Я пытаюсь поэкспериментировать с worker_threads в node.js
const { Worker, isMainThread, parentPort } = require('worker_threads');
if (isMainThread) {
// This code is executed in the main thread and not in the worker.
// Create the worker.
const worker = new Worker(__filename);
// Listen for messages from the worker and print them.
worker.on('message', (msg) => { console.log(msg); });
} else {
// This code is executed in the worker and not in the main thread.
// Send a message to the main thread.
parentPort.postMessage('Hello world!');
Я сохраняю приведенный выше код в index.js
и запускаю node --experimental-worker index.js
на терминале.Я получаю следующую ошибку:
узел: неверный параметр: --experimental-worker.
У меня установлен v8.16.0
узла на моем Mac.