk dist/default/production/TokenOverWiFi.X.production.hex
make[2]: Entering directory 'E:/pk/TokenOverWiFi.X'
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.44\bin\xc8.exe" --pass1 --chip=18F25K80 -Q -G --double=24 --float=24 --emi=wordwrite --opt=+asm,+asmfile,-speed,+space,-debug,-local --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=-3 --asmlist -DXPRJ_default=default --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,-download,+config,+clib,-plib --output=-mcof,+elf:multilocs --stack=compiled:auto:auto:auto "--errformat=%f:%l: error: (%n) %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: (%n) %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: (%n) %s" -obuild/default/production/TokMain.p1 TokMain.c
TokMain.c:81: warning: (361) function declared implicit int
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.44\bin\xc8.exe" --chip=18F25K80 -G -mdist/default/production/TokenOverWiFi.X.production.map -DXPRJ_default=default --double=24 --float=24 --emi=wordwrite --opt=+asm,+asmfile,-speed,+space,-debug,-local --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=-3 --asmlist --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,-download,+config,+clib,-plib --output=-mcof,+elf:multilocs --stack=compiled:auto:auto:auto "--errformat=%f:%l: error: (%n) %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: (%n) %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: (%n) %s" --memorysummary dist/default/production/memoryfile.xml -odist/default/production/TokenOverWiFi.X.production.elf build/default/production/TokMain.p1 build/default/production/Wifi.p1 build/default/production/TimerSetup.p1
Microchip MPLAB XC8 C Compiler (Free Mode) V1.44
Build date: Sep 13 2017
Part Support Version: 1.44
Copyright (C) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
License type: Node Configuration
:: warning: (1273) Omniscient Code Generation not available in Free mode
TimerSetup.c:4: error: (1098) conflicting declarations for variable "_Timer1Init" (TokMain.c:81)
make[2]: *** [dist/default/production/TokenOverWiFi.X.production.hex] Error 1
make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2
make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2
(908) exit status = 1
nbproject/Makefile-default.mk:163: recipe for target 'dist/default/production/TokenOverWiFi.X.production.hex' failed
make[2]: Leaving directory 'E:/pk/TokenOverWiFi.X'
nbproject/Makefile-default.mk:90: recipe for target '.build-conf' failed
make[1]: Leaving directory 'E:/pk/TokenOverWiFi.X'
nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk:39: recipe for target '.build-impl' failed
BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 805ms)
Код успешно компилируется, когда я закомментирую свой другой заголовочный файл.Как??