У меня большие проблемы при использовании пакетов Firebase в моем приложении. Теперь на iOS мое приложение не будет компилироваться. Я думаю, что это началось с тех пор, как я обновил Xcode, но не знаю, почему это будет проблемой. Я застрял на нем более недели.
Два пакета, вызывающих проблему:
- firebase_storage ^ 3.0.6
- cloud_firestore 0.12.9+ 4
Ни один из других пакетов Firebase не вызывает проблемы.
- firebase_core: ^ 0.4.0 + 9
- firebase_auth: ^ 0.14.0+ 5
- firebase_messaging: ^ 5.1.6
- firebase_dynamic_links: ^ 0.5.0 + 1
- cloud_functions: ^ 0.4.1 + 1
Ошибка, которую я получаю:
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 7 in debug mode... Xcode build done.
103.6s Failed to build iOS app Error output from Xcode build: ↳
2019-10-01 05:54:27.049 xcodebuild[80532:1543780] DTDeviceKit: deviceType from 6aa0c9719a85c174869a09656237b42f23701a91 was NULL
2019-10-01 05:54:27.192 xcodebuild[80532:1543775] DTDeviceKit: deviceType from 6aa0c9719a85c174869a09656237b42f23701a91 was NULL
2019-10-01 05:54:27.643 xcodebuild[80532:1543780] DTDeviceKit: deviceType from 023ad015ab9ce7b62b0a4e86af10805b3ef8fdb4 was NULL
2019-10-01 05:54:28.935 xcodebuild[80532:1543771] [MT] DTDeviceKit: deviceType from 023ad015ab9ce7b62b0a4e86af10805b3ef8fdb4 was NULL
2019-10-01 05:54:28.944 xcodebuild[80532:1543771] [MT] DTDeviceKit: deviceType from 023ad015ab9ce7b62b0a4e86af10805b3ef8fdb4 was NULL
2019-10-01 05:54:28.951 xcodebuild[80532:1543771] [MT] DTDeviceKit: deviceType from 023ad015ab9ce7b62b0a4e86af10805b3ef8fdb4 was NULL
** BUILD FAILED ** Xcode's output: ↳
/Users/earyzhe/dev/FlutterProjects/Mini exercises/Firebase Projects/firebase_compile_test/ios/Pods/Protobuf/objectivec/google/protobuf/Wrappers.pbobjc.m:17:10: warning: non-portable path to file '<protobuf/Wrappers.pbobjc.h>'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk [-Wnonportable-include-path]
#import <Protobuf/Wrappers.pbobjc.h>
1 warning generated.
/Users/earyzhe/dev/FlutterProjects/Mini exercises/Firebase Projects/firebase_compile_test/ios/Pods/Protobuf/objectivec/google/protobuf/Type.pbobjc.m:19:10: warning: non-portable path to file '<protobuf/Type.pbobjc.h>'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk [-Wnonportable-include-path]
#import <Protobuf/Type.pbobjc.h>
/Users/earyzhe/dev/FlutterProjects/Mini exercises/Firebase Projects/firebase_compile_test/ios/Pods/Protobuf/objectivec/google/protobuf/Type.pbobjc.m:20:10: warning: non-portable path to file '<protobuf/Any.pbobjc.h>'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk [-Wnonportable-include-path]
#import <Protobuf/Any.pbobjc.h>
/Users/earyzhe/dev/FlutterProjects/Mini exercises/Firebase Projects/firebase_compile_test/ios/Pods/Protobuf/objectivec/google/protobuf/Type.pbobjc.m:21:10: warning: non-portable path to file '<protobuf/SourceContext.pbobjc.h>'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk [-Wnonportable-include-path]
#import <Protobuf/SourceContext.pbobjc.h>
3 warnings generated.
/Users/earyzhe/dev/FlutterProjects/Mini exercises/Firebase Projects/firebase_compile_test/ios/Pods/Protobuf/objectivec/google/protobuf/Timestamp.pbobjc.m:17:10: warning: non-portable path to file '<protobuf/Timestamp.pbobjc.h>'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk [-Wnonportable-include-path]
Это на самом деле продолжается еще примерно на 100 строк или около того, в основном повторяется аналогично.
Я был бы очень признателенпомочь, так как это блокирует выпуск продукта и не может найти решение нигде.