Я пытаюсь выполнить действие оболочки sqoop. Сценарий оболочки прекрасно работает на локальном узле, но при запуске в oozie отображается ошибка, что команда sqoop не найдена.
>>> Invoking Shell command line now >>
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Heart beat
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Heart beat
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Heart beat
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Stdoutput ./sqoop_full.sh: line 44: sqoop: command not found
Exit code of the Shell command 0
<<< Invocation of Shell command completed <<<
<<< Invocation of Main class completed <<<
Successfully reset security manager from org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.LauncherSecurityManager@5a4bef8 to null
Oozie Launcher ends
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><workflow-app
xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5" name="Edm_Sqoop_full">
<start to="shell_1"/>
<action name="shell_1">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.3">
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill"/>
<kill name="kill">
<end name="end"/>
Пожалуйста, предложите. Сценарий оболочки вызывает импорт sqoop с зашифрованными рывками паролей и именами таблиц через список таблиц.
Script is :
#! / Bin / sh dmserver = $ 1 hdp_dir = $ 2
при чтении -r строки сделать tbl = echo $line | cut -d "|" -f1
dmdb = echo $line | cut -d "|" -f2
sqoop import -Dmapreduce.job. user.classpath.first = true - Dhadoop.security.credential.provider.path = jceks: //hdfs/user/root/mssql.datamarthdpservice.pass.jceks \ --connect
integratedSecurity=true;domain=use.ucdp.net;database='${dmdb}';' \
--username dataid \
--password-alias mssql.data.pass \
--query "SELECT * from ${dmdb}.dbo.${tbl} WITH(NOLOCK)
done < <(tail -n +2 fulllist.txt | grep -v "#")