это также может быть сделано с использованием numy широковещательной и булевой индексации, как показано ниже
## load sample data
df1 = pd.DataFrame([('0', '2019-07-14 05:31:00', '0.020228', '0.026572'), ('1', '2019-07-14 06:32:00', '0.057780', '0.175499'), ('2', '2019-07-14 07:02:00', '0.076623', '0.875499')], columns=('id', 'timestamp', 'A', 'B'))
df2 = pd.DataFrame([('0', '2019-07-14 05:30:00', '2019-07-14 06:30:00', 'E1'), ('1', '2019-07-14 06:00:00', '2019-07-14 07:00:00', 'E2'), ('2', '2019-07-14 06:30:01', '2019-07-14 07:30:00', 'E3'), ('3', '2019-07-14 07:30:01', '2019-07-14 08:30:00', 'E4')], columns=('id', 'start', 'end', 'event'))
df1["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(df1["timestamp"])
df2["start"] = pd.to_datetime(df2["start"])
df2["end"] = pd.to_datetime(df2["end"])
## df2[["start"]] is a column vector of size m and df1.timestamp.values is row
## vector of size n then broad cast will result matrix of shape m,n which is
## result of comparing each pair of m and n
compare = (df2[["start"]].values<df1.timestamp.values) & (df2[["end"]].values>df1.timestamp.values)
## get cell numbers which is in range 0 to matrix size which meets the condition
ind = np.arange(len(df1)*len(df2))[compare.ravel()]
## calculate row and column index from cell number
pd.concat([df2.iloc[ind//len(df1)].reset_index(drop=True), df1.iloc[ind%len(df1)].reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1, sort=False)
start end event timestamp A B
0 2019-07-14 05:30:00 2019-07-14 06:30:00 E1 2019-07-14 05:31:00 0.020228 0.026572
1 2019-07-14 06:00:00 2019-07-14 07:00:00 E2 2019-07-14 06:32:00 0.057780 0.175499
2 2019-07-14 06:30:01 2019-07-14 07:30:00 E3 2019-07-14 06:32:00 0.057780 0.175499
3 2019-07-14 06:30:01 2019-07-14 07:30:00 E3 2019-07-14 07:02:00 0.076623 0.875499