Я сохраняю сведения о положении, повороте и т. Д. Различных объектов GameObject в формате JSON в постоянном пути данных приложения. Я делюсь кодом для метода, используемого для сохранения данных, и класс приведен ниже.
//Adding Data
public void AddMoveDetails()
//--Getting the value from InputFields to save for moveno: and notes
int datanum = int.Parse(moveNumField.GetComponent<InputField>().text);
string notedata = noteField.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
for (int i = 0; i < getAlldata.Count; i++)
//--Loading player1 data into list
for (int i = 0; i < getAllPlayers.Count; i++)
getAlldata.Add(new PlayerHandler(1, getAllPlayers[i].transform.position, getAllPlayers[i].transform.rotation,
getAllPlayers[i].transform.localScale, Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero,datanum));
//--Loading player2 data into list
for (int i = 0; i < getAllPlayers2.Count; i++)
getAlldata.Add(new PlayerHandler(2, getAllPlayers2[i].transform.position, getAllPlayers2[i].transform.rotation,
getAllPlayers2[i].transform.localScale, Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero,datanum));
//--Loading No:of football data into list
for (int i = 0; i < getAllFootball.Count; i++)
getAlldata.Add(new PlayerHandler(4, getAllFootball[i].transform.position, getAllFootball[i].transform.rotation,
getAllFootball[i].transform.localScale, Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero,datanum));
// --Loading No: of Lines data into list
for (int i = 0; i < LinePositions0.Count;i++)
getAlldata.Add(new PlayerHandler(3,Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero,LinePositions0[i],LinePositions1[i],datanum));
//for (int i = 0; i < getAlldata.Count; i++)
// // showAlldata = getAlldata.Where((arg) => arg.id == 1).ToList();
// Debug.Log("Get All data = " + getAlldata[i]);
playerNotes.Add(new PlayerMovement(datanum,notedata));
ListContainer container = new ListContainer(getAlldata,playerNotes);
//--Adding data in container into List<string> jsonstring
moveNumField.text = "";
noteField.text = "";
public void Save()
//--Get Text typed in the input box
savedName = saveName.text;
//--Combing list of string into a single string
string jsons = string.Join(",", jsonstring);
//Writing into a JSON file in the persistent path
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + savedName+".json" , FileMode.Create))
BinaryWriter filewriter = new BinaryWriter(fs);
Класс, указанный ниже
public class PlayerHandler
public int id;
public Vector2 allposition;
public Quaternion allrotation;
public Vector2 allscale;
public Vector3 linepos0;
public Vector3 linepos1;
public int movetype;
public PlayerHandler(int ids,Vector2 allpos,Quaternion allrot,Vector2 allscal,Vector3 Line0,Vector3 Line1,int Moves)
this.id = ids;
this.allposition = allpos;
this.allrotation = allrot;
this.allscale = allscal;
this.linepos0 = Line0;
this.linepos1 = Line1;
this.movetype = Moves;
public class PlayerMovement
public int movenumber;
public string notemsg;
public PlayerMovement(int Movenum,string Note)
this.movenumber = Movenum;
this.notemsg = Note;
После использования вышеописанного метода сохранения я получаю данные JSON, приведенные ниже.
"notemsg":"Pass to Left first"
"notemsg":"Pass to Left first"
"notemsg":"Pass to right the move forward"
Ниже приведен код для загрузки всех данных изJSON и создание экземпляра Gameobject для положения, поворота и т. д., аналогичных сохраненным в файле JSON.
public void LoadAllPositions(Button b)
Debug.Log("index button value = " + b.transform.parent.transform.GetSiblingIndex());
int index = b.transform.parent.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
var filename = listLoaditems[index].transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent<Text>().text;
Debug.Log("filename is pos : " + filename);
//--Loading File by name
if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + filename))
//Debug.Log("FileName is === " + filename);
GameObject go = null;
string jsonLoadstring;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + filename, FileMode.Open))
BinaryReader filereader = new BinaryReader(fs);
jsonLoadstring = filereader.ReadString();
Debug.Log("JsonLoaded String==" + jsonLoadstring);
JSONNode JNode = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(jsonLoadstring);
Debug.Log("Jnode --- " +JNode["SaveValues"].Count);
Debug.Log("Save value count = "+JNode["SaveValues"][0].Count);
//--Retrieving All data,loading and Instantiating GameObjects into the saved position
for (int i = 0;i<JNode["SaveValues"][0]["id"].Count;i++)
Debug.Log("Jnode values " + JNode["SaveValues"][i].ToString());
int id = JNode["SaveValues"][i]["id"];
Vector3 posobj =new Vector3 (JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allposition"]["x"],JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allposition"]["y"],JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allposition"]["z"]);
Quaternion rotobj = new Quaternion(JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allrotation"]["x"], JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allrotation"]
["y"], JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allrotation"]["z"], JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allrotation"]["w"]);
Vector3 scaleobj = new Vector3(JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allscale"]["x"], JNode["SaveValues"][i]["allscale"]["y"],
go= Instantiate(players1,SpriteLoadParent);
go.GetComponent<PlayerMove>().enabled = false;
else if(id==2)
go = Instantiate(players2,SpriteLoadParent);
go.GetComponent<PlayerMove>().enabled = false;
else if(id==3)
Vector3 tempPos0 = new Vector3(JNode["SaveValues"][i]["linepos0"]["x"], JNode["SaveValues"][i]["linepos0"]["y"], JNode["SaveValues"][i]["linepos0"]["z"]);
Vector3 tempPos1 = new Vector3(JNode["SaveValues"][i]["linepos1"]["x"], JNode["SaveValues"][i]["linepos1"]["y"], JNode["SaveValues"][i]["linepos1"]["z"]);
go = Instantiate(linePrefab,SpriteLoadParent);
NewLine = go.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
NewLine.SetPosition(0, tempPos0);
NewLine.SetPosition(1, tempPos1);
GameObject gameObject = Instantiate(Arrowhead,SpriteLoadParent);
gameObject.transform.position = NewLine.GetPosition(1);
gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(NewLine.GetPosition(1) - NewLine.GetPosition(0), Vector3.back);
//Debug.Log("InstaPos = " +go.transform.position.x + ":"+go.transform.position.y+" : "+go.transform.position.z);
Vector3 pos = (tempPos0 + tempPos1) * 0.5f ;
GameObject gg= Instantiate(CapsuleCol,pos,Quaternion.identity);
gg.GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().height = Vector3.Distance(tempPos0, tempPos1);
gg.GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().radius =0.2f;
else if(id==4)
go = Instantiate(football, SpriteLoadParent);
go.transform.position = posobj;
go.transform.rotation = rotobj;
go.transform.localScale = scaleobj;
//DeserialzeList.Add(new PlayerHandler(id, posobj, rotobj, scaleobj));
Debug.Log("Go Count = " + allreadyLoaded.Count);
Debug.Log("No file");
Здесь я загружаю все данные, вместо этого я хочу первоначально показать содержимое в первом массиве «NoteValues»,затем после нажатия кнопки OK Я хочу загрузить только первый массив «SaveValues», затем нажмите кнопку NEXT , чтобы отобразить второй массив «NoteValues», затем после нажатия кнопки OK показывать второй массив «SaveValues» и т. Д. Короче говоря, используйте кнопку для получения данных по разделам при нажатии на них.