Нам нужно заполнить все точки NA формулами без каких-либо функций lm или функций прогнозирования в R. Помогите! Я не могу понять это без lm или предсказания, я сделал x_bar, y_bar и n, однако другие гораздо сложнее. Это используется в R studio, но может быть и в R.
statsslr = function(x, y){
x_bar = mean(x)
y_bar = mean(y)
n = length(x)
#fit the model
beta1_hat = NA
beta0_hat = NA
#find fitted values and residuals for the n inputs in vector x
yhat = NA #this is a vector of length n
residuals = NA #this is a vector of length n
SSxx = NA
#calculate measures of fit
s = NA
Rsq = NA
#calculate standard errors
beta0_SE = NA
beta1_SE = NA
#calculate t-scores
beta0_tscore = NA
beta1_tscore = NA
#calculate p-values
beta0_pvalue = NA
beta1_pvalue = NA
#Plotting lines with software can be done by plotting points. Think about it... the screen only has so many pixels, so isn't it the same thing?
#We'll plot the confidence bands by finding their values at 1000 particular x-values over the range of the x data
xp = seq(min(x), max(x), length=1000)
#Calculate 95% confidence and prediction intervals for the 1000 particular x-values in xp
#Everything calculated in this block is for each value in xp, so the results are vectors of length 1000
yp = NA
SE_yp_at_xp = NA
SE_Ey_at_xp = NA
CI_yp_upper = yp + qt(NA, NA)*SE_yp_at_xp #little help :)
CI_yp_lower = NA
CI_Ey_upper = NA
CI_Ey_lower = NA
#DON'T CHANGE (unless you want to customize)
x_name = deparse(substitute(x))
y_name = deparse(substitute(y))
plot(x, y, xlab=paste("x = ", x_name), ylab=paste("y = ", y_name))
abline(beta0_hat, beta1_hat, lwd=2)
lines(xp, CI_yp_upper, col="red", lty=2, lwd=1.5)
lines(xp, CI_yp_lower, col="red", lty=2, lwd=1.5)
lines(xp, CI_Ey_upper, col="blue", lty=2, lwd=1.5)
lines(xp, CI_Ey_lower, col="blue", lty=2, lwd=1.5)
cat("\nSimple Least Squares with x = ", y_name, "and y =", x_name,"\n\n")
cat("The sample regression equation is \n\n\t y = ", beta0_hat, "+", beta1_SE, "* x\n\n")
cat("Intercept: SE =", beta0_SE, "\n\t t-score =", beta0_hat, "\n\t P(>|t|) =", 1-beta0_pvalue, "\n\n")
cat("Slope:\t SE =", beta0_SE, "\n\t t-score =", beta1_tscore, "\n\t P(>|t|) =", 1-beta1_pvalue, "\n\n")
cat("Residual Standard Error is s = ", Rsq, "on", n, "degrees of freedom")
cat("\nCoefficient of Determination is R^2 =", sqrt(Rsq), "\n\n")