На основании того, что я узнал из других ответов, я смог заставить это работать. Я опубликую решение здесь на случай, если оно понадобится другим.
Я создал компонент MouseDownManager, который я вызываю во время события MouseDown. Он отслеживает нажатие только что нажатой кнопки, определяет, какую кнопку мы ждем, чтобы произошло событие «Обе кнопки», а затем запускает таймер для ожидания этой кнопки. Если в течение отведенного времени нажата правильная кнопка, MouseDownManager вызывает соответствующее событие нажатия кнопки «оба». В противном случае он вызывает соответствующее событие одной кнопки. В форме я обрабатываю событие MouseDown MouseDownManager, чтобы выполнить действие для переведенного щелчка мыши.
Теперь я могу просто отбросить этот компонент в форме / элементе управления и реагировать на «оба» щелчка.
Спасибо за помощь в выяснении этого.
/// <summary>
/// Manage mouse down event to enable using both buttons at once.
/// I.e. allowing the pressing of the right and left mouse
/// buttons together.
/// </summary>
public partial class MouseDownManager : Component
/// <summary>
/// Raised when a mouse down event is triggered by this
/// component.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler<MouseEventArgs> MouseDown;
protected virtual void OnMouseDown( MouseEventArgs e )
if (this.MouseDown != null)
this.MouseDown( this, e );
public MouseDownManager()
//-- the timer was dropped on the designer, so it
// is initialized by InitializeComponent.
/// <summary>
/// Defines the interval that the timer will wait for the other
/// click, in milliseconds.
/// </summary>
public int BothClickInterval
return this.tmrBothInterval.Interval;
this.tmrBothInterval.Interval = value;
private MouseButtons _virtualButton = MouseButtons.Middle;
/// <summary>
/// Defines the button that is sent when both buttons are
/// pressed. This can be either a single button (like a middle
/// button) or more than one button (like both the left and
/// right buttons.
/// </summary>
public MouseButtons VirtualButton
return _virtualButton;
_virtualButton = value;
private MouseEventArgs _originalArgs;
/// <summary>
/// Defines the original mouse event arguments that is associated
/// with the original press.
/// </summary>
private MouseEventArgs OriginalArgs
return _originalArgs;
_originalArgs = value;
private MouseButtons _waitButton = MouseButtons.None;
/// <summary>
/// Defines the button that we are waiting on, for there to be a
/// both button click.
/// </summary>
private MouseButtons WaitButton
return _waitButton;
_waitButton = value;
/// <summary>
/// Manage a mouse button being depressed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This will instigate one of two actions. If there is no
/// current wait button, this will set the appropriate wait
/// button (if the button pressed was the left button, then we
/// are waiting on the right button) and start a timer. If the
/// wait button is set, but this isn't that button, then the wait
/// button is updated and the timer restarted. Also, this will
/// trigger the waiting event. If it is the wait button, then
/// the appropriate event is raised for a "both" button press.
/// </remarks>
public void ManageMouseDown( MouseEventArgs mouseArgs )
//-- Is the the button we are waiting for?
if (mouseArgs.Button == this.WaitButton)
//-- Turn off timer.
//-- Create new mouse event args for our virtual event.
MouseEventArgs bothArgs = new MouseEventArgs( this.VirtualButton
, mouseArgs.Clicks
, mouseArgs.X
, mouseArgs.Y
, mouseArgs.Delta );
//-- Raise the mouse down event.
this.OnMouseDown( bothArgs );
//-- Clear timer
//-- If we were waiting for a button, then
// fire the event for the original button.
if (this.WaitButton != MouseButtons.None)
this.OnMouseDown( this.OriginalArgs );
//-- Cache the original mouse event args.
MouseEventArgs newMouseArgs = new MouseEventArgs( mouseArgs.Button
, mouseArgs.Clicks
, mouseArgs.X
, mouseArgs.Y
, mouseArgs.Delta );
this.OriginalArgs = newMouseArgs;
//-- Reset to wait for the appropriate next button.
switch (mouseArgs.Button)
case MouseButtons.Left:
this.WaitButton = MouseButtons.Right;
case MouseButtons.Right:
this.WaitButton = MouseButtons.Left;
this.WaitButton = MouseButtons.None;
//-- Start timer
this.tmrBothInterval.Enabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// Raise the event for the button that was pressed initially
/// and turn off the timer.
/// </summary>
private void tmrBothInterval_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e )
//-- Turn off the timer.
this.tmrBothInterval.Enabled = false;
//-- Based on the original button pressed, raise
// the appropriate mouse down event.
this.OnMouseDown( this.OriginalArgs );
//-- Clear timer.
/// <summary>
/// Clear the timer and associated variables so we aren't waiting
/// for the second click.
/// </summary>
private void ClearTimer()
//-- Turn off the timer.
this.tmrBothInterval.Enabled = false;
//-- Clear the wait button.
this.WaitButton = MouseButtons.None;
//-- Clear the original args
this.OriginalArgs = null;
/// <summary>
/// Just the mouse code from the control needing the functionality.
/// </summary>
public class MyControl: Control
/// <summary>
/// Handle the mouse down event. This delegates the actual event
/// to the MouseDownManager, so we can capture the situation
/// where both buttons are clicked.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnMouseDown( MouseEventArgs e )
this.mdmMain.ManageMouseDown( e );
/// <summary>
/// Process the mouse down event.
/// </summary>
private void mdmMain_MouseDown( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
//-- Get the reported button state.
MouseButtons mouseButton = e.Button;
//-- Execute logic based on button pressed, which now can include
// both the left and right together if needed....